No place in football for this...

Cross Bones

Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Aug 20, 2001

Something needs to be done with the players and coaches who were down with it.
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Something needs to be done with the players and coaches who were down with it.

Honestly 76 should be banned from HS Football. No place for that. Where are his parents? Same thing with the others who picked on that player. They used football like a gang. How in the heck did they allow that kid to be still on the team is beyond comprehension. The coach should be fired if he didn’t kick that kid off the team.
I could barely watch the whole video and news report and I will not be watching that again.

I cannot believe the coach didn’t yank that kid out of the game and kick him off the team right then and there along with the other boys involved. The AD and School should immediately fire the Coach of that team for allowing those two kids to play the next week.

That mom and kid may have a real legal case against that school. If that stuff gets in front of a jury? Game over - the schools insurance company will be paying out some big bucks.
Absolutely sickening. The offender should not be allowed to play the rest of the season and the coach needs to be fired. No room in sports for that type of behavior
WOW!!!! I’m speechless. Psychic evaluations for many on that team. Suspensions not good enough for sure.
I'm wondering if that kid decided to do that on his own or was told/encouraged to do so. Some of you may remember the video of the high school player (or was it players) blind-siding a referee some years back. Wasn't it determined that he was (they were) instructed by some coach to do that?

I also notice that there was who I assume was a coach of the white team looking right at the incident, and he didn't appear to make one move to stop it, but continued to look at it from the sideline. If, as the report said, the offending player banged the kid's head repeatedly on the turf, could that not be considered assault?
I'm wondering if that kid decided to do that on his own or was told/encouraged to do so. Some of you may remember the video of the high school player (or was it players) blind-siding a referee some years back. Wasn't it determined that he was (they were) instructed by some coach to do that?

I also notice that there was who I assume was a coach of the white team looking right at the incident, and he didn't appear to make one move to stop it, but continued to look at it from the sideline. If, as the report said, the offending player banged the kid's head repeatedly on the turf, could that not be considered assault?

That kind of crap has no place in football and that victims parents should file criminal charges on the offenders and the coach and school for not stopping it. This is unbelievable.
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