CPL Pick 'Em Last week before the playoffs!!


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
Week 9? Damn, One week from the CPL Playoffs! On to the picks!

Schurz vs Orr
It Shurzly doesn't matter how many Orrs your boat has! I have no idea where this game is, but I hope it is at Schurz on that 80 yard triangle field next to the school. That would be a real home field advantage. Orr (see what I did there?) it could be at Orr on a real field, with stands, but pockmarked with giant divots from fireworks shows...another solid home field advantage...
Row the Boat!!

Kennedy vs Senn
Look, as long as I can post there is only one pick in any game Senn plays....

Dunbar vs Marine

A former CPS coach I know went to some sort of CPL coach meeting at Dunbar. Someone broke into his car and stole his cigarettes. Left his computer bag. Stole his extra packs of cigarettes. He's telling this story, and I'm telling him how lucky he was to have nothing of real value stolen... He looks at me dead in the face and says, "I can replace a computer, I NEEDED those darts after a CPL coach meeting!"

Amundsen vs Lane

The battle of two teams that want to be in the suburbs so bad... But at the end of the day, you're playing in a stadium with no lights at 3:30 on a Thursday, or you kick off in a stadium with no working bathrooms...

Noble Johnson vs CVS

Noble Johnson or not, the Cavaliers are having a resurgence with the all the Butkus energy. No way I pick against that.
Butkus High!