
Wow, long article. I will say I haven't read every word yet. But in what I have read it sounds like someone wants to take a choice away from people. That is as dangerous as the game itself. Smoking cigarettes, or anything else, is the single worst thing a person can do to their health. I have lots of friends who are cardiac surgeons and to a person they all say the overwhelming majority of those they perform surgery on either smoke or have smoked. But, it is still a choice.

My problem with this situation is...if you tell people they can't play football, what else are you going to tell them they can't do? How far are you prepared to go with what you think people should and should not be doing? Do we outlaw auto racing because the cars go too fast? Do we outlaw hockey? Do we outlaw rugby or lacrosse, or soccer? Do we outlaw industries such as logging, crab fishing or high rise construction? Do we outlaw recreational skydiving or zip lining?

If you think about it, lots of things are dangerous. Outside of death, laws and taxes, everything is a choice. I hope it stays that way.

At this point in time, if anyone wants to play football, there is plenty of information out there for them and their parents to understand the risks. If they don't do the research and are ignorant to those risks then they only have themselves to blame.
Wow, long article. I will say I haven't read every word yet. But in what I have read it sounds like someone wants to take a choice away from people. That is as dangerous as the game itself. Smoking cigarettes, or anything else, is the single worst thing a person can do to their health. I have lots of friends who are cardiac surgeons and to a person they all say the overwhelming majority of those they perform surgery on either smoke or have smoked. But, it is still a choice.

My problem with this situation is...if you tell people they can't play football, what else are you going to tell them they can't do? How far are you prepared to go with what you think people should and should not be doing? Do we outlaw auto racing because the cars go too fast? Do we outlaw hockey? Do we outlaw rugby or lacrosse, or soccer? Do we outlaw industries such as logging, crab fishing or high rise construction? Do we outlaw recreational skydiving or zip lining?

If you think about it, lots of things are dangerous. Outside of death, laws and taxes, everything is a choice. I hope it stays that way.

At this point in time, if anyone wants to play football, there is plenty of information out there for them and their parents to understand the risks. If they don't do the research and are ignorant to those risks then they only have themselves to blame.
They aren't trying to outlaw football. They are trying to take it out of the high schools. It seems as though they want tax dollars to go more towards education than football. I don't see this happening, but it certainly makes for an interesting discussion. Now, you can argue that taking football out of the high schools is essentially outlawing it. Players would still play the game, but it certainly would lose the ambiance that Friday Night Lights provides a community, including band, cheer, fans, etc.
I thought it was a great article, even though I'm opposed to taking football out of the high schools. I can certainly understand the other side after reading this article, though.
They aren't trying to outlaw football. They are trying to take it out of the high schools. It seems as though they want tax dollars to go more towards education than football. I don't see this happening, but it certainly makes for an interesting discussion. Now, you can argue that taking football out of the high schools is essentially outlawing it. Players would still play the game, but it certainly would lose the ambiance that Friday Night Lights provides a community, including band, cheer, fans, etc.
I thought it was a great article, even though I'm opposed to taking football out of the high schools. I can certainly understand the other side after reading this article, though.

I think the fact they are talking about concussions is a good thing. I think the more they talk about it the more they will likely improve equipment and make rules to help hold players and coaches accountable for proper tackling. Coaches were not teaching players proper technique to tackle. It's changing and fines an ejections are starting to change the game in a good way. I don't know if it has hit the high school level yet but it needs to. Bottom line I love HS Football but they need inforce rules to avoid kids from getting concussions. I also hope the keep improving the helmets and equipment. I agree with others here who are saying their are plenty of ways kids can get hurt but we shouldn't be so closed minded to think football is not more dangerous than riding a bike.