I didn't bring up records or the fact that the CCL drops 5-4 teams in and could care less about a poorer record beating a better record. We all know that. My contention is that those schools don't belong in 4/5/6A. I don't condone a separate system, but I do support a system that recognizes the fact that a school with 1200 kids in it and that can pull from a wider range than a public school with the same enrollment. It has a significant advantage in the quality of kids they can field. I've heard the counterarguments, and I just flat out disagree. I went to a private school as a student and my kids played at a public school. I chose the private school over my public school which routinely went 9-0 and got housed in the 6A playoffs (that being the biggest back then). I knew it was alot easier to run through the 2A playoffs with a different school. Good football players are going to congregate together if they have the choice and means, and that's what happens at a large number of the chicagoland privates. Very few families will ever say, oh, let's pick up our home and move to X because they have a better football team. Not when they can stay in a home they've lived in for however many years and get to a competitive private school.
Between 3-6A in the last 2 years, only 6 public teams have managed to beat a private out of 57 matchups. Hell, after this weekends games, we may see that the majority of private schools were eliminated by other private schools rather than public schools. I don't subscribe to separating, but rather recognizing the fact that alot of those privates are able to draw talent more in line with 7/8A.