What's the Scoop on Phillips

To one of the worst schools in the state.. average ACT 14.8 and truancy rate 100%...

I heard they have gotten better the past few years but honestly have no direct knowledge. Heard they fired all the teachers and started over about 5 years ago.
HHS, at no point in my post did I reference Edgy. I respect his opinions most of the time and I think both Tez and I meant lack of respect in general toward the South. Dont add something to my post that is not there.
This information has nothing to do with an individuals success within a school. An average is simply that, an average. You can find someone with a 9 and someone with a 30 or higher. It's all about the kid their family.

I agree on the ACT scores, there could be some ACT of 20+....but how would 100% truancy be explained????
I agree on the ACT scores, there could be some ACT of 20+....but how would 100% truancy be explained????

Once you attend those type of schools you would understand. At the end of the day, there are good and bad students at EVERY school. In a school like Phillips, the bad may outweigh the good however if you are going for an athletic scholarship, 2.3 and 18 or 19 is your goal. Once you get to college you are back on a level playing field sitting in a classroom next to the kid that scored a 36 on the ACT.
ISBE website shows their enrollment at 813 this year and 785 in 2015... IHSA website shows their enrollment at 574..... why??
Once you attend those type of schools you would understand. At the end of the day, there are good and bad students at EVERY school. In a school like Phillips, the bad may outweigh the good however if you are going for an athletic scholarship, 2.3 and 18 or 19 is your goal. Once you get to college you are back on a level playing field sitting in a classroom next to the kid that scored a 36 on the ACT.

Which goes back to my question.... who in their right mind choses to leave Rita for Phillips
Was it grades? Or was it playing time? Or to play another position?

I assume you are referring to Harrington? If so he is a 2 way starter and kick returner who I would think is getting much more playing time than he ever would have got at Rita and Phillips has scouts asking about their players all the time. If his goal was a football scholarship, it was a no brainer IMO.
I assume you are referring to Harrington? If so he is a 2 way starter and kick returner who I would think is getting much more playing time than he ever would have got at Rita and Phillips has scouts asking about their players all the time. If his goal was a football scholarship, it was a no brainer IMO.

But if he transfers to a private for the same reasons he would have to sit out for a year. And Phillips is also a open boundary school. For years Morgan Park got any players they wanted. Then it was Simeon. Now it's Phillips.
But if he transfers to a private for the same reasons he would have to sit out for a year. And Phillips is also a open boundary school. For years Morgan Park got any players they wanted. Then it was Simeon. Now it's Phillips.

Phillips is not an open boundary school. They have a boundary.

You know three years ago for weeks posters were saying ESL students all lived in the boundary. Remember how that played out? I have no problem with either. Kids should go where they want. But if you believe every football player there lives in the boundary ...

"""Students living outside the attendance boundary are randomly selected through a computerized lottery if the school receives more applications than there are seats available. """

Seems a lot of football players are very very lucky.
ISBE website shows their enrollment at 813 this year and 785 in 2015... IHSA website shows their enrollment at 574..... why??

Are you suggesting that a member of the Chicago Public Schools would have one enrollment number for state funding purposes and another for state athletic competition purposes?
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Are you suggesting that a member of the Chicago Public Schools would have one enrollment number for state funding purposes and another for state athletic competition purposes?

More than one principal has been fired for that. Phillips even by the numbers they admit to have half the students from a decade ago but they still have the same number of teachers.
Wonder are they inflating the numbers for more state funding? Or for athletic purpose are they under reporting so they stay in a smaller class?
Wonder are they inflating the numbers for more state funding? Or for athletic purpose are they under reporting so they stay in a smaller class?
A properly worded FOIA request to identify numbers and not give the actual students information might uncover which number is correct. It's not a commercial request - should have that during the playoffs. Possibly this week if they cooperate.
For the 2016-2017 School Year, please provide Wendall Phillips' student roster with names and street numbers removed for student privacy.

For the 2016-2017 School Year, please provide documentation Wendall Phillips submitted to the ISBE As it pertains to submitting enrollment.

For the 2016-2017 School Year, please provide documentation Wendall Phillips submitted to the IHSA As it pertains to submitting enrollment
Why would anyone want a lower enrollment to stay in lower classes while maintaining the talent of 8A schools? People assured me this was not happening....prior to Phillips that is.

Our ISBE number never matches the IHSA number either, always off by a couple.. I think that has to do with kids that are in alternative schools and where they are housed.. I asked a few principals that I know today why it would be that large and they had no idea..
Once you get to college you are back on a level playing field sitting in a classroom next to the kid that scored a 36 on the ACT.
I agree that when you get to college you have a fresh start and plenty of kids get it turned around and do really well, but, I'm pretty sure you're not sitting next to the kid that scored the 36...
Maybe after a couple of years but not right away
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Well the Collins kid committed to ISU in 2014 and they ended up rejecting him for academic reasons, and ISU is hardly Ivy League..
Wow, absolutely amazing. I'm curious, why does the success of Phillips frighten you all this much? But then again maybe I already understand. It's about what Phillips represents in the fragile/sensitive world of Illinois HS football.

