Non-injury injury talk


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Dec 4, 2004
Edgy just posted about no injury talk. While I agree 100% it got me thinking. Anyone have a ridiculous adult injury story? I'll start.
Two months ago I started playing pickleball. Second day in I tore my calf muscle!! Brutal!
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Played some softball a couple years ago after work with some of my work buddies.
Was running around and had a lot of fun.
Following day my knee was swelled up about the size of a bowling ball. Tendinitis.
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Walking to my car, slipped on the ice and broke my tibia, and fibula and dislocated my ankle. Honest to God, I was on the ground yelling "Owwie, Owwie Owwie" like a girl.

Made two work calls to tell what happened and gave some orders before calling 911, which needed to throw salt and sand to get me safely. I still cannot feel that foot fully.
Put in a closet organizer and while using a drill to screw in shelves. I tore my meniscus. How who knows but I wore a knee brace for about 8 months and it healed up on its own.
This is what I do to keep running at 76:

Mackenzie exercises
Dead hang from chin-up bar
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