No more Marist-Rice


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Gold Member
Sep 25, 2002
Article today Marist refused to sign contract until Rice gets more visitor bleachers. is feeto the Marist AD?
Are you serious? That is ridiculous. Marist sounds like a bunch of babies. Pretty sure MC, PC and Rita have all played there without those demands.
Clowniest excuse for backing out of a neighborhood brawl. Ever. Can someone from Maris verify this, and if true, defend?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Well in Disabato's article today Marist used the bleachers as an excuse. The Andrew AD flat out said they can not compete with Sandburg as the reason they dropped them.
Originally posted by DeanOfSelection:

Article today Marist refused to sign contract until Rice gets more visitor bleachers. is feeto the Marist AD?

Not trying to defend Marist here. I think that their decision was ill considered.


WHY doesn't Rice have room for more visitor stands? WHY does Rice say that they can't build more stands because it is "landlocked?"

The land that comprises the Rice and SXU and Mother McAuley campuses is contiguous and it encompasses over 100 acres. All three of these educational institutions are Catholic. McAuley and SXU were both founded by the Sisters of Mercy. Why does McAuley have its own soccer field, SXU its own football/soccer stadium and Rice its own football/soccer stadium? What a waste of resources!

Wouldn't it make more sense to have one large stadium for all three schools? Pool your resources and together build something of a scale and a quality that you could never build separately. Sure, scheduling might be challenging, but college football generally isn't played on Friday nights. Rice doesn't play soccer in the spring. McAuley doesn't play it in the fall. Scheduling might be challenging, but not impossible.

I understand that the train has already left the station. The property of all three campuses is substantially developed. But, what a shame.

Where was the big picture vision back in the late 50s when the Rice campus was carved out of the SXU/McAuley property owned by the Sisters of Mercy? Where was the vision before SXU invested in Deaton Field 8-10 years ago? Why build an on-campus stadium for a top tier NAIA football program that seats just 3000 when Rice already had a stadium within walking distance that could have been expanded? Or maybe the Rice stadium could have been abandoned, razed, or converted to practice fields and all three institutions could have cooperated and built something bigger/grander.
Originally posted by DeanOfSelection:

why not just play at Xav's every year?

The stands at Deaton Field are not big enough to hold a Marist/Rice crowd. They would need to bring in extra seating for it.

This post was edited on 12/11 11:33 AM by ramblinman
Originally posted by USD24:

Are you serious? That is ridiculous. Marist sounds like a bunch of babies. Pretty sure MC, PC and Rita have all played there without those demands.
Because they have to being part of their conference. I think its a big F-U to Rice that their stadium sux
There are many schools that don't have the greatest visitor seating capacity, yet they host big games every year. Both Naz and Montini have very limited visitor seating and schools don't seem to have a problem playing there. It seems like a real bush league move by Marist.
Originally posted by USD24:
There are many schools that don't have the greatest visitor seating capacity, yet they host big games every year. Both Naz and Montini have very limited visitor seating and schools don't seem to have a problem playing there. It seems like a real bush league move by Marist.
I agree that it is not a good idea to discontinue this series over something as seemingly insignificant as inadequate visitor seating. These two schools have been playing each other in football off and on for many years and it just seems silly to decide now to enter an off period over seating. If you haven't already done so, read the whole Disabato article. It does explain what's behind Marist's position.

Regardless of the rationale, I think the significance of the rivalry and series should be worth enough to carry the day in whatever internal discussions were taking place at Marist and Rice about this issue. Apparently not.

My biggest gripe in all this is that both schools can't find a solution. Rice is standing on principle and not letting Marist dictate or suggest anything to them. Marist is standing on principle and saying that the situation is unsafe for its students who attend Marist games at Rice. Reminds me of the Dr. Seuss story of the north going Zax and the south going Zax. The Zax

In the meantime, this intransigence is keeping both parties from finding creative solutions. Dean had a good one -- move the series to Toyota Park. Great idea. How about moving it to a neutral site and have both bitter rivals compete in a game where the net proceeds go to a southwest side or southwest suburban charity? Heck, move the game to Mt. Greenwood Park and rent temporary stands for both sides. Have both student bodies march to the game from school. Donate the proceeds to the Chicago Park District for upkeep of, or improvements to, the park. How awesome would that be?