For years many of the best athletes have come from the Chicago area. Those athletes however were poorly coached, undisciplined, and lacked the basic fundamental football IQs to compete on the highest levels. Most CPS programs simply recycled the same bad coaches who often were security guards in the building willing to take the extremely low coaching stipend that no good coach in his right mind would. That is not the case with the Phillips coaching staff. These guys come from outside of the CPS coaching network and as a result really aren't liked by a very high percentage of their coaching comrades or even the upper echelon of CPS.

Transfers from private to public have been going on in football for more than 30 years. Morgan Park, Hubbard, Simeon, Phillips and a host of others have taken in these young men for countless reasons. Many should have never gone to these privates to begin with as they lacked the educational foundation necessary to maintain a level of academic success needed to remain eligible. Those kids are cast off to neighborhood schools with no questions asked. I attended a private here in Chicago and I personally have witnessed kids leaving for financial reasons, bad grades, bad conduct, and countless other reasons. If they were great, then exceptions were made, if not then goodbye.

There are 2 main reasons why kids are leaving privates nowadays and it's not other coaches recruiting kids.

1. Coach recruited me in 8th grade and promised me the world. I was special, I was my teams star, now I'm just another guy or worse I'm in the doghouse so I'm at the bottom of the depth chart. Johnny isn't better than me, why is he starting? I never should have come here.

2. I call the Lebron Effect aka The Decision. My buddies all play for XYZ 7on7 team, or we all played together in grammar school and won so let's get the band back together. We can win if we all just play together on the same team.

What Phillips represents is change and it's scary. Those young men were told if they go there, they won't win, they won't go to college, the won't get recruited. That wasn't true. It's exciting for me to watch them and see that kids who come from nothing and expected to do nothing are changing their fates despite hatred and jealousy from within the CPS as well as outside. This is what we are asking inner city young black men to do. Take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to you. You do not have to spend your life on the corners or in jail. Go to college, get an education, leave Chicago and see the rest of the world. I am rooting for them and every other young man who wants to change their stars here. That is the only way their community will shake loose many of the shackles binding them. Both self applied and not.
Wow, absolutely amazing. I'm curious, why does the success of Phillips frighten you all this much? But then again maybe I already understand. It's about what Phillips represents in the fragile/sensitive world of Illinois HS football.

For years many of the best athletes have come from the Chicago area. Those athletes however were poorly coached, undisciplined, and lacked the basic fundamental football IQs to compete on the highest levels. Most CPS programs simply recycled the same bad coaches who often were security guards in the building willing to take the extremely low coaching stipend that no good coach in his right mind would. That is not the case with the Phillips coaching staff. These guys come from outside of the CPS coaching network and as a result really aren't liked by a very high percentage of their coaching comrades or even the upper echelon of CPS.

Transfers from private to public have been going on in football for more than 30 years. Morgan Park, Hubbard, Simeon, Phillips and a host of others have taken in these young men for countless reasons. Many should have never gone to these privates to begin with as they lacked the educational foundation necessary to maintain a level of academic success needed to remain eligible. Those kids are cast off to neighborhood schools with no questions asked. I attended a private here in Chicago and I personally have witnessed kids leaving for financial reasons, bad grades, bad conduct, and countless other reasons. If they were great, then exceptions were made, if not then goodbye.

There are 2 main reasons why kids are leaving privates nowadays and it's not other coaches recruiting kids.

1. Coach recruited me in 8th grade and promised me the world. I was special, I was my teams star, now I'm just another guy or worse I'm in the doghouse so I'm at the bottom of the depth chart. Johnny isn't better than me, why is he starting? I never should have come here.

2. I call the Lebron Effect aka The Decision. My buddies all play for XYZ 7on7 team, or we all played together in grammar school and won so let's get the band back together. We can win if we all just play together on the same team.

What Phillips represents is change and it's scary. Those young men were told if they go there, they won't win, they won't go to college, the won't get recruited. That wasn't true. It's exciting for me to watch them and see that kids who come from nothing and expected to do nothing are changing their fates despite hatred and jealousy from within the CPS as well as outside. This is what we are asking inner city young black men to do. Take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to you. You do not have to spend your life on the corners or in jail. Go to college, get an education, leave Chicago and see the rest of the world. I am rooting for them and every other young man who wants to change their stars here. That is the only way their community will shake loose many of the shackles binding them. Both self applied and not.

What they are is a recruited team with 8A talent thats in 4A.. How many D1 transfers can anyone name in 4A??? Other than the group from Phillips, not sure who else..
Wow, absolutely amazing. I'm curious, why does the success of Phillips frighten you all this much? But then again maybe I already understand. It's about what Phillips represents in the fragile/sensitive world of Illinois HS football.

