CS8 Predictions-Week 7

Don't create more of you in the world. A simple suggestion.

A community of Mr Big Oh Tree's raising the next generation of Big Oh Tree...
Keep sweeping, Derek. Maybe that will undo your negligence and blind eye for misconduct.
Yep. You've definitely started drinking again. Does your parole officer know about this?
Would you care to speak on the hazing allegations against the Rochester football program? If not, I'm not sure we need any input from you. It's obvious you're in the dark or you'd be silent like the rest of "them." The village has a cultural issue, I already brought a portion of that issue to light, the rest will leak eventually. Incredible amount of big mouths yapping out of the Rocket Fan camp. We can always count on the infamous FB page or that loser Logan who's been frequenting the Quincy media outlets for the past few weeks. I'm sure you know him, he's the one who thinks 37-7 isn't a spanking. You should probably reach out to Logan The Dweeb, before he writes a check his backside can't cash.

I don't drink alcohol in excess any longer for good reason, cigaros. I'd hope you understand. But since you've proven to be a complete douche canoe, I'm sure you'll find this laughable. I pray you never experience alcohol abuse and the way it can dismantle a family first hand.
I've read that page. They seem to be satirical at times. And other times absolutely no nonsense when it comes to the haters. Much of it funny as hell. And sometimes, downright harsh when it comes to the opposition trolling their page. But nonetheless, that page promotes the team well. Interestingly, you deleted your comments after a parent responded and put you in your place. Why did you wimp out? Was it the comment in which they implored you to eat a salad? That parent was commending one of your Raiders and stated you have a legitimate shot at a deep playoff run. He then gave wonderful compliments to your offense. He implored you to maintain consistency over time before you come barking up a tree. And then you crawled into your little hole. Now, if I have the correct Trent, formerly of 1456 N. 3rd St, 3304 Tower, and/or 1672 W. Harrison, Decatur, IL, I highly recommend you stay in your lane and your scope of knowledge. You are still angry about that loss to a fledgling Rocket team in 2001. But it should be noted you were also part of that 47-0 trouncing we took in 2004. Still living on those laurels, eh? I know who you are. And now, so do the rest of us. That said, congratulations on your 2004 squad being inducted in the QND HOF. This seems to be the highlight of your life thus far. It's been 20 years. We've gained 9 state championships (beating your beloved Raiders 3 out of 3 playoff matchups) and you've gained an addiction. We are not the same. Don't play victim here. Your demons are yours.

The Rockets are 5-2 against your Raiders. Massey says they'd beat you by 3 tuddies. And the Rochester faithful can still have a couple beers in celebration without fear of triggering a demon. Sit down...
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I've read that page. They seem to be satirical at times. And other times absolutely no nonsense when it comes to the haters. Much of it funny as hell. And sometimes, downright harsh when it comes to the opposition trolling their page. But nonetheless, that page promotes the team well. Interestingly, you deleted your comments after a parent responded and put you in your place. Why did you wimp out? Was it the comment in which they implored you to eat a salad? That parent was commending one of your Raiders and stated you have a legitimate shot at a deep playoff run. He then gave wonderful compliments to your offense. He implored you to maintain consistency over time before you come barking up a tree. And then you crawled into your little hole. Now, if I have the correct Trent, formerly of 1456 N. 3rd St, 3304 Tower, and/or 1672 W. Harrison, Decatur, IL, I highly recommend you stay in your lane and your scope of knowledge. You are still angry about that loss to a fledgling Rocket team in 2001. But it should be noted you were also part of that 47-0 trouncing we took in 2004. Still living on those laurels, eh? I know who you are. And now, so do the rest of us. That said, congratulations on your 2004 squad being inducted in the QND HOF. This seems to be the highlight of your life thus far. It's been 20 years. We've gained 9 state championships (beating your beloved Raiders 3 out of 3 playoff matchups) and you've gained an addiction. We are not the same. Don't play victim here. Your demons are yours.

