What brings you here?


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2001
After watching Edgy's interview on barstool and hearing him talking about the history of the site it got me thinking...

Who told you about Edgy?
When did you first join?
Why did you join?

For me, I was introduced to Edgy in HS in the late 90s, by my teacher, the legendary Charlie Horsefeather. Having a very addictive personality, I was hooked instantly. My love for football at all levels brought me in and I was hooked.

Been a long time since the site displayed things in thread view where one topic (such as public/private) could take up 2 pages.
I was on a Sun-Times prep football message board in the mid 90s. I believe there was a similar board on AOL. In any event, they both went under, but, before they did, I recall that one of the posters discovered the Edgy board and I was quick to join. I don't know when, exactly, but I was among the first.

BTW, one of the reasons that the other two message boards went belly up was too many posts with political positions. The screaming and fighting were not to be believed.
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Memory is hazy but it was 2000-2001. Was actually on either a similar Rivals message board or AOL for IHSA basketball...lot of chatter around the LW-Menard-Augustine vs Joliet-Roger Powell vs Thornwood-Eddy Curry clashes. Somehow was pointed to Edgy football from there.
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After watching Edgy's interview on barstool and hearing him talking about the history of the site it got me thinking...

Who told you about Edgy?
When did you first join?
Why did you join?

For me, I was introduced to Edgy in HS in the late 90s, by my teacher, the legendary Charlie Horsefeather. Having a very addictive personality, I was hooked instantly. My love for football at all levels brought me in and I was hooked.

Been a long time since the site displayed things in thread view where one topic (such as public/private) could take up 2 pages.

Who told you about Edgy?
My son told me about EdgyTim during his football season.

When did you first join? 2005

Why did you join? Love HS Football and all football. Edgy was a great way to talk about the game with friends here on Edgy. It was a great way to get scores on other games and information about the games.

Edgy is a bit different these days but it nice to see some of us old guys are still around stirring the pot. No matter if we disagree private or public it’s fun and I try to let personal attacks not bother me. To all my private friends I understand where all of you guys are coming from and I doubt we will ever agree on everything but I understand.

Big thanks to Edgy for allowing us to have I board to come and discuss the Football programs, teams and players. It’s really a privilege! 👍
I first visited the Edgy site in the late 90's. I have no memory of how I found out about Edgy but probably learned about it from a player or coach. I "lurked" on the site until 2006 when I finally created an account.

I joined the site because HS football has been an important part of my life since I first stepped on Lake Park's practice field in 1975. I was lucky enough to be mentored by the late Bob Monken and his top assistant Jerry Blew. In those days, before the internet, HS football was covered by local papers and Chicago reporters like Taylor Bell and Bob Sakomoto. Needless to say, most of that type of coverage has declined and sites like Edgy fill the need for information about games and players. The Daily Herald makes a great effort to cover games and I rely on them for information, but they don't always have the resources to cover every game.

I joined in 2006 because someone made a comment that I thought was unfair. Now, I mostly stay in the background but I follow Edgy each day. On occasion I am moved to make a comment or add to a thread. I still follow Lake Park, all DuKane teams, Glenbard West (my "home" District), and Montini (where my wife once taught).

I enjoy the dialogue on Edgy's site even though I sometimes cringe at the Sophomoric comments and macho exchanges. While I am particularly impressed by the posts of M Wittman and Ramblinman, there are many participants whose posts I look forward to reading (far too many to enumerate). The Public/Private "debate" often grows tiresome but I can ignore it to gain the other insights and information I want.

We should all thank Tim regularly for the opportunity his site provides!
I am not a big poster (only a few) but been a a regular visitor since the late 90s when I coached lower levels at Carmel HS-I heard about it from some of staff. Saw some good hs football there- including State Championship. I follow mostly northern burbs schools- enjoy back and forth on Warren success Nephew was a senior on 2018 state champion Cary Grove team- so fun to watch the posts on that team and Fox Valley. Also enjoy the more insightful posts of the likes of M Wittman. Also enjoy the words of the older posters that played in the Chicagoland. I played for George Barry- Lake Forest triple option in the mid 1980s-jacket and tie on game day- old school. Cheers to Edgy- fun site!!!
Been lurking since the late 90s when I was stationed out on the west coast and was looking for any info on the football season. This board was always more geared towards the larger schools, but there’s definitely a wealth of info.
Edgy promised free donuts! Still waiting. Started lurking in early 2003. Talked trash and got beaten down losing 3 straight title games. Met quite a few posters over the years. The knowledge, passion and laughter keep me coming back.
Shortly after the advent of the REAL Internet (AKA something better than dialup), I was on a couple different boards talking football (Joliet Catholic Football and [Turk's] BirdWatchers Site) shortly after that found Edgy's site.

