Highland Triad dangerous teams down south

I tried to tell you people, but I give up. Rochester is not of this world, and making them have to play before awarding them the trophy is an insult to them and, frankly, unfair to the rest of the 4A field. For coaches to tell their teams before the game that they have a chance against the Rockets and then to go out and get pounded is NOT the way to gain the kids' trust. It may lead them to never trust what an adult tells them again.
Won 6 of last 7. If you are to be believed, no one has a chance against them this year. Here's a about they petition up? How many 4A titles do they need to win before it becomes a joke?
If an East Side guy admits this ... yikes.

At the same time, East Side in 7A is no cake walk. They embody “playoff hockey.”
You are correct. And I'm a harsh critic of my Flyers. I push for excellence so my expectations are a little high. My emotions were a bit on my sleeve because of the subpar performance I witnessed this late in the season. Don't get it twisted, the flyers are well coached and Sunk understands the game and the pedigree needed to gain championships! I'm not giving up on them this year. The playoffs are a start of a new season. The odds are always against the city of no pity but somehow we always pull together. We want the 7a crown again!
Can't believe they never even mentioned Highland dropping down to 4A. Instead talked up a second round Althoff match up like Althoff can hang with them this year.
Won 6 of last 7. If you are to be believed, no one has a chance against them this year. Here's a about they petition up? How many 4A titles do they need to win before it becomes a joke?

You asked a very good question, but why ask me? After all, didn't the IHSA in their infinite wisdom institute the "success adjustment" for just such cases in order to allow more teams to win a trophy? Oh wait, that only applies to non-boundaried schools, so I guess that the other 4A schools will just have to get used to being Rochester's doormats for who knows how long. Enjoy!!!
I would think Rochester is soon 5A on enrollment as they get closer every year and their district is growing while many other are declining.