The Rockets are 5-2 against your Raiders. Massey says they'd beat you by 3 tuddies. And the Rochester faithful can still have a couple beers in celebration without fear of triggering a demon. Sit down...
By personally attacking each other on many, many, many, many occasions on this site, both of you have violated the written rules for proper conduct when posting on this site. I, for one, would be grateful if you would give it a permanent rest.
You've read it? Clearly you support it. Why play coy about a T.Swift fan girl page for high school football? You act like the entire village of Rochester isn't aware of it's existence. I didn't delete a single thing either, for the record. I was ready to sit back and enjoy watching the Rocket fans scramble to come up with one excuse after the other for why they are withholding information about a possible hazing "scandal." If it's as small a deal as you're making it, just air it out already. It's not a crime, or out of the realm of logical, for others to be curious and expect to be enlightened if the offense was possibly criminal in nature, which has yet to be confirmed or denied. Why are every single Rochester person who's asked about this playing coy with what happened? That reeks of desperation to cover something up. That's all I'm trying to say, brother.

If you want this to be as personal as possible, I'll give you the W. I'm guilty of prolonging this. I'm guilty of instigating this along side you. But I'm not spreading (falsely and with malicious intent) personal information for all to see about you or any other poster on these or any forums I post on. Personally, you've crossed a much harder line than me. Your facts are also a bit off, but at this point whatever.

I have never lived at two of those locations you've listed, one of them is my in-laws' address and another is my parents' address. I'm asking, once, that you not disclose such information about family members or mine now or in the future. I don't believe I've ever once typed personal information about you, unless of course your first name is Logan. I chose to withhold his last name out of courtesy. Surely you can honor that, Mr. Bigotry. It's a shame you find it necessary to begin with, but I think we've established that morals and ethics are of no concern to you or any POS that thinks like you. You're only concern is to look tough, behind the blanket of anonymity, for the 3 or 4 bums who find you funny on a website designed for the very reason you're poking fun at my name. Why else are any of us here on this website? I haven't once seen you mention your child plays currently on the Rocket team. So clearly you're in the same camp. I'm also quite certain, if I wanted to, I could locate you in a day. Rochester* is too small a community to hide someone as brash and openly bigoted as you. The difference, though, is I would never even think about supplying a bunch or randoms your info for the sake of an argument. Pretty low-life thing to do, but low-life is most fitting when describing you.

I've also already told you, it feels like a minimum of three times but I'm unsure on the total, my "hatred" for Rochester stems from personal experiences with property in my name, that I actually lived at, in Rochester, Illinois. It has nothing to do with football or the Rocket football program. I'm will admit I'm guilty of forming a very negative opinion about the town, the school, the program, and the people involved with all three after my wife and mine's situation in 2018. If you'd like more details about this experience I'd be more than willing to discuss them with you privately. Otherwise, I'm entitled to my opinions that are drawn from real-life situations I encountered while a citizen of your Village. You recently defended a guy on this site after he aired his true feelings (that he mentioned were based on real-life experiences) about a different topic. I suppose you'll have a reason for defending him in that instance but not allowing the same for others. I'll let that be my segue into thanking you for reiterating to me how smart of a decision my wife and I made leaving Rochester, Illinois. We were blinded, initially, by the diamond that the Rochester school district is. But unfortunately for us, we learned that the people who make up the diamond, are not always good people. Some folks out there think very differently, but in this case they were teaching their children to think very differently about others in a way I was uncomfortable with. It's a shame really, because we met plenty of great folks during our two years living there. A crappy situation and a few folks' disgusting thoughts on others is what eventually drove us away. I won't raise a child to think the way those folks did that day. And admittedly, I always believed more of them existed, because things like that are never just a one-off "there's only one" type of thing. You've helped me realize I was dead on with that assumption.

Alcoholism and addiction run deep with me and I'd prefer we leave it at that. I'm sure you'll have a quip, or something cute that'll draw the laughing emoji's from your followers. But I find it disgusting you'd make light of it and/or shrug it off as someone playing the victim card when the reality is I've experienced addiction first hand, second hand, every hand, and it's absolutely gut wrenching to deal with. I stated I pray you never deal with something of the sort in your personal life. I'm confirming I meant that sincerely. I also noted, you're too much of a douche to care, which you reaffirmed for us all. You find it amusing. I find that pathetic. That's your character on display for all. And in my opinion, it's as equally disgusting as my involvement in all of this.

