Got some surprising and amazing news today
- By chakazulu89
- Edgy's Lost His Mind Free Football Board
- 24 Replies
I am going to admit something I am ashamed of. I actually picked the Bears to win that game. Just dumb on my part!Welp I was wrong about them having a shot to beat SF….yikes.
I’m starting a petition to make you commissioner and almighty leader of high school football in Illinois. Seems only fitting
LOL! I am sure you remember Cubs manager Don Zimmer. He was doing commercials for Curly's BBQ, KFC I think and weight loss products at the same time.I remember the Dan Marino commercial with him buying those winter gloves for his teammates. Sadly met him a few times & he was an asshole(not to me but to little kids) & why would you have a guy playing for a warm weather team doing winter gloves lol
I remember the Dan Marino commercial with him buying those winter gloves for his teammates. Sadly met him a few times & he was an asshole(not to me but to little kids) & why would you have a guy playing for a warm weather team doing winter gloves lol
IHSA gave you the DEI state finals this year.
I am not sure if you are aware, but eventually (usually in 3 or 4 years) those 8th graders turn in to juniors and seniors.You really believe that “recruiting” 8th graders to attend a private school equates to some large advantage three to four years later when they are on Varsity? I think this argument would get more traction if there was rampant recruiting of Jrs and Srs, but everyone is claiming poor me because of 8th graders?
All.... And since the title of this thread is 2025 Central State Updates that covers everything.....springfield hs will still open with champaign(a) and dec mac(h) week 2.
Obviously. We saw how little impact freshman can have on a varsity game when Mt. Carmel displayed their Freshman talent over Thanksgiving weekend. Everyone saw how little those players can contribute to the success of a varsity football team. Public schools have no basis to say that recruiting 8th graders does not have any major impact for years to come.You really believe that “recruiting” 8th graders to attend a private school equates to some large advantage three to four years later when they are on Varsity? I think this argument would get more traction if there was rampant recruiting of Jrs and Srs, but everyone is claiming poor me because of 8th graders?
If private schools were crushing public’s at the freshman level then maybe. But go look at the TCYFL youth football league and see the advantage that all of these public schools have with feeder teams running their offense and wearing replica uniforms starting in 4th grade.
IHSA gave you the DEI state finals this year. The quarters and semis were more competitive in 1a through 4a so the arguments about the Championship games are hollow. The public administrators that posted they were the public school state champions shouldn’t have said when their counterparts in the quarters or semis played much closer games against the private schools and nearly won.
All.... I think I remember this correctly. 2006 and SHG has a second round game at Mac. First and only time I have ever seen a bunch of vehicles with fans having a good time parked inside the stadium. Cool.... And the bowling alley next door served it's purpose in various ways. That is where the Rocket fans were told to park and tailgate in 2018. Not the main lot. Having a friend or two in Rochester talking with them they were unhappy about that. Extended to the game as well. Mac beat them that day.... RatsyWill the field still allow access to the bowling alley for pre half and post game needs....along with on the sideline pickup truck parking....
You are the epitome of projection. Accusing others of behavior you display yourself. Typical of you.After several cheap shots - typical for you.
There are a few right in this thread. By the way, you spelled the word "you" incorrectly. Pay attention! 😂😂Yu keep track of my posts? How much free time do you have?
Yu keep track of my posts? How much free time do you have?You spell incorrectly more often than you think. I can always tell when you are more worked up than usual. Your spelling and keystrokes suffer greatly.