NFL Kickoff Rule - 1 Year Test, Safer with More Returns

No, eliminating the hip drop tackle is dumb. The new kickoff rule will result in more kicks being returned which I see as a good thing.

Recovering an onside kick has about a 3% success rate so whether by surprise or not, it's not successful so who cares if teams have to announce it's coming?
You're still missing my point. I can't help you now. But I do find it interesting you quote a 3% success rate for an onside kick. I would suspect that 3% success rate is for all onside kicks. What is the success rate for surprise onside kicks? I would bet it is higher. perhaps quite a bit higher...which would add more strength to my argument. The rule change is dumb...period.


Still over 4 months until the Week 1, so let's try and learn some more about our posters. Here are some questions about our backgrounds and football experience.

1) Did you ever play football. If so, at what level?
2) Do you have children or relatives that played? If so, at what level?
3) When do you remember attending your first high school game?
4) Was your 1st game you went to with your current favorite team?
5) How long have you been a fan of your current team?
6) What has been your team's greatest victory?
7) What has been your team's worst defeat?
8) Who was an opposing player you dreaded your team playing against?
9) Who is your favorite all time player from the team you follow?
10) Have you ever been in a confrontation with a rival fan?
11) What was your favorite road trip you went on for an away game?
12) Have you ever won a raffle or 50-50 drawing at a game?
13) Have you ever coached at any level?

Here are my answers:
1) I played one year in high school, managing to be both small and slow. The one thing I could do was catch the ball, but we ran 90% of the time. I got tired of being flattened by LB's while trying to crackback block them and "retired" at the end of the season.

2) My son played 4 years of JFL and 1 year at Rochester. He got to dress for the 2017 championship game against Morris and has a ring. My nephew played at Lanphier for 4 years. He started at OL as a Junior and OL-LB as a Senior. My grandfather played OL at Indiana University during the Depression until a knee injury ended his career.

3) I think it was about the 4th grade that I went with a friend to an away Chatham game against Mount Zion. I watched about half of the game and fooled around the rest of the time.

4) No. Rochester did not even have a team when I was a kid.

5) We moved into the Rochester district in 2003. I started following the team in 2009, when my wife was working with a mom of one of the star players. Went to my first game in 2010. Have only missed a handful of games since 2012.

6) 2014 4a championship game against Chicago Phillips. Rochester had 2 losses that season, including being running clocked by SHG in Week 9 and was dealing with multiple injuries. Phillips had given up only 50 some points all season but surrendered 49 in the championship.

7) 2022 4a semi-final loss to SHG. A 28-0 dream start followed by SHG outscoring the Rockets 56-14 the rest of the game.

8) Tremayne Lee, SHG. He was a threat to score any time he had the ball, regardless of field position.

9) Jacob Gunter, LB-FB Rochester. The last of the three Gunter brothers, who won a total of 7 rings between them. No one ever got more out of their size and talent then Jacob who was maybe 5'7" and 160 pounds.

10) Not really, although I was told once "F Rochester" by a disgruntled Chatham fan leaving the stadium after a touted Titans team lost at home 28-7 to the Rockets. I was actually treated really well by several Althoff fans during the back-and-forth 2015 Quarterfinal game. Because of the layout, Rocket and Althoff fans were mixed in throughout the stadium.

11) 2014 semi-final at Herrin. A 3 hour ride where the hometown fans were all seated an hour before kickoff. We had to park at a church about 1/2 mile away from the stadium before walking in.

12) I have won 2 50-50's, both at home games against Springfield. 1 was worth about $350, the other a little more than $500.

13) I helped a bit when my son was in JFL during practices and keeping track of substitutions during games but that was the extent of it.
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I don't have a problem with an athlete crying after a loss. Joe Pepitone said Mickey Mantle used to cry after some losses. Mantle is a baseball icon. It was also said he cried after the Yankees lost game 7 of the 1960 World Series to the Pirates. Don't think it changed anyone's opinion of him.

On a more personal level, I remember playing in a college baseball regional in 1979. We were two wins away from going to the WS. But we lost and were eliminated. The disappointment was huge because that team was loaded with talent. I will never forget, one of the guys came on the bus as we were leaving and he was bawling his eyes out. Maybe for a couple reasons. First the disappointment and second because he knew he wasn't coming back and a few other real good players weren't either.

Well...that guy went on to a 20 year major league career, won a few gold gloves, finished in the top 10 in MVP voting, won a World Series, hit over 350 career homeruns and is a very recognizable name...that I won't share. So, to me, crying after a loss isn't a big deal. And it is WAY better than some of these guys who don't give a shit when they lose.
You played with Gary Gaetti?


I don't have a problem with an athlete crying after a loss. Joe Pepitone said Mickey Mantle used to cry after some losses. Mantle is a baseball icon. It was also said he cried after the Yankees lost game 7 of the 1960 World Series to the Pirates. Don't think it changed anyone's opinion of him.

On a more personal level, I remember playing in a college baseball regional in 1979. We were two wins away from going to the WS. But we lost and were eliminated. The disappointment was huge because that team was loaded with talent. I will never forget, one of the guys came on the bus as we were leaving and he was bawling his eyes out. Maybe for a couple reasons. First the disappointment and second because he knew he wasn't coming back and a few other real good players weren't either.

Well...that guy went on to a 20 year major league career, won a few gold gloves, finished in the top 10 in MVP voting, won a World Series, hit over 350 career homeruns and is a very recognizable name...that I won't share. So, to me, crying after a loss isn't a big deal. And it is WAY better than some of these guys who don't give a shit when they lose.
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All very true, but is quoting the franchise rank the best way to brag about it being the Bears history of futility at QB?

The funny thing is, these numbers are almost identical to what Fields' number would have been last year had he played all 17 games and people talked about how awful he was. Hardly seems like generational talent numbers.

The correct answer is, who cares what his numbers are as long as the Bears win. The Bears win and it buys him more time to improve, they continue to lose and he'll get run out of town.
Year 1 vs Year 3

Anyways, I'd like the Bears to be able to win once because of their QB and not in spite of him.


This would be:
2nd most completions in one season in franchise history.
3rd most single season yards in franchise history.
Tied for 5th most TDs in a single season in franchise history
All very true, but is quoting the franchise rank the best way to brag about it being the Bears history of futility at QB?

The funny thing is, these numbers are almost identical to what Fields' number would have been last year had he played all 17 games and people talked about how awful he was. Hardly seems like generational talent numbers.

The correct answer is, who cares what his numbers are as long as the Bears win. The Bears win and it buys him more time to improve, they continue to lose and he'll get run out of town.


All fun and games until he actually plays, but here's a projection of his rookie stats. Would you consider him a success with these numbers?

343-544, 63.1%, 3,754 yards, 24 touchdowns, 14 interceptions, 6.9 Y/A, 87.4 passer rating, 51 sacks, 8.6% sacked per dropback
This would be:
2nd most completions in one season in franchise history.
3rd most single season yards in franchise history.
Tied for 5th most TDs in a single season in franchise history