I have no idea when that was but it could have been the late 80's or early 90's. My member thingy says 2005 but that's wrong by at least 10-15 years. Maybe there was 1-2 year period in there somewhere where I got sorta booted for inactivity and had to remake my login info, IDK.
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Shortly after the advent of the REAL Internet (AKA something better than dialup), I was on a couple different boards talking football (Joliet Catholic Football and BirdWatchers Site) shortly after that found Edgy's site.

I have no idea when that was but it could have been the late 80's or early 90's. My member thingy says 2005 but that's wrong by at least 10-15 years. Maybe there was 1-2 year period in there somewhere where I got sorta booted for inactivity and had to remake my login info, IDK.
Yeah that 2005 was when a new group took it over so....
I do remember the Joliet Catholic site. I would fondly talk about the Illini 8 Days. I’ll stir the hornets nest(don’t worry Edgy) I actually found out about this page when an arguement happened in a site that some of you I think possibly the Mt. Carmel people may remember. It told true news that the media mostly Chicago/Chicagoland swept under the rug as well as national & it was called Detective Shaved Longcock. True or Tru News USA was another.
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I do remember the Joliet Catholic site. I would fondly talk about the Illini 8 Days. I’ll stir the hornets nest(don’t worry Edgy) I actually found out about this page when an arguement happened in a site that some of you I think possibly the Mt. Carmel people may remember. It told true news that the media mostly Chicago/Chicagoland swept under the rug as well as national & it was called Detective Shaved Longcock. True or Tru News USA was another.
Detectyve Who? I'd remember that one.
in 2007 I was in a job interview and one of the guys interviewing me told me he looked me up and saw my name on Edgy. I had no clue what he was talking about but went home and googled and I've been here ever since. Though I didn't become a member officially until 2011 (probably because I wanted to ruffle some feathers and couldn't post without being a member) At one point I was even a paid member but then in 2013 I got married and Mrs. Tuccs didn't see a need for a paid membership to follow teenage boys when we didn't even have a child of our own. (when she put it that way I really had no leg to stand on)

I stick around for a few reasons: Mostly to get updates on Naz games since my young family keeps me from seeing them in person, keeping the Lou Holtz/reverse jinx strategy undefeated, pretending like i know what I am doing while making CCL/ESCC picks, and to remind the St Franny fans its only been 319 days since they won the super bowl and beat Naz in Week 9 last year ;)
After watching Edgy's interview on barstool and hearing him talking about the history of the site it got me thinking...

Who told you about Edgy?
When did you first join?
Why did you join?

For me, I was introduced to Edgy in HS in the late 90s, by my teacher, the legendary Charlie Horsefeather. Having a very addictive personality, I was hooked instantly. My love for football at all levels brought me in and I was hooked.

Been a long time since the site displayed things in thread view where one topic (such as public/private) could take up 2 pages.
A neighbor and LA parent mentioned this site to me in 2001. I joined shortly thereafter.

After my inaugural post, Cross Bones indelicately replied by referring to me as "M-Nit-Wittman."

I decided to stick around anyway.
I used to frequent the KHQA sports forums (Quincy Channel 7 CBS affiliate), during Chris Duerr's earlier years. Those were the wild west of sports forums imo.

There also used to be some other forums up... thewest had one at one point I believe that was solid for West Central IL high school sports.

Those led to pjstar and SHG's forums, which led to IHSS which eventually landed me here at Edgy. I didn't really start posting until around Covid. Prior to that just a member under a different name who enjoyed reading the ups and downs of the northern programs.
I used to hang out at Turks, but a farmer ball d-BAG coach had me so irritated that I wanted to take a drive after he talked some stuff about my morals led to my kid having a chronic disease, as God's revenge or something. That C-sucker ...