I said not so long ago I'd stay my way, you could stay yours, and something like two days later you spewed more of the same, completely unprovoked I'll add. This isn't being driven by me alone anymore. I've contributed greatly and for that I apologize and take no pride in. Cigaros has responded at every turn, at times provoked, and in many cases unprovoked. So the fact that you're framing this as if I was the only aggressor makes you guilty of the same thing you just accused me of... playing the victim. We're both guilty for all of this s***, cigaros. So kindly have a seat with me...

That said, I'll oblige. I'll exit for good. You win, cigaros. You're better at internet trolling than I am. I know that'll make you happy. Guys like you only have wins as keyboard warriors left to look forward to in life. You've made that very clear for all.
Not bothering to read your rant. You have much bigger issues to address. Especially in light of your earlier celebration in injuring players. I've read your posts on GEM as well as the Quincy papers accusing everyone of being a bigot.

On a football note. The predictors see your beloved Raiders losing in the quarterfinals to Maroa.

You went to the Rockets fan page and tried to stir up emotions and it seems the reverse effect occurred. Have the day you deserve Trent. Oh, and Semper Fi.

Which one are you, Trent? It helps to go back and watch film to see the type of player you were during that 47-0 rout.
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You've read it? Clearly you support it. Why play coy about a T.Swift fan girl page for high school football? You act like the entire village of Rochester isn't aware of it's existence. I didn't delete a single thing either, for the record. I was ready to sit back and enjoy watching the Rocket fans scramble to come up with one excuse after the other for why they are withholding information about a possible hazing "scandal." If it's as small a deal as you're making it, just air it out already. It's not a crime, or out of the realm of logical, for others to be curious and expect to be enlightened if the offense was possibly criminal in nature, which has yet to be confirmed or denied. Why are every single Rochester person who's asked about this playing coy with what happened? That reeks of desperation to cover something up. That's all I'm trying to say, brother.

If you want this to be as personal as possible, I'll give you the W. I'm guilty of prolonging this. I'm guilty of instigating this along side you. But I'm not spreading (falsely and with malicious intent) personal information for all to see about you or any other poster on these or any forums I post on. Personally, you've crossed a much harder line than me. Your facts are also a bit off, but at this point whatever.

I have never lived at two of those locations you've listed, one of them is my in-laws' address and another is my parents' address. I'm asking, once, that you not disclose such information about family members or mine now or in the future. I don't believe I've ever once typed personal information about you, unless of course your first name is Logan. I chose to withhold his last name out of courtesy. Surely you can honor that, Mr. Bigotry. It's a shame you find it necessary to begin with, but I think we've established that morals and ethics are of no concern to you or any POS that thinks like you. You're only concern is to look tough, behind the blanket of anonymity, for the 3 or 4 bums who find you funny on a website designed for the very reason you're poking fun at my name. Why else are any of us here on this website? I haven't once seen you mention your child plays currently on the Rocket team. So clearly you're in the same camp. I'm also quite certain, if I wanted to, I could locate you in a day. Rochester* is too small a community to hide someone as brash and openly bigoted as you. The difference, though, is I would never even think about supplying a bunch or randoms your info for the sake of an argument. Pretty low-life thing to do, but low-life is most fitting when describing you.