For years many of the best athletes have come from the Chicago area. Those athletes however were poorly coached, undisciplined, and lacked the basic fundamental football IQs to compete on the highest levels. Most CPS programs simply recycled the same bad coaches who often were security guards in the building willing to take the extremely low coaching stipend that no good coach in his right mind would. That is not the case with the Phillips coaching staff. These guys come from outside of the CPS coaching network and as a result really aren't liked by a very high percentage of their coaching comrades or even the upper echelon of CPS.

Transfers from private to public have been going on in football for more than 30 years. Morgan Park, Hubbard, Simeon, Phillips and a host of others have taken in these young men for countless reasons. Many should have never gone to these privates to begin with as they lacked the educational foundation necessary to maintain a level of academic success needed to remain eligible. Those kids are cast off to neighborhood schools with no questions asked. I attended a private here in Chicago and I personally have witnessed kids leaving for financial reasons, bad grades, bad conduct, and countless other reasons. If they were great, then exceptions were made, if not then goodbye.

There are 2 main reasons why kids are leaving privates nowadays and it's not other coaches recruiting kids.

1. Coach recruited me in 8th grade and promised me the world. I was special, I was my teams star, now I'm just another guy or worse I'm in the doghouse so I'm at the bottom of the depth chart. Johnny isn't better than me, why is he starting? I never should have come here.

2. I call the Lebron Effect aka The Decision. My buddies all play for XYZ 7on7 team, or we all played together in grammar school and won so let's get the band back together. We can win if we all just play together on the same team.

What Phillips represents is change and it's scary. Those young men were told if they go there, they won't win, they won't go to college, the won't get recruited. That wasn't true. It's exciting for me to watch them and see that kids who come from nothing and expected to do nothing are changing their fates despite hatred and jealousy from within the CPS as well as outside. This is what we are asking inner city young black men to do. Take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to you. You do not have to spend your life on the corners or in jail. Go to college, get an education, leave Chicago and see the rest of the world. I am rooting for them and every other young man who wants to change their stars here. That is the only way their community will shake loose many of the shackles binding them. Both self applied and not.
Amen....well said.
Wow, absolutely amazing. I'm curious, why does the success of Phillips frighten you all this much? But then again maybe I already understand. It's about what Phillips represents in the fragile/sensitive world of Illinois HS football.

For years many of the best athletes have come from the Chicago area. Those athletes however were poorly coached, undisciplined, and lacked the basic fundamental football IQs to compete on the highest levels. Most CPS programs simply recycled the same bad coaches who often were security guards in the building willing to take the extremely low coaching stipend that no good coach in his right mind would. That is not the case with the Phillips coaching staff. These guys come from outside of the CPS coaching network and as a result really aren't liked by a very high percentage of their coaching comrades or even the upper echelon of CPS.

Transfers from private to public have been going on in football for more than 30 years. Morgan Park, Hubbard, Simeon, Phillips and a host of others have taken in these young men for countless reasons. Many should have never gone to these privates to begin with as they lacked the educational foundation necessary to maintain a level of academic success needed to remain eligible. Those kids are cast off to neighborhood schools with no questions asked. I attended a private here in Chicago and I personally have witnessed kids leaving for financial reasons, bad grades, bad conduct, and countless other reasons. If they were great, then exceptions were made, if not then goodbye.

There are 2 main reasons why kids are leaving privates nowadays and it's not other coaches recruiting kids.

1. Coach recruited me in 8th grade and promised me the world. I was special, I was my teams star, now I'm just another guy or worse I'm in the doghouse so I'm at the bottom of the depth chart. Johnny isn't better than me, why is he starting? I never should have come here.

2. I call the Lebron Effect aka The Decision. My buddies all play for XYZ 7on7 team, or we all played together in grammar school and won so let's get the band back together. We can win if we all just play together on the same team.

What Phillips represents is change and it's scary. Those young men were told if they go there, they won't win, they won't go to college, the won't get recruited. That wasn't true. It's exciting for me to watch them and see that kids who come from nothing and expected to do nothing are changing their fates despite hatred and jealousy from within the CPS as well as outside. This is what we are asking inner city young black men to do. Take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to you. You do not have to spend your life on the corners or in jail. Go to college, get an education, leave Chicago and see the rest of the world. I am rooting for them and every other young man who wants to change their stars here. That is the only way their community will shake loose many of the shackles binding them. Both self applied and not.
There has been no bigger East st. Lous cheerleader on the board for MANY years. Phillips is not a question of color.
I don't really recall asking for a different set of rules. What I gave you was the scoop on Phillips that you asked for and attempted to comment on the transfer discussion that has now taken over the thread. I'm guilty of being long winded but that's it.
It's implied that you are asking for preferred rules. This thread has turned to how Phillips' enrollment is determined.

We'll stipulate private to public transfer rules are different, yes?

That leaves us with enrollment determination question again.

It's not scary, as you claim, like there is some establishment against Phillips. It just needs to stand to the scrutiny that others are held to for it to before it can be celebrated.