And I needed to enlighten all of you of the superiority of the southern state athlete.
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Joined Sept 2019. Lurker for awhile, have no interest in Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Started here to follow local teams that I knew had kids I had coached myself or coworkers kids who played and I followed their teams. Deep love for the game at the HS level for what it taught me and deep appreciation for the coaches out there. Played for Tim Cedarblad, Bob Williams and Ira Jefferson. Love the lower level college because thats the level I played at. Played for Jim Scott, Jon Cooper, Mark Walsh, Paul Hefty, Joe Nauman, Tim Betustak. All had influence in my experience and college years. Now, I really love seeing those I played with and who are coaching now-Brian Cooney, Tyson LeBlanc, Benny Boyd, Marc Hancock, Dan McGuire, Paul Forsythe, Tony Melchiori, Joe Howell, just the ones I know of and there's probably more.......appreciate the site and the connection it provides for people who share a passion for the game.
Been a lurker on this board since the whole Fenwick-Plainfield North drama in 2016, which is how I found Edgy. Didn’t start posting till 2021 and I follow to be updated on CCL scores/rivalries.
  • To pass along some stories or history that may be otherwise lost after the 6 months of life-expectancy remaining for me according to the CDC statistically.
  • I am definitely NOT here to learn any lower level scores from ANY conference.
Been here pretty much since the beginning. I have played, coached or followed high school football since the mid 80's and this site is usually a good place to get some info and insight.
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Joined Edgys back in 97 or 98??? Was on this site and Turks and PJStar forum...was a fan of high school football ....met many posters from Edgys and the other boards over the years....Mikeftb...Net..AllSportsmom..Birdwatcher..several Rochelle posters...several Sterling posters and quite a few JCA faithful for sure and many others I'm forgetting...

I have to say it was much more intense 20 to 25 years ago for sure

FYI.......4Afan and myself are 2 different people🤣...despite being Morris fans I do not even know who he is......I think.
Joined Edgys back in 97 or 98??? Was on this site and Turks and PJStar forum...was a fan of high school football ....met many posters from Edgys and the other boards over the years....Mikeftb...Net..AllSportsmom..Birdwatcher..several Rochelle posters...several Sterling posters and quite a few JCA faithful for sure and many others I'm forgetting...

I have to say it was much more intense 20 to 25 years ago for sure

FYI.......4Afan and myself are 2 different people🤣...despite being Morris fans I do not even know who he is......I think.
Agree 100% on this. I guess that happens when we get older.

I have met some really good people on this site over the years. Although my wife still finds creepy it when I tell her I am texting or meeting up with some guys I met on a high school football message board! 😂
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Although my wife still finds creepy when I tell her I am texting or meeting up with some guys I met on a high school football message board! 😂
If only they'd be a bit more understanding. I don't get it. My bathroom visits increase significantly on Friday nights in the fall. She asked me to go get checked for IBS last year. Little does she know it's ETS (Edgy Tim Syndrome)
Joined in 2015 following Montini High school and heard about Edgy from some fans at one of the games. Especially enjoy reading posts about the all the teams in the CCL as well as the southwest suburban teams. I used to go every Friday night for the games but have cut back on it now. I made comments that got back to the Montini coaches so I am sure that a lot of high school coaches are monitoring this site as well. Edgy Tim, the site and the person, are really the place to go talking high school football.
I’ve been around since about the late 90’s/2000.
Found Edgytim while scrolling through the internet at North Central College.
I don’t post often, but enjoy all the insight and comments during the season. Always entertaining!
Got lucky and won the Kings Challenge one year under my Kings Challenge handle - AquinasHillmen.
I heard about Edgy's board back when I frequented a different (and long defunct) board back in the late 90s. I'm pretty sure I started posting in 1997 or 98.

I joined because I enjoy high school sports in general, and football in particular. I would rather watch a high school game of pretty much any sport at any level than to watch the pros play. I have worked at four different private high schools, although I have been out of that part of my career path for almost 20 years.