I've also already told you, it feels like a minimum of three times but I'm unsure on the total, my "hatred" for Rochester stems from personal experiences with property in my name, that I actually lived at, in Rochester, Illinois. It has nothing to do with football or the Rocket football program. I'm will admit I'm guilty of forming a very negative opinion about the town, the school, the program, and the people involved with all three after my wife and mine's situation in 2018. If you'd like more details about this experience I'd be more than willing to discuss them with you privately. Otherwise, I'm entitled to my opinions that are drawn from real-life situations I encountered while a citizen of your Village. You recently defended a guy on this site after he aired his true feelings (that he mentioned were based on real-life experiences) about a different topic. I suppose you'll have a reason for defending him in that instance but not allowing the same for others. I'll let that be my segue into thanking you for reiterating to me how smart of a decision my wife and I made leaving Rochester, Illinois. We were blinded, initially, by the diamond that the Rochester school district is. But unfortunately for us, we learned that the people who make up the diamond, are not always good people. Some folks out there think very differently, but in this case they were teaching their children to think very differently about others in a way I was uncomfortable with. It's a shame really, because we met plenty of great folks during our two years living there. A crappy situation and a few folks' disgusting thoughts on others is what eventually drove us away. I won't raise a child to think the way those folks did that day. And admittedly, I always believed more of them existed, because things like that are never just a one-off "there's only one" type of thing. You've helped me realize I was dead on with that assumption.

Alcoholism and addiction run deep with me and I'd prefer we leave it at that. I'm sure you'll have a quip, or something cute that'll draw the laughing emoji's from your followers. But I find it disgusting you'd make light of it and/or shrug it off as someone playing the victim card when the reality is I've experienced addiction first hand, second hand, every hand, and it's absolutely gut wrenching to deal with. I stated I pray you never deal with something of the sort in your personal life. I'm confirming I meant that sincerely. I also noted, you're too much of a douche to care, which you reaffirmed for us all. You find it amusing. I find that pathetic. That's your character on display for all. And in my opinion, it's as equally disgusting as my involvement in all of this.

I said not so long ago I'd stay my way, you could stay yours, and something like two days later you spewed more of the same, completely unprovoked I'll add. This isn't being driven by me alone anymore. I've contributed greatly and for that I apologize and take no pride in. Cigaros has responded at every turn, at times provoked, and in many cases unprovoked. So the fact that you're framing this as if I was the only aggressor makes you guilty of the same thing you just accused me of... playing the victim. We're both guilty for all of this s***, cigaros. So kindly have a seat with me...

That said, I'll oblige. I'll exit for good. You win, cigaros. You're better at internet trolling than I am. I know that'll make you happy. Guys like you only have wins as keyboard warriors left to look forward to in life. You've made that very clear for all.
Not bothering to read your rant. You have much bigger issues to address. Especially in light of your earlier celebration in injuring players. I've read your posts on GEM as well as the Quincy papers accusing everyone of being a bigot.

On a football note. The predictors see your beloved Raiders losing in the quarterfinals to Maroa.
I don't know what GEM is. Quincy only has one paper. You ARE a bigot. Not once have you denied it either. Such a bold little boy. You DO have hazing within your program, it's already confirmed with two former players of the program. Semper Fi means literally nothing to me.

The predictors, and you, said QND would be lucky to get to 5 wins this season... How'd that turn out?

Lastly, get a life dude. It's starting to get creepy. I know I've said you're a lonely man with clearly nothing going on in your life, you don't have to reiterate your point daily. I'm asking for the second time, please quit using personal information and/or personal information of those related to me. Including names, addresses, or other.

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Reactions: cigaros
I don't know what GEM is. Quincy only has one paper. You ARE a bigot. Not once have you denied it either. Such a bold little boy. You DO have hazing within your program, it's already confirmed with two former players of the program. Semper Fi means literally nothing to me.

The predictors, and you, said QND would be lucky to get to 5 wins this season... How'd that turn out?

Lastly, get a life dude. It's starting to get creepy. I know I've said you're a lonely man with clearly nothing going on in your life, you don't have to reiterate your point daily. I'm asking for the second time, please quit using personal information and/or personal information of those related to me. Including names, addresses, or other.

Lil guy, you've already put this to rest per your most recent post prior to this. But it seems your demons are creeping into your memory bank and erasing your recollection. You've been tossed around this board worse than a broke trailer park chick trying to make rent. The common denominator in your rants is YOU. And I've read your posts online. Your goto is to call everyone with whom you disagree a bigot. Finally, you were called out for your deplorable behavior in threatening someone who commented towards you on the Rochester Fan page. Your best course of action is to focus on football and stop exhibiting lil d energy.