If it was legit only a couple of kids experiencing a tough financial stretch and some Mom's kicked in the cash for the rings, it it no different than if they paid those families' bills for a month, or made Christmas or a birthday happen. A helping Christian gesture. No harm, no foul, in my eyes. Would Jesus care?
Honestly, I really could not give a rat's ass (bad pun) about Bleachers because that seems like some soft hazing, that some kids looked forward to by taking the pain, sans shirts, a right of passage. The cookie thing ... gross, but it was there own cookie. Just don't shove that Oreo in too deep - and be sure to shower before!!!! And yes, I read the entire report - Senior 17 is a snitch!!! (Snitches get stiches, I always taught the girls!)
Wrestling matches - some as going one-on-ones in practice - a test of manhood. No blows thrown, just strength, balance and willpower. And I would guess you are putting stud against stud, turd on turn. Harmless.
THAT SAID - I could not, as an "adult" condone it. I'd in fact, admonish and strictly ban if I had even a hint, which I am sure D did. One game sitting seems light in that instance.
I have spoken!