I played football at my Catholic grammar school. I was relatively athletic, but too small then to make any real waves in the sport. My ectomorph body type was much more suited to soccer, which I played in high school and college.
I heard about Edgy's board back when I frequented a different (and long defunct) board back in the late 90s. I'm pretty sure I started posting in 1997 or 98.

I joined because I enjoy high school sports in general, and football in particular. I would rather watch a high school game of pretty much any sport at any level than to watch the pros play. I have worked at four different private high schools, although I have been out of that part of my career path for almost 20 years.

I played football at my Catholic grammar school. I was relatively athletic, but too small then to make any real waves in the sport. My ectomorph body type was much more suited to soccer, which I played in high school and college.
I'll admit, I had to look that up. I can always count on learning something when either ramblinman or mwittman post.
I'll admit, I had to look that up. I can always count on learning something when either ramblinman or mwittman post.
Wanna hear something creepy about how I learned I was an ectomorph?

Back in the Middle Ages during my freshman year of college at the small liberal arts school I attended, we all had to fulfill a semester-long general Phys Ed requirement. On the second or third day of our P.E. class, the teacher (also the well-respected and long-tenured head FB coach, btw) had all the guys in our males only class remove our shirts, and he took Polaroid photos of each of us individually standing against the wall of the racquet ball court wearing only our college-issued phys ed shorts (which, being in the 1970s, were pretty darn short). He then had us study all of the photos of our classmates and classify them by body type (ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph). Yikes!
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Wanna hear something creepy about how I learned I was an ectomorph?

Back in the Middle Ages during my freshman year of college at the small liberal arts school I attended, we all had to fulfill a semester-long general Phys Ed requirement. On the second or third day of our P.E. class, the teacher (also the well-respected and long-tenured head FB coach, btw) had all the guys in our males only class remove our shirts, and he took Polaroid photos of each of us individually standing against the wall of the racquet ball court wearing only our college-issued phys ed shorts (which, being in the 1970s, were pretty darn short). He then had us study all of the photos of our classmates and classify them by body type (ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph). Yikes!
Do NOT tell us about the swimming section of that course.
Do NOT tell us about the swimming section of that course.
Thankfully, there was no pool at that time.

BTW, there was a second semester Phys Ed requirement where we were allowed to choose an elective. I chose a class by the name of "Bowling and Relaxation." The class met for two hours twice a week. On Tuesdays, we all hopped in the lone old school bus owned by the college, and it took us to the local bowling alley. On Thursdays, we all laid down on wrestling mats and learned how to relax different muscle groups. Easiest A grade I ever "earned."
I began following this page around the time Terry Hawthorne And Kraig Appleton made the cover of Sports Illustrated as I am an East Side Alum under Bob Shannon. I became a member in 2010 because I really felt like East Side 2010 (forfeit season) may have been one the best teams East Side Ever Had, so now I pop in every now and then to check the temperature in Chicago on the HS Football front.
I've been around since the mid-90s. I remember Edgy's first internet presence (the blue and gold color scheme caught my eye!). You've come a long way baby! I also frequented the Tribune message boards (the absolute wild west back in the day!), PJ Star forums, Turks, Quad City message board (anyone remember that?) and even had my own slice of the interwebs for a bit (namely the NCIC message boards and NCI Preps). I've met countless good dudes on here and many in person (even tried to meet the reclusive "Willard" from Metamora at a basketball game but it didn't materialize). Love the passion that everyone has for their team, conference, geographic region, etc. Look forward to meeting many more of you in the future! Go football!
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Wanna hear something creepy about how I learned I was an ectomorph?

Back in the Middle Ages during my freshman year of college at the small liberal arts school I attended, we all had to fulfill a semester-long general Phys Ed requirement. On the second or third day of our P.E. class, the teacher (also the well-respected and long-tenured head FB coach, btw) had all the guys in our males only class remove our shirts, and he took Polaroid photos of each of us individually standing against the wall of the racquet ball court wearing only our college-issued phys ed shorts (which, being in the 1970s, were pretty darn short). He then had us study all of the photos of our classmates and classify them by body type (ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph). Yikes!
That teacher was creepy even in those days 😂