
And players, stop telling me how you are feeling. Tell me how you are going to win.
With your record feelings don't matter anymore.
Really, who wants to read or hear what these players think or feel. Do the job for which you are well-compensated, which should not include running your mouth. Winning talks while bullsh*t walks.

Contact days cut and ejection rule changed

You can go to the pool, chase tail, relax and go on vacation AND…..still do football in the summer.

And you can relax to and recharge.
You're asking for quite commitment from the kids, but even more so the coaches. Like I said, many are volunteers and the rest are also teachers who need to get ready for classes. Not sure how it works at private schools, but public school coaches who are also teachers just get an additional stipend to coach, and it's not nearly as much as you may think. This is HS football and for 99% of kids it's just another extracurricular activity.

Contact days cut and ejection rule changed

You act like all teenagers and coaches, many of them volunteers, want to do in the summer is play football. Some kids have just finished summer baseball and would prefer time off before football starts. Coaches have families and may want to take them on vacation before their kids go back to school. You can love something, like football, and still not want to do it 24/7 and still be successful.

Ask a 15-18 year old boy if he would rather spend a summer afternoon lifting and conditioning or hanging out at a buddy's pool with his girlfriend in a bikini and you may be disappointed how many choose football.

You can also be a very successful program with a great culture and still give kids and coaches time off.
You can go to the pool, chase tail, relax and go on vacation AND…..still do football in the summer.

And you can relax to and recharge.
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Contact days cut and ejection rule changed

One thing I think should be adopted and is done in other states the kids go and play their weekly summer 7/7 leagues without the coaches calling it. The kids call it and they can put their wristbands on and roll. Coaches will sit in the end zone but the kids are responsible for running and calling the scheme. I think its a great way for the kids to learn it, experiment, get more buy in, and make it fun
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Contact days cut and ejection rule changed

I know times change. I did not see Coach Schott or others, unless by accident, during the summer. It was on us to lift. But by all means, vacation with the family, get a job, play baseball and, (unspoken), chase some tail.

Three weeks before the season started, team leaders organized "grass drills" - running camp. The Old Man had three metrics he looked to see what you did over the summer. Your bench, your squat and the mile. Skills had to be done in 6:00, linebackers in 6:30 and linemen in 7:00. Miss your time, do it daily until you make it. OH - that was with helmet.

Sure, we know distance running is not the best training, but it was his way of checking the oil.

Contact days cut and ejection rule changed

To quote Allen Iverson "We talking about practice"...I have come to find practice is very overrated.

4a-We can really derail this thread quick so I will stop before I get going on what many 15-18 years shoot many coaches young and old would rather be doing. Always found it funny when coaches would comment "when I was their age I never took a sprint off, play off.." etc. its keeping things in perspective.
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Contact days cut and ejection rule changed

People act like players and coaches don't like practicing together in the summer - getting ready for the season. If you love football - you love spending two hours together practicing your craft. If you don't, either the program culture needs work or you don't love football.
You act like all teenagers and coaches, many of them volunteers, want to do in the summer is play football. Some kids have just finished summer baseball and would prefer time off before football starts. Coaches have families and may want to take them on vacation before their kids go back to school. You can love something, like football, and still not want to do it 24/7 and still be successful.

Ask a 15-18 year old boy if he would rather spend a summer afternoon lifting and conditioning or hanging out at a buddy's pool with his girlfriend in a bikini and you may be disappointed how many choose football.

You can also be a very successful program with a great culture and still give kids and coaches time off.

Please don’t let this happen

I still don't see the connection.

You highlighted his comments about his son going to a 7A public school that is successful in football, and then you commented on how that makes you skeptical about his 1A-4A comments. Those comments focused on the recent 1A-4A title game outcomes being the fault of the IHSA for its geographical bracketing format. What am I missing here?
He followed up and clarified, and I realized that I read more into his original comments than was intended. It was my mistake. I wholeheartedly agree with his thoughts regarding lopsided title games and the north/south split.

