I think throwing your hands up because the answer might be nuanced and not immediately clear isn't productive. To your last point, I would say not "never humans", but understand that any human depiction is more likely to come under scrutiny. A lot if that is just because the way language and culture work. To date it is still mainly human depictions that have remained under the most scrutiny (with Chicago Blackhawks a major exception). Generalized imagery like arrowheads or similar have some objectors, but are generally being left as is. See that with Aztecs and Illini.
But yea, local indegenious depictions from recent history and religious depictions is obviously way more potentially problematic than ancient ones from around the globe.
Anyways, hopefully its not everyone is a Bulldogs or Tigers. WAY too many of those. Get some more anachrids, insects, and cuddly mammals instead of carnivores, birds, and fighters. Mythical creatures... Astronomy/science... Concepts (think Heat).... Heck just study minor league baseball mascots lol.