Non-injury injury talk


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Gold Member
Dec 4, 2004
Edgy just posted about no injury talk. While I agree 100% it got me thinking. Anyone have a ridiculous adult injury story? I'll start.
Two months ago I started playing pickleball. Second day in I tore my calf muscle!! Brutal!
Walking to my car, slipped on the ice and broke my tibia, and fibula and dislocated my ankle. Honest to God, I was on the ground yelling "Owwie, Owwie Owwie" like a girl.

Made two work calls to tell what happened and gave some orders before calling 911, which needed to throw salt and sand to get me safely. I still cannot feel that foot fully.
Geez. After reading some of this I don't feel bad about some aches and pains we all have now and then. I have always felt injuries are mostly bad luck. But, I do think as we get older we really have to keep moving to be able to keep moving.

I do a cardio workout, elliptical, twice a day, 30 then 40 minutes. I get 10 workouts a week doing this. There are balancing exercises. I also life weights and wifey has me out walking every morning. The only thing that stops us is pouring rain. These days we are walking in the dark. The other day I tripped and started to stumble forward but caught my balance. I looked at her and asked , "did that look stupid?" We laughed. But I do think the exercises saved my ass.

But, slipping and falling on ice can happen to anyone. I have had a few near misses on ice. Yeah, I read an article in the WSJ about all the emergency room visits by people playing pickleball. But I would never tell anyone not to play. Get your exercise. But if we are talking about stupid adult injuries I have one.

About 8 years ago I was in my family room on a Saturday, drinking and watching college football on a nasty day. I got up to get myself another when I tripped over NOTHING and sprained my foot. Two weeks in a walking shoe. Absolutely no sympathy from wifey. She just said, "if you don't drink well, don't drink." LOL
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Played some softball a couple years ago after work with some of my work buddies.
Was running around and had a lot of fun.
Following day my knee was swelled up about the size of a bowling ball. Tendinitis.
Doesn't count.
Cut a large hunk of my pinky off slicing onions a year ago.

About 5 years ago I (55 years old at the time) was getting my annual physical. Doctor told me I really need to work on my flexibility and balance - he said something like yoga or Pilates. This to prevent future joint issues.

Later that day something popped up in my browser for a place called Club Pilates offering a free session. Though a bit skeptical, I signed up.

This morning at 6:00 a.m., I attended my 632nd class. While not a quiet a contortionist - my flexibility, balance and core strength have all greatly improved.