Contact days cut and ejection rule changed

Colin-I see your valid points, in the south programs do get the option to bypass spring ball and get to start early such as August 1st since it best fits their situation and as we know you have to fit the situation your in to reach that situations ceiling. Though we disagree on a few points I feel we both can agree that we put the kids first and remember it's their experience not the adults. There are a handful of kids who might place football lower on the pecking order of what is important to them who come out and are huge difference makers on Friday nights.

One thing I always thought was crazy is how many people especially around the Chicago suburbs believe programs should all go by a 'one size fits all' mentality. What works for one program might not work for another and doesn't mean its right or wrong. Also there are coaches out there coaching their @sses off who are finishing the season 14-0 while others are working just as hard that go 2-7 with their team. Some of the best coaching jobs are being done by guys around the country who finished 3-7/5-5.

The end of high school recruiting

Unless we are just going to go "all-in" with the idea that the 'student' part of 'student-athlete' doesn't matter, waiting until after the playoffs makes it really hard.

Champ game is Jan 19th. Classes at many schools start the 13th. Plus, it's not like the portal is a couple day process. It's been open for almost 2 weeks now, and players are still entering. If players couldn't enter until the 20th, spring semester (and more importantly for the football guys, spring practices) would be 1/2 over before some players had their new school sorted out.

It doesnt matter. Most schools have online 8 week classes that can be taken at various points in the semester.
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Contact days cut and ejection rule changed

Colin...what if I told you some highly successful programs have gotten away from film on Saturdays and bringing kids in. What if I told you there are teams out there who don't hit all week long and are the most physical teams out there...what if I told you the previous post I shared is how a very football crazed state sets up their summers.

As someone mentioned on here coaches are their own worst enemies and a lot of them prescribe to what I like to call "Dumb Hustle"
The problem with your previous post and why that can't work is the weather in Illinois.

The states that don't do football activities in the summer are in the south and have spring football practices. You can't do that in Illinois.

People act like players and coaches don't like practicing together in the summer - getting ready for the season. If you love football - you love spending two hours together practicing your craft. If you don't, either the program culture needs work or you don't love football.

I really like the way Batavia does it. June and the first week of July is weights or off. and then Football camp for 4 weeks in July. They use 19 out of the 25 contact dates.

Batavia Football Calendar

Althoff v Le-Win 57-–14 GAME & TITLE

See that on the backboard? The whole Trinity came to wish the Belleville West Junior High hoops team congratulations after a recent tourney victory as they prepare for the class L SIJHSAA state tourney. West Jr. High is closer to Althoff than West ... just saying!


Love the minimalist unis!

Please don’t let this happen

Here’s a playoff proposal I don’t think I’ve seen yet. Each year let public schools that qualify for the playoffs opt into a public-only playoffs. This allows privates to stay in the IHSA, allows publics that want the competition to continue facing them in the playoffs, and allows those publics that want to face only other publics divisions/classes that the IHSA will seed by enrollment.

There definitely will be several public only classes. If all of the publics opt in so be it. However, I bet this gets us closer to an “open” class where the programs that feel they are best can compete. It will have several highly competitive mixed classes and several public only classes where there won’t be complaining. Everyone wins.
Very interesting. Although it could result in a delayed NIPL, I think it could work for a while.

Please don’t let this happen

Of course there are a lot of similarities, but there are some key differences between larger suburban public schools and the smaller rural ones.

Population/enrollment and general demographics are the biggest.

The post I replied to mentioned a scenario where they were competing against a program that “recruited a dozen or so 8th graders” Previously in the thread, this was defined as recruiting for athletic purposes. He then went on to mention that his school was a “successful” 7A public program.

A school of that size should have much greater potential and ability to develop and field an adequate team than a school of 450 total.
I still don't see the connection.

You highlighted his comments about his son going to a 7A public school that is successful in football, and then you commented on how that makes you skeptical about his 1A-4A comments. Those comments focused on the recent 1A-4A title game outcomes being the fault of the IHSA for its geographical bracketing format. What am I missing here?
