George Egofske- genius


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2006
How far ahead was this brilliant mind with conference alignments and general advancement of student athlete development. SICA was just one example of his forward thinking which we sure could use about now. Please share stories of this great man.
Going w-a-y, w-a-y back ... it was intimidating playing at Rich East when he was Head Coach there. It always seemed like the "field was tilted" in his team's direction.
He brought the three pointer to Illinois. Brought the shot clock to Illinois. Built one of the best tournaments in the state.
I can’t wait to get his book. Great man great coach. His 1987 Rich South team made the semifinals. Thing about that is is that they were the last team to get in the playoffs & only did so because CPS was on strike for weeks & only sent 1 team to the state playoffs