Sears Tower
Hancock Building
Sometimes you stick with the old name for familiarity reasons (Sears Tower is just more familiar and comfortable than Willis Tower). Sometimes you stick with the old name because the new name is dumb (Who is going to call it 875 N Michigan Avenue?)
Heck, my alma mater has been Joliet Catholic Academy since 1990, but "Catholic High" or "Joliet Catholic" come out of my mouth almost 100 percent of the time. And it's not because I dislike "Academy" or "JCA," my mind just connects to the old name first and foremost and always will. That's why it's Sears Tower, Washington Redskins, Cleveland Indians, and the wrestling state championships last weekend were at "Assembly Hall" and not "State Farm Center."
You can rebrand something all you want, but people stick with what they know. May take several generations to get the majority to buy into a change and, even then, it is likely to change before then.