IHSA Feb meeting- new classification modifications coming


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2001

From the discussion items:

1. The Board reviewed and discussed proposals related to the Board Policy that governs the classification system, multiplier waiver, and success adjustment. The Board asked that the proposals be updated to reflect feedback and ideas presented during their discussion today. The Board plans to review and vote on the updated proposals at its meeting in March, or at a special meeting called by the Board President later this month. It remains the Board's plan to have a classification policy modification prior to releasing classifications for the 2025-26 school year.

From the discussion items:

1. The Board reviewed and discussed proposals related to the Board Policy that governs the classification system, multiplier waiver, and success adjustment. The Board asked that the proposals be updated to reflect feedback and ideas presented during their discussion today. The Board plans to review and vote on the updated proposals at its meeting in March, or at a special meeting called by the Board President later this month. It remains the Board's plan to have a classification policy modification prior to releasing classifications for the 2025-26 school year.
Lots of rumblings lately...something coming....
I'm curious to see if it's something uniform that affects all sports, or are they thinking of different things based on individual sports.
I hate to say it

But the public/private argument gets ugly by where the top public schools are placed within the playoff bracket

The state is possibly the biggest saboteur of the public schools
I hate to say it

But the public/private argument gets ugly by where the top public schools are placed within the playoff bracket

The state is possibly the biggest saboteur of the public schools
Size, record, and playoff points determines all public schools class and seed, the IHSA doesn't manipulate those things to place teams in certain places.
Something just feels like we’re gonna see a knee jerk proposal and it’s gonna be pushed through bc the publics want action.

Don’t think it’s gonna be good.
Hope you are right. The more onerous and discriminatory the better.
Size, record, and playoff points determines all public schools class and seed, the IHSA doesn't manipulate those things to place teams in certain places.
Ah, yes. The old "But that's the way we've always done it" argument. How's that working out for ya?
Ah, yes. The old "But that's the way we've always done it" argument. How's that working out for ya?
Nothing to do with any argument.

But the public/private argument gets ugly by where the top public schools are placed within the playoff bracket
This is what my response was based on. I was just stating a fact that the IHSA doesn't place any teams anywhere.
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Doesn't the IHSA "place teams" in the course of quadrant selections for the classes not seeded 1-32? Or is that done purely by some formal and neutral algorithm?
They haven't used quads in years, thank God, but the classes divided north/south are divided by an arbitrary lines where 16 teams are above the line and 16 are below the line. The IHSA sets the line but they're fairly transparent with it by showing the location of all schools in each class.
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If they put all the public’s on board ne side and privates on the other…

It actually would create a better state final

- based on the last 5 years
Nothing to do with any argument.

Fine. Delete the word "argument" from my earlier post and insert the word "excuse" in its place.

In response to another poster who said that the state (IHSA) is the biggest saboteur of public schools relative to playoff bracket placement (seeding), you said,
Size, record, and playoff points determines all public schools class and seed, the IHSA doesn't manipulate those things to place teams in certain places.

To which I said,

Ah, yes. The old "But that's the way we've always done it" argument. How's that working out for ya?

If you accept the editing I propose above, the point of my earlier post is basically to ask (in an admittedly snarky way) why not try something different? The IHSA has always (or at least in the past few decades) done it the way you stated. If incorporating an additional factor(s) into the seeding process (and ideally into the classification process) would create more balanced playoff classes top to bottom, why should we be content to let an excuse like we have always done it that way to stand in the way of progress? Why not try something different instead of always focusing on adding discriminatory regulations devised specifically to limit the playoff success of one type of school?
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Maybe we will finally get that class 10A that we have all been asking for

I think that it’s unfair that teams with a 3-6 record don’t have the opportunity to experience the playoffs.

Everyone deserves a trophy!!!
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Maybe we will finally get that class 10A that we have all been asking for

I think that it’s unfair that teams with a 3-6 record don’t have the opportunity to experience the playoffs.

Everyone deserves a trophy!!!
Just as there is a success factor for the Privates, there sb a lack of success factor applied to Public’s to move down a class. I have no other suggestions. :)
I am hearing a rumor that this session is going to weigh heavy on a lot the issues involving the transfer portal.

What I am bring told is that the players depending on when they entered the school is what determines what downs they are allowed to play.

For example, let’s say; someone that attended LWE since their freshman year, will be able to play all four downs.

However, LWE player that may have
transferred into the school their junior year, that player will only get to take the field on third and fourth downs.

Pretty reliable source of information!
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The alternative was to use rge transferring rule by quarters….

That might be next year
All.... As mentioned on the Ihsa 2- 11 BOD meeting possible changes would be subject to review and a vote either later that month (which did not occur) or at the next Board of Directors meeting which was listed as March 15. Waiting..... Ratsy
All.... As mentioned on the Ihsa 2- 11 BOD meeting possible changes would be subject to review and a vote either later that month (which did not occur) or at the next Board of Directors meeting which was listed as March 15. Waiting..... Ratsy

Does it seem odd to anyone that the IHSA Board of Directors would schedule a board a meeting on the same day that they crown 4 boys basketball champions? I think they do this intentionally, and I can't figure out why.

I think of the staff members that must be at that meeting to support the board and to give reports, etc. Wouldn't something as big/important as "the original March Madness" finals be an all hands on deck kind of thing for IHSA staff? Is the meeting just a half day in the morning and then staff goes to the arena until almost 11pm when the 4A game concludes? Any way you slice it, it has to be a crazy day for IHSA staff!
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