What could go wrong?

He is the champion of poorly performing and small private schools, but in his scenario, all those schools like Leo, ACC, St.Eds, etc would be absolute crash test dummy cannon fodder against teams like Montini and IC, not to mention whatever other teams are in the small division of the NIPL.
Incorrect. If you could get all the northeastern Illinois private schools to join, there would be enough schools to make a competitive division with the likes of ACC, Christ the King, Leo, Marian Central, St Bede, Marquette, etc. Gotta believe Leo would want that instead of crossover games against the likes of St Rita and St Laurence like they had to play this year.

What could go wrong?

Nobody would force them to join the NIPL.

And your IHSA multiplier scenario doesn't trash the small Chicago area schools?
It’s not “mine” and you seem to admit my point.
My scenario allows them to compete with schools of equal ability where they might actually advance against teams from the HOIC or NUIC. Ottawa Marquette would get routed by a running clock against pretty much every CCL team

What could go wrong?

What chance would those schools have for titles in the NIPL?
He is the champion of poorly performing and small private schools, but in his scenario, all those schools like Leo, ACC, St.Eds, etc would be absolute crash test dummy cannon fodder against teams like Montini and IC, not to mention whatever other teams are in the small division of the NIPL.

What could go wrong?

Because you never know when suburban private schools like St Ed's, ACC, and Marmion are gonna have a once in a blue moon successful year and pee in the public school corn flakes. Gotta guard against that! :rolleyes:
I appreciate your passion, I really do. I just think that in your NIPL scenario you trash the small rural private schools more than any IHSA “sanctions” ever would.

What could go wrong?

I’m not sure if the multiplier should be increased, but if it is, I definitely think that consideration should be given to distinguish schools like Ottawa Marquette from schools from the Chicago suburbs.

Because you never know when suburban private schools like St Ed's, ACC, and Marmion are gonna have a once in a blue moon successful year and pee in the public school corn flakes. Gotta guard against that! :rolleyes:

IHSA Adjusts Classification Cycle Board Meeting

Why you playing hockey? Hahahaha
Funny. Just having fun with and old friend. 😜
Played lots of hockey on backyard rinks (including my own) growing up. Been to several state title games over the years at the UC, most recently about 5 years ago. From a production standpoint, it puts the IHSA football state title game to shame.
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IHSA Adjusts Classification Cycle Board Meeting

I have no beef with changing the classification cycle.

I have a big beef with the following discussion item: "The Board discussed potentially developing a policy that would allow for the IHSA to partner with third-party groups that conduct state tournaments in Illinois in sports and activities that the IHSA does not currently offer. If developed and approved, the policy would allow a third-party group to continue to operate its state tournament, with the IHSA providing awards and support."

I don't want the IHSA anywhere near the state hockey tournament.
Why you playing hockey? Hahahaha
Funny. Just having fun with and old friend. 😜

What could go wrong?

Everyone? Nah. Most? Hmmmm.... Many? For sure. A small number? Hell to the no.
It sure seems like a relatively small number. I def don't see publics like esl, rochester, ms, cg, lwe, etc sharing that sentiment. And as a fan of loyola, why would you give 2 sh*ts about what antioch folks have to say, who can't even figure out how to get past the 2nd rd of the playoffs.

Private Schools 7 - Public Schools 1. That’s a wrap!

Can you do a bigger sample size - say 10 years? 3 and 4 are too small. Also - I think there’s a Covid effect - many students switched to privates beginning 2020.
Here you go:
in last 10 years of play including this fall:
Girls volleyball class 3A & 4A (biggest classes) 40 possible finalists. 27 of them were private schools
Girls basketball class 3A & 4A (biggest classes) 40 possible finalists. 13 of them were private schools.
Girls softball class 3A & 4A (biggest classes) 40 possible finalists. 9 were private schools.
Boys basketball class 3A & 4A (biggest classes) 40 possible finalists. 10 were private schools.
Boys baseball class 3A & 4A (biggest classes) 40 possible finalists. 16 were private schools.
Girls soccer all 3 classes. 60 possible finalists. 22 were private schools.
Boys soccer all 3 classes. 60 possible finalists. 28 were private schools (the 28 does not include Chicago's Solario Academy. I don't know if that's public or private).

A Tradition Unlike Any Other

^ I think a lot of the above is correct. Honestly, I think the rebrand is huge as well. "Gordon Tech" was an all-boys technical school in an aging and dated building on California (I realize it was co-ed towards the end). "DePaul Prep" is a growing co-ed prep school in a brand new building on Rockwell (I realize it was in the old building for a while).

That rebrand alone has seemed to go a long way in winning over people who would otherwise have ambitions of sending their kids to Loyola or Ignatius. I get the sense that DP has a more local feel/focus vs Ignatius/Loyola particularly for the LP/Lakeview/North Center/Irving Park families. It's something that exists on the southwest/northwest side but I think was missing in that particular area of the city.
And LP changed dramatically, from lower-middle-class whites to Puerto Ricans to upper-middle-class whites swept in by gentrification. And now they have a shiny new school that reflects the image they have of themselves..
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IHSA Adjusts Classification Cycle Board Meeting

I have no beef with changing the classification cycle.

I have a big beef with the following discussion item: "The Board discussed potentially developing a policy that would allow for the IHSA to partner with third-party groups that conduct state tournaments in Illinois in sports and activities that the IHSA does not currently offer. If developed and approved, the policy would allow a third-party group to continue to operate its state tournament, with the IHSA providing awards and support."

I don't want the IHSA anywhere near the state hockey tournament.