Come on people, think big instead of small!

This post was edited on 12/11 3:26 PM by ramblinman
What Marist wanted went beyond just one small set of bleachers. We've never requested anything from them and for many years we always played the game at Marist and not at Rice and not at Gately.

This is Marist using one girl (who for all we know may have contributed to her own injury - doesn't really give a lot of details so makes it sound like Rice at fault) so they don't get caught in another 4-5 season and miss playoffs

They have a ton of returning starters this year and actually may have been favored.

Just mindboggling
Originally posted by Topiary:
What Marist wanted went beyond just one small set of bleachers. We've never requested anything from them and for many years we always played the game at Marist and not at Rice and not at Gately.
And for many years before Marist upgraded their football stadium, the visitor bleachers at Marist were temporary and nothing to write home about. They looked like they would blow over in a strong wind.
NO, I'M NOT THE AD AT MARIST..................... but I agree with him 100%. It's not just the bleachers that's the entire experience of being the visiting team at Rice. The rude Fathers Club guys at the gate. The 2 portable toilets on the visitors side. The 30 year old splinter filled 2"x10"'s that you are expected to sit on. The annoying P.A. guy. Well done Redhawkskins !!!!!

First half at Rice, teams ride buses south a mile, second half at Marist.

Both teams get their gate.

Originally posted by Topiary:
so they don't get caught in another 4-5 season and miss playoffs
They are replacing Rice with Rita so its not like they are dodging Rice for some auto win to help their playoff chances. And Marist has been the much more dominant team in the recent past. But it really is a shame to see them not be able to reach some kind of compromise to keep this game alive.
Feeto - plain and simple you're an angry little man

For you to bring in the Father's Club - which my old man headed up for years and I personally know tons of other guys who volunteer often in the cold and rain and who are salt of the earth guys. That just shows you what kind of petty man you are. The fact you brought up the porta potties is even more laughable. Feeto - everyone knows you just have to ask a Fathers Club member and they'll show you how to get into the restrooms in the school - through the cafeferia and/or near the lockerooms.

Dean knows who you are and you and I are gonna have a nice talk at the next MC Rice game and you can explain to me your absolute hardon for Rice. It's like an ex-girlfriend (or boyfriend) who broke up with you and you just can't let it go

This post was edited on 12/12 9:13 AM by Topiary
Feeto aside, this is really a shame. This is one of the best rivalries on the southside - outside of Rita vs MC

Even a bunch of my Marist buddies are shocked they could not get anything worked out.
The article said Marist replaced Rice with DuSable. Not sure where you saw Rita.
Topiary - you're right about the Fathers' Club at Rice. I've never had a bad moment with them ove the many years I've attended games at Brother Rice. The stands are small - so what?

If he's not complaining about your stands, he's spreading those childish and stupid pizza jokes, Ignore him.
Originally posted by feeto:

NO, I'M NOT THE AD AT MARIST..................... but I agree with him 100%. It's not just the bleachers that's the entire experience of being the visiting team at Rice. The rude Fathers Club guys at the gate. The 2 portable toilets on the visitors side. The 30 year old splinter filled 2"x10"'s that you are expected to sit on. The annoying P.A. guy. Well done Redhawkskins !!!!!

One supposes you are not employed at Rice in any capacity whether it be a janitor or the AD. Your disdain for Rice is more than just noted, it is legendary. I am in total agreement with Topiary in respect to your comments about the Rice Father's Club and the staff at Rice for their home games. I have attended Rice games over forty times in the last thirty years and have yet to have an experience which led me to to leave clutching any bitterness, even when my kids lost. My only negative experience was the McAuley gals smoking in the student section.

How you continue to cast scorn at Rice is befuddling. I have driven great lengths to many places to watch games for over thirty years and have not had an experience which led me to post the vitriol at one single school as you do. I had my umbrella stolen at Fremd; I had my car dinged at NT; I had nachos spilled on me at Prospect; have been treated unmercifully by a goon of-a MC fan; I asked the McAuley girls to put the cigarette out at Rice; I vented my spleen at a dozen Rita kids distracting me by making a mosh pit in the stands at Rita; I had my seats stolen by three surly-looking guys at Laurence; I have missed part of the third quarter at games because of limited portable toilets at numerous schools; I have sat next to the most appalling figures (some smelled dreadfully) at innumerable games; I was ticketed at Ignatius; and I even overheard an LA fan speak ill of me from my posts on edgy (he called me an intellectually-arrogant, know-it-all fan to which my wife rolled her eyes and smiled).

