
It's ok, we understand that you can't stand the fact that Naz keeps excelling over Benet. Sorry to hear you had to spend the day at the DMV, figured you'd have someone to do that for you. Again, good luck against CoM this Friday. Pretty clear you guys will make the playoffs again but will you make it out of the first round?

By the way what's your issue with Naz parents?

Sorry: *You're the best. Don't want my typo to grind your gears.
Since some of the posts to this thread took a trip down memory lane, I suppose I'll go along. I'm from downstate CS-8 territory), but follow Class 5A and 6A very closely every year. Although they did not win 1/8 of the state championship that year, in my opinion the 2011 JCA team was the most explosive Hilltopper team I remember seeing. Malon Jones and Ty Isaac that year were perhaps the most dominant/explosive rb tandem there has ever been in state history. They had one of the best blocking fullbacks they have ever had that year, and the qb (Slowick) was in my opinion more than adequate in what he was asked to do. I would definitely put the O-line in the above-average category (having Jones/Isaac helped!!!) and, even according to coach Sharp, Issac Grashof was an element in the kicking game which JCA did not always have.

I do not have any handle on the JCA/Naz tilt this Friday, but as I have stated previously, the chances are good for a rematch in the Class 5A post-season. So this upcoming game could very well be a "statement game", although exactly what statement will be made I am not sure.

It's ok, we understand that you can't stand the fact that Naz keeps excelling over Benet. Sorry to hear you had to spend the day at the DMV, figured you'd have someone to do that for you. Again, good luck against CoM this Friday. Pretty clear you guys will make the playoffs again but will you make it out of the first round?

By the way what's your issue with Naz parents?

As I assume you are a Naz or former Naz student parent, you are a perfect example of the problem. Can't handle any minor criticism, especially from us Benet people. I ask you what's your problem with us? Seems like you all have some sort of inferiority complex. Why the hate? Maybe I am wrong and Naz Football success just makes you feel like a man (sad). Your statement that it bothers me that Naz excels over Benet in football bothers me could not be farther from the truth. As I said Naz football is and had been better than Benet for most of the last 5 years. Plus, if that was the kind of thing that bothered me, I would probably send my kids to Naz. Oh and I love the statement that I have someone that goes to the DMV for me. Because my kids go to Benet I must be a rich duche bag. Again, your arguments revolve around me rather than football. Well Naz costs about the same as Benet and I am a union guy who works my ass off to pay for tuition. But you lead me into what is really you and Naz's people's issue with Benet. You are all envious of us "rich" people though I have no idea why. When did the LaGrange area, and Naperville, since that is where you get quite a few of your players from, become so socio-economicly different from the areas where Benet draws from. Is that entrance exam? Your kids could not make it in? That bothers you? You should be happy you can choose to send your kids to a good school. I hear Naz kids get into college and make something of themselves.

Good luck, part of me almost wants your team to beat JCA this week because I can't imagine how depressed you will be if they don't. While I really hope, now, that JCA thrashes you, trust me it won't impact me if your team wins. You have a really good team with some really talented players. Focus on them, not us rich Benet duche bags.
I've never seen douche spelled that way. I'm not a Naz person but I can tell you how insufferable Benet alum and parents are with THEIR superiority complex. No, I am not talking about sports but just in general. You exhibited it again in your post above, Naz kids can't get into school there bla bla bla. You people (Benet people) have the same same tired viewpoint that Benet is somehow superior to Naz and Fenwick. Naz may not quite be on Benet's level but it's really narrowed that gap and Fenwick is superior but don't tell that to Benet people... You'd think you were Ignatius the way your alumni and parents talk down to people, but you're not Ignatius! Keep on keeping on over there, Benet's a very good school, we just need to ask you to hear about it.

