What brings you here?

I heard about Edgy's board back when I frequented a different (and long defunct) board back in the late 90s. I'm pretty sure I started posting in 1997 or 98.

I joined because I enjoy high school sports in general, and football in particular. I would rather watch a high school game of pretty much any sport at any level than to watch the pros play. I have worked at four different private high schools, although I have been out of that part of my career path for almost 20 years.

I played football at my Catholic grammar school. I was relatively athletic, but too small then to make any real waves in the sport. My ectomorph body type was much more suited to soccer, which I played in high school and college.

I was pretty ectomorphic myself. I weighed a buck and a quarter in high school and not much more than that now.

What's with all you little guys? :)

I was 5'11" 220 going into the 6th grade at St Patrick's Joliet.

But as luck would have it, I was only 6'0" 230 by the time I graduated from Joliet Catholic.
6'0" 230, graduated in '81

You probably were on the team but didn't win a state championship. That's okay. You must have gotten the cheerleaders if not the trophy.

I hated being so skinny back then. If I had it to do over again, I'd quit smoking and take up track. I don't know about other schools, but in the '60s MC let us smoke in the cafeteria.
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Yes, I suppose that freshmen and sophomores were still considered boys.
As I recall, my buddies at Mendel smoked in the lunchroom, too.

In my frosh year, my Mendel friends had Monday off if the football team won. I got blamed when MC beat 'em and they had to go to school. At least they didn't have to take Latin.
You probably were on the team but didn't win a state championship. That's okay. You must have gotten the cheerleaders if not the trophy.

I hated being so skinny back then. If I had it to do over again, I'd quit smoking and take up track. I don't know about other schools, but in the '60s MC let us smoke in the cafeteria.
OUCH! That accidently struck a very tender nerve. YIKES!

I was more trying to poke fun at myself for being a Huge 6th grader, who 7 years later became an average size HS Grad.
You probably were on the team but didn't win a state championship. That's okay. You must have gotten the cheerleaders if not the trophy.

I hated being so skinny back then. If I had it to do over again, I'd quit smoking and take up track. I don't know about other schools, but in the '60s MC let us smoke in the cafeteria.
If I remember correctly, during my freshman year(1984) at Joliet Catholic, there was a senior lounge, where the seniors could smoke. Maybe some older Hilltoppers could confirm. It was no longer there by my senior year.
I started here in 2002 when I was going to every Driscoll game during their 7x championship run.

Then my old high school went on a long run at Montini to win 6 titles.

Then my old neighborhood team Naz went on a run.

I caught Edgy fever during all those years and where do I go for Edgy Anonymous to get it out of my bloodstream??

I went from watching Tim Weigel's helicopter to a few games on Friday's to Bob Sakomoto to Edgy.

Or something like that.
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You probably were on the team but didn't win a state championship. That's okay. You must have gotten the cheerleaders if not the trophy.

I hated being so skinny back then. If I had it to do over again, I'd quit smoking and take up track. I don't know about other schools, but in the '60s MC let us smoke in the cafeteria.
We could smoke in the senior lounge at Loyola or in a specified area outside. Hell, there were ashtrays in my college classrooms!
I started checking out rivals in high school and would compare myself to the top recruits' measurables (back when the lifts and whatnot were posted). I then stumbled upon the message boards when something linked from the front page in probably 2010 and lurked for about 2 years. I believe my first-ever post was questioning the DSR rankings with Montini being ranked so high and Palatine not being mentioned. I thought I really had a great (hypothetical) argument about if they had a rematch from week 1. @mchsalum (sp?) firmly put me in my place and showed me how ridiculous my opinion was. From then on I tried to tread a bit more carefully when speaking in absolutes, and to pick my battles.
If I remember correctly, during my freshman year(1984) at Joliet Catholic, there was a senior lounge, where the seniors could smoke. Maybe some older Hilltoppers could confirm. It was no longer there by my senior year.
My memory is not probably 100% accurate about the smoking, but I don't remember any allowed indoor smoking, not even in the Senior Lounge. The senior lounge was more just a place to relax, play games (cards), crash on a couch, etc.

There where areas outside the entrance & exits where it was allowed, but NOT advised if you bumped into one of the nuns, or worse, run into Coach Gillespie.
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My memory is not probably 100% accurate about the smoking, but I don't remember any allowed indoor smoking, not even in the Senior Lounge. The senior lounge was more just a place to relax, play games (cards), crash on a couch, etc.

There where areas outside the entrance & exits where it was allowed, but NOT advised if you bumped into one of the nuns, or worse, run into Coach Gillespie.
I do remember that one senior privilege was you were allowed to have a mustache 😂
If I remember correctly, during my freshman year(1984) at Joliet Catholic, there was a senior lounge, where the seniors could smoke. Maybe some older Hilltoppers could confirm. It was no longer there by my senior year.
In the 70s, smoking was permitted as a "Senior Privilege'" on the porch that ran between the old wing and new wing.
Underclassmen would be given a JUG if caught smoking at school.
That rule made the parking lot of the Greek Church down the block a place for smoking and other other recreational activity for a segment of the student body.
Facial hair was also a "Senior Privilege" that made for some interesting peach-fuzz staches!
Completely unintentional. Merely attending JCA made you a part of its illustrious football history.
Ouch! That nerve I accidently hit is still more than a little bit tender. I should be more careful to little people feelings while I'm trying to make fun of myself for only growing 1 inch and 10 pounds in 7 years, while everybody else was growing like a weed. :)
In the 70s, smoking was permitted as a "Senior Privilege'" on the porch that ran between the old wing and new wing.
Underclassmen would be given a JUG if caught smoking at school.
That rule made the parking lot of the Greek Church down the block a place for smoking and other other recreational activity for a segment of the student body.
Facial hair was also a "Senior Privilege" that made for some interesting peach-fuzz staches!
During my years, the Greek parking lot was also where you would meet for after school fights.
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