Dunbar 0-5, Gage park 3-5, Harlan 4-2 with one win from a forfeit, Tilden 0-6. And you want them to play district football?
For years the fire and police department unions have offered to form Athletic leagues and were rebuffed by the CPS and the city. I've had under one of my early commands at one time guys coached at Fenger, Leo, Hales (closed) De La Salle, Simeon, and Morgan Park. I had paramedics at Brother Rice and St. Rita as coaches. We used to have a big gym near navy pier and the police had one at 35 and Normal that were under utilized. The CTU fought us. Did you know the Firefighters and Police Officers both have semi pro football teams that travel around the country and play? And when we play the police department they empty out the prisons for a week....