I'm not so sure MTZ would ever commit to the CS8 either... could be wrong, but I don't think they're desperate enough to need the CS8 at this point. Although it would make for a true Macon County 3-way round robin each year... One they would likely be in contention for each season with Mac as Kings of Macon Co. Oops, forgot out our transfer accepting friends from Maroa... They'd likely have something to say about this. I'll pipe down now...With the re-alignment of the Southwest conference and apparently Jerseyville being left out in "limbo", I am wondering if they would be interested in joining the CS-8? They could fit nicely into the west half of the conference, and if Mt Zion would end up joining the east half, I think that would make it easier for all concerned in regards to scheduling. Just something to think about. I highly doubt Jerseyville would want to go independent...