This is why! A different perspective

HaHaHa… you got me sweetheart.

Watching your clock and feeling hurt over what you thought was homophobic… must have struck a nerve…Classic Victim!

When you have something besides hypothetical officiating nonsense to propose, please do. Until then, lick your wounds ( and I say that carefully) and move on.
You have fabricated an entire narrative that is nowhere grounded in reality. And when asked to point out said victim mentality, you couldnt and waved the proverbial white flag by deflecting and reverting to ad hominem.
You have fabricated an entire narrative that is nowhere grounded in reality. And when asked to point out said victim mentality, you couldnt and waved the proverbial white flag by deflecting and reverting to ad hominem.
Thank you… big words and all!
You win!!

Wait for it….
As always… RESPECT. I just figured your knowledge of the game, youth football etc, the whole whining about the officiating would strike a similar nerve.
I hope you and yours are well these days.

Thank you and please try to understand everyone has perspective that should be discussed and respected and maybe someday we will all be able to see each other’s opinions free from politics and the 24 hour news cycle. I pray I see it in my lifetime!

I’ll leave this with the following, love and respect everyone even when you disagree, and learn to appreciate each other’s opinions, differences, and uniqueness!
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Except I don’t whine or tolerate it. Hence
participating in Crusaders day drinking. I can only block out the nonsense I don’t hear, read or remember. If I hear it, well, that goes south.
If I don’t remember, it didn’t happen. If I read it, refresh, and it’s still there…..

well, you have what we had here today.

Cool Hand Luke reference. BTW
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OK boys, we CG guys appreciate the support but you’re piling on the wrong guy. There’s another poster who dropped some pretty deplorable comments last night that made me say I’m done here. Actually I don’t know why I am still here LOL. The game is/was what it is/was. Time to move on.
Figure thats why my post got deleted? What did I miss 🤔
OK boys, we CG guys appreciate the support but you’re piling on the wrong guy. There’s another poster who dropped some pretty deplorable comments last night that made me say I’m done here. Actually I don’t know why I am still here LOL. The game is/was what it is/was. Time to move on.
Here I am. So, it’s deplorable to mention disproportionalities in 2023? What did I ever say that was untrue?

50/50 calls always seem to go one way; it’s a FACT!!! Prove me wrong. Nothing would humble me more.

I’ve watched the broadcast. I’ve watched recorded videos. It’s all available. Listen to the commentators on every occurrence that I mentioned yesterday, and include this one of subject to it. On the 4th and 2 conversion, you’ll hear them say that “he didn’t get it.” You’ll here them discuss the poor spotting of the ball.

The touchdown call back on CG was based one a CG player, literally tackling a defender in the path of the punt returner. Listen to the commentators on that one as well.

When it happens to ESL (historically, we’ve had many a touchdown called back), when it’s legit, I own it.

You guys are stuck on pushing a narrative that just isn’t true.
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Here I am. So, it’s deplorable to mention disproportionalities in 2023? What did I ever say that was untrue?

50/50 calls always seem to go