Althoff… have a senior rb who is arguable one of the top 2 or 3 players in school history, who has carried the team on his back all year, is a couple carries away from breaking multiple state records and you pull him so a soph rb can get a few garbage time touches?
Or...your head coach acts like he's been there before and puts the younger kids in as a show of respect for those kids and the opponents.

Althoff… have a senior rb who is arguable one of the top 2 or 3 players in school history, who has carried the team on his back all year, is a couple carries away from breaking multiple state records and you pull him so a soph rb can get a few garbage time touches?
the state record occurred in a 70-45 shootout by a player on the losing team. yes, going to break the record from a competitive shootout when you're boatracing a team is a shit move. not sure what going for 2 to get 50 had to do with him breaking any records but definitely goes to show what they were after, rubbing the heel on a 1a team when you're playing with what appears to be a handpicked allstar team


what if the kid going to Oregon tears up a knee and the team is up like it was???

The Coach would be hearing "why would you let him play??"

Like boxing... the corner/coaches are responsible for their athlete...

Class/sportsmanship are important, but the safety of their athlete is always #1 and if ya don't need the kid in the game- he possibly has bigger games to play in someday!

just a thought. have a senior rb who is arguable one of the top 2 or 3 players in school history, who has carried the team on his back all year, is a couple carries away from breaking multiple state records and you pull him so a soph rb can get a few garbage time touches?

Private Schools 7 - Public Schools 1. That’s a wrap!

Just have true 1 to 32 seeding. In 3a it should be Byron vs Montini.
I do think the waiver should be harder to obtain. I think they should get rid of SF or make it for everyone
i agree with all 3 of these. 1-32 should increase competition in the state game. you don't necessarily need to remove waiver but make it the rolling instead of windows, and maybe x games over 3 years so it takes more than one down class to lose it.

success factor for everyone and rolling would be ideal is well but the for everyone part is not happening, not going to die on that hill

Private Schools 7 - Public Schools 1. That’s a wrap!

who decided to add the multiplier waiver, what a disaster. without the waiver althoff is in 3a cc in 4a montini 5a depaul 6a this year. would completely change the public/private look this year.

i would support moving to remove the waiver, but this slate could result a much more dramatic reaction

Just have true 1 to 32 seeding. In 3a it should be Byron vs Montini.
