Evanston HC opening

I'm not so sure on the favorable schedule part.

Played Laurence then Prospect and Palatine. Also confernce games with Maine South and Glenbrook South. Add in a rivalry game with New Trier.

If they really want a favorable schedule they should go play in the Upstate 8.
I don’t see why the shot at the upstate eight considering the last time Evanston played South Elgin, the score was 62-10 Storm. Granted the Storm lost to Maine South but so does almost everyone else. I will give you a pass on that.

My point was that Evanston’s athletes can, and do, compete with the CSL in every sport and most of their non-con games over the years have been against Chicago schools or the like (Zion).

Do you think they are out of their league? I don’t see it that way.

2025 Central State Eight Updates.

All... Unlike SHG I don't know if the Cardinal Ritter/Rochester game was a two year agreement or just a one and done. Looking at the CR 2025 schedule they have only managed to schedule two teams so far. Like CBC they have trouble finding opponents willing to play them. Ratsy
Would be interesting to see one of those St. Louis privates play a CCL big boy to open the season.

Evanston HC opening

From your lips to God's ears, brother (is that still an expression?). Check out our weight room. Unbelievable. Login to view embedded media
Curious, would your former coach be a candidate? Obviously a ton of success there, but I don't know story on why he's no longer there.
These facilities are better than most division 2 and 3 college campuses. I was blown away that StL beat Evanston so handily this year given the size of the student body. A coaching change could be the catalyst this program needs.
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Please don’t let this happen

Who, specifically, is causing that angst? Rochester with its 754 students? Byron with 449? Williamsville? Wilmington? Richmond-Burton? The size range you state (by the way, I see you have modified your earlier claim of 1A-4A) is basically the range where public schools have been fairly dominant in recent years. Seriously, what class or classes are you talking about here? 1A? Nope. Almost an exclusive public school club there. 4A? They should simply rename that the Rochester class. 2A? 3A? What?
Specific individuals? I don’t know. Not me. I’ve made my points known. Numerous times. Don’t shoot the messenger.
I’ve just seen a lot of noise on social media about the topic.

I’ve said before that it mostly seems a knee jerk reaction to the recently completed season. And yet AGAIN, I’ve stated my opinion over and over that if ultra successful privates get a success factor adjustment, then ultra successful publics should as well. Stop coming at me guns blazin’ all the time.
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Evanston HC opening

Watched GBS-Evanston. Evanston has athletics on the field, but was probably the worst tackling 8A team I've ever seen. Lots of core fundamentals just weren't there. The right coach can get them to playoffs quickly .
I'm a little sensitive because my son was on that defense, but worst youve ever seen? C'mon, that's ridiculous. GBS ran the ball well (that's what they do), but not many missed tackles. The opening kickoff returned for a TD wasnt great tackling, but it was also a D1 kid on their side making a great play.
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Please don’t let this happen

Prove it, then. Knock yourself out.

All you can do is point to successful private schools as proof of an "unfair advantage." You cannot prove the correlation.

How is it an advantage for Leo, DeLaSalle, St. Pat's, St Bede, ACC, St Ed's, etc.?

And you and hundreds of others have talked yourselves into believing that there is one without a shred of proof.

There is no fix.

Does 8A need relief from the big, bad private schools?

Phew! Thought you were about to go in a different direction for a hot second.

What does not being competitive in 8A mean? Are you referring to teams that beat everyone else except private schools? There really aren't many like that other than LWE, York, and Maine South in recent years. If not them, who? Seriously, who are you talking about here? If they aren't competitive against private or public schools, then it is simply a case that they just don't like losing to private schools in the playoffs (but somehow losing to other public schools is more acceptable), which is a phenomenon I have identified for years as something that galls most public schools to no end.
There are plenty Public schools in 8A that are competitive with other public 8A schools. Didn’t I say this doesn’t apply to 8A since they highest class you can go. We are talking about others that can play up but choose to play where they are assured a championship trophy. Private and Public.

Evanston HC opening

I'm not so sure on the favorable schedule part.

Played Laurence then Prospect and Palatine. Also confernce games with Maine South and Glenbrook South. Add in a rivalry game with New Trier.

If they really want a favorable schedule they should go play in the Upstate 8.
Football seems to be one of weakest sports in the CSL, but it's not terrible. The scheduling agreement with the MSL has been rough.... Basically has put 2 L's on every team (other than Maine South) for last several years, with a few exceptions.

Evanston HC opening

With Evanston's success in so many sports, I have to believe they would be a sleeping giant in football. Facilities, athletes, favorable schedule.
I'm not so sure on the favorable schedule part.

Played Laurence then Prospect and Palatine. Also confernce games with Maine South and Glenbrook South. Add in a rivalry game with New Trier.

If they really want a favorable schedule they should go play in the Upstate 8.
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