Prove it, then. Knock yourself out.
All you can do is point to successful private schools as proof of an "unfair advantage." You cannot prove the correlation.
How is it an advantage for Leo, DeLaSalle, St. Pat's, St Bede, ACC, St Ed's, etc.?
And you and hundreds of others have talked yourselves into believing that there is one without a shred of proof.
There is no fix.
Does 8A need relief from the big, bad private schools?
Phew! Thought you were about to go in a different direction for a hot second.
What does not being competitive in 8A mean? Are you referring to teams that beat everyone else except private schools? There really aren't many like that other than LWE, York, and Maine South in recent years. If not them, who? Seriously, who are you talking about here? If they aren't competitive against private or public schools, then it is simply a case that they just don't like losing to private schools in the playoffs (but somehow losing to other public schools is more acceptable), which is a phenomenon I have identified for years as something that galls most public schools to no end.