Huntley at Marist +2

In the immortal words of John Holecek “there are two types of football players: humble ones; and, those about to be humbled”. It is a very humbling game.
He really said that? That is the most vexing thing I’ve ever heard in my life. Not even a mindf-ck, but a straight up F-U. And that is why I see them as the last standing the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend.

Loyola 36 Marist 13
He really said that? That is the most vexing thing I’ve ever heard in my life. Not even a mindf-ck, but a straight up F-U. And that is why I see them as the last standing the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend.

Loyola 36 Marist 13

“For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." Matthew 23:12

now that’s some vexing shit, homie. GREAT DAY TO BE A RAMBLER! AMDG