Btw have a let any more minorities in or is that still a no no at Benet?
As I assume you are a Naz or former Naz student parent, you are a perfect example of the problem. Can't handle any minor criticism, especially from us Benet people. I ask you what's your problem with us? Seems like you all have some sort of inferiority complex. Why the hate? Maybe I am wrong and Naz Football success just makes you feel like a man (sad). Your statement that it bothers me that Naz excels over Benet in football bothers me could not be farther from the truth. As I said Naz football is and had been better than Benet for most of the last 5 years. Plus, if that was the kind of thing that bothered me, I would probably send my kids to Naz. Oh and I love the statement that I have someone that goes to the DMV for me. Because my kids go to Benet I must be a rich duche bag. Again, your arguments revolve around me rather than football. Well Naz costs about the same as Benet and I am a union guy who works my ass off to pay for tuition. But you lead me into what is really you and Naz's people's issue with Benet. You are all envious of us "rich" people though I have no idea why. When did the LaGrange area, and Naperville, since that is where you get quite a few of your players from, become so socio-economicly different from the areas where Benet draws from. Is that entrance exam? Your kids could not make it in? That bothers you? You should be happy you can choose to send your kids to a good school. I hear Naz kids get into college and make something of themselves.

Good luck, part of me almost wants your team to beat JCA this week because I can't imagine how depressed you will be if they don't. While I really hope, now, that JCA thrashes you, trust me it won't impact me if your team wins. You have a really good team with some really talented players. Focus on them, not us rich Benet duche bags.

Funny think is Jwar has seen both side with a kid at Benet and a kid at Naz.
I can't resist. I'm going to dissect your response.....Ramblinman style.

I've never seen douche spelled that way. I'm not a Naz person but I can tell you how insufferable Benet alum and parents are with THEIR superiority complex. No, I am not talking about sports but just in general. You exhibited it again in your post above, Naz kids can't get into school there bla bla bla. You people (Benet people) have the same same tired viewpoint that Benet is somehow superior to Naz and Fenwick. Naz may not quite be on Benet's level but it's really narrowed that gap and Fenwick is superior but don't tell that to Benet people... You'd think you were Ignatius the way your alumni and parents talk down to people, but you're not Ignatius! Keep on keeping on over there, Benet's a very good school, we just need to ask you to hear about it.

Btw have a let any more minorities in or is that still a no no at Benet?

Benet is big on legacy, I swear Ive been hearing the same names being recycled for the last 40 years.
On minorities, registered Catholics get priority when accepting students (this is Benet's biggest issue) Naz has a much more diverse student population because they do not make being catholic a priority when accepting students.

Benet is a better school than Fenwick and Naz, but the gap isnt that great and becomes more of the student's preference. Parents might want to send their kids to a school that performs slightly less academically but gives their kids a more diverse cultural experience. Benet's academics are on par with Ignatius. They send a ridiculous number of kids to nd every year, and the AVERAGE not top performing students or twist of a statistic, but average ACT is 29 (sorry, lets not make this into an act discussion)

As far as Benet's superiority complex goes this is completely true, them and Loyola probably are the most snooty schools in the state. I can go on and on with stories about Benet's 'our s*#&t dont stink' mentality
When did the LaGrange area, and Naperville, since that is where you get quite a few of your players from, become so socio-economicly different from the areas where Benet draws from.

The internal fallacy of this statement is hilarious. You take two very nice places, eliminating all the kids from differing areas, and then say the pools are the same? Have you been to Midway area of Chicago, Berwyn/Cicero, Maywood/Bellwood/Hillside/Broadview? I'm assuming yes. It's not quite Lisle...
As far as Benet's superiority complex goes this is completely true, them and Loyola probably are the most snooty schools in the state. I can go on and on with stories about Benet's 'our s*#&t dont stink' mentality

Interesting comment, and it's not the first time I have heard it.

Usually, though, such comments come from people who assume that Loyola is a school for children from wealthy North Shore families. While Loyola has many such students, it likely has an equal or greater number of students who receive need based financial aid in order to attend. In 2013-2014, roughly $3.5 million in aid was awarded to 26% of the student body. This financial commitment enables students from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds to attend.