See? Rice is not the only place one can possibly have a negative experience. The difference? You suggest these episodes are exclusive to Rice and your words are a condemnation of an entire institution. This is a false characterization and you charge Rice without reservation and with recklessness.

I have been to several freshman games hosted by MC at Jackson Park. For those unaware, Jackson Park is a few block away from MC and the hazard of navigating traffic on foot is challenging. I do not condemn MC for using Jackson as a site for games. If I were to pontificate endlessly about what I have found on the field there, I would be here forever. In the past I have found broken glass, torn beer cans, beer tabs, condom packages, garbage strewn on the field, and, in the odd year, less grass than dirt.

I used to give you the benefit of the doubt because I assumed you were young. Now I know why Topiary thinks no more of you than the dirt under his feet. I don't trash MC for their venue or their people nor does Topiary.
Originally posted by SR85:

The article said Marist replaced Rice with DuSable. Not sure where you saw Rita.
DuSable and Rice were on the schedule this year for Marist. Next year Marist plays DuSable and Rita OOO. Therefore you can see that Rita replaces Rice on the Marist schedule. Topiary was implying that Marist was dropping Rice so they can add an easy win and avoid missing playoffs like they did this season. I just pointed out that they aren't adding an extra win, they will have basically the same schedule as this year just replacing Rice with Rita.
Feeto is right...Rice will always suck. The two port-o-johns did it for me...unless you like that kind of thing.
MWittman................MC has not played a game in Jackson Park in 10 years.

As far as my dislike of the "Rice Experience" I have spoken with literally hundreds of other CCL guys, and regardless of which school they represent, they all agree with me. It's just not a happy place to go as a visiting fan. I have no real beef with most of the Rice fans on this board. I think Topiary is one of the best posters we have. I have not said a bad thing about the Rice football program this entire year. They were a pretty good team. BUT..........Please don't tell me that Rice is not a miserable place to go as a visiting fan......IT IS !!!!!!!!!!!
I'll turn my hat backwards just before the match begins, just like Sly did.

One more thing about this.............. Why the hell should I have to go all the way to the other side of the field, into the school, past the cafeteria, and then go down by the locker rooms................ just to use a toilet during a football game????????? There's 5000 people at the game, rent a few extra port-a-johns.

Are you sure MC has not hosted a football game at Jackson Park in a decade? On any level? Sure about this? Why not ask a MC athletic department official this question. Have them dig deep into their rich archives and they will dispute your claim.

As far as your smear campaign against Rice, you have made your point. You don't have to continue your unrestrained verbal assaults on Brother Rice. A blind or deaf person knows you don't like Rice with all your howling; you have made this abundantly clear. As far as your conversations with CCL fans, it may be possible you are telling the truth, but I am not likely to believe the volume of CCL fans you suggest complaining about, well, anything Rice.

I don't care for any school which does not provide adequate portable bathrooms, and it is likely my standards of personal hygiene are different than yours, but I actually prefer to use a bathroom inside a structure because the hygienic amenities provide warm water and soap instead of an empty hand sanitizer. Just me, but I have an acute sensibility to my own personal hygiene. I am neither questioning your hygiene nor do I solicit any verification in a potential response.

We get it: You don't like Rice.............................
Are you sure? Didn't Marist play this year at Rice? So wouldn't have it been the 2nd game of the year for both teams?
Don't they usually alternate games?
Just thought here: If you are bitching about bathrooms at a football game, you should be more concerned with the ghostly outline of where your testicles used to reside. Be. A. Man. Jesus.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Bathrooms are not my "bitch" Just one of the many problems a visiting fan faces at a Rice football game. This is not just me talking here. The " Visitor Bleacher Situation" has been a topic on this board for many years, I just glad Marist finally threw down the gauntlet at Rice. I think the safety concerns are real, and maybe now they will be addressed. Time for this thread to die, I'm bored with it.
True CCL Blue guy Feeto - nice use of the word bitch (to describe yourself perhaps?) and gauntlet (still playing Dungeons and Dragons). Wah Wah Feeto.