With respect to minority students, Loyola is more diverse than several of its public high school neighbors. LA's 18% minority enrollment has the following make-up: Native American - .1% African American - 4.5% Asian / Hawaiian / Pacific Islander - 5.7% Hispanic - 6.3% Multiracial - 2.0% All Others (inc. Caucasian) - 81.4%

Regarding the North Shore assumption, that is simply false. Approximately 40% of Loyola's students reside in the city of Chicago. Each year, over 80 zip codes are represented in the student body.
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Interesting comment, and it's not the first time I have heard it.

Usually, though, such comments come from people who assume that Loyola is a school for children from wealthy North Shore families. While Loyola has many such students, it likely has an equal or greater number of students who receive need based financial aid in order to attend. In 2013-2014, roughly $3.5 million in aid was awarded to 26% of the student body. This financial commitment enables students from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds to attend.

With respect to minority students, Loyola is more diverse than several of its public high school neighbors. LA's 18% minority enrollment has the following make-up: Native American - .1% African American - 4.5% Asian / Hawaiian / Pacific Islander - 5.7% Hispanic - 6.3% Multiracial - 2.0% All Others (inc. Caucasian) - 81.4%

Regarding the North Shore assumption, that is simply false. Approximately 40% of Loyola's students reside in the city of Chicago. Each year, over 80 zip codes are represented in the student body.

didnt mention anything about diversity with Loyola.

As far as snootiness comes i'll admit Im wrong, my fingers do not have the energy to argue with you. 0% snootiness at LA, none what so ever.

That's rich. During our dust up of a few weeks ago when I was stating that Naz didn't belong in the DSR because of their strength of schedule, nobody had their "pannies" more in a twist than you...and you weren't even a DSR voter!. I wasn't attacking Naz or the Naz players or coach or anything close to it. I simply was saying that Naz didn't belong in the DSR based on their SOS. Your response was to jump all over me, telling me that I suck, etc. Then Naz lost to MCC and you cry about the field conditions. You have incredibly thin skin. You are obnoxious when you win AND when you lose.
didnt mention anything about diversity with Loyola.

As far as snootiness comes i'll admit Im wrong, my fingers do not have the energy to argue with you. 0% snootiness at LA, none what so ever.

I didn't mention anything about there being no snootiness at LA. But you did when you claimed that Loyola and Benet were the two snootiest schools in the state. And that was what I was responding to. And now you choose the classic passive aggressive response. Whatever.
That's rich. During our dust up of a few weeks ago when I was stating that Naz didn't belong in the DSR because of their strength of schedule, nobody had their "pannies" more in a twist than you...and you weren't even a DSR voter!. I wasn't attacking Naz or the Naz players or coach or anything close to it. I simply was saying that Naz didn't belong in the DSR based on their SOS. Your response was to jump all over me, telling me that I suck, etc. Then Naz lost to MCC and you cry about the field conditions. You have incredibly thin skin. You are obnoxious when you win AND when you lose.
Pannies...second reference this week!
Game Day is finally here!
What an entertaining week it has been on the Edgy Board.
It reminded me of the good old days when banter like this week was statewide and fueled excitement around big games; heck even the CLL rivalry game build ups have been tame the last few years.
Let's hope both teams give it there all and end the evening injury free.
Our boys have the privilege of being hosted by Benet next week so I guess Naz-Nation will cheer against them this week and pull for them next week!

Exactly pen,

Naz guys: let's hope for a chippy, but not absurd game, with some great play, and a prelude to a bigger version. Mostly, a healthy, well played game.

May the best team win.

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Looks like there is going to be a big Edgy Board presence tonight in Jtown!
This should be a great game. As discussed before, there is a good chance it is only part 1. Hoping both teams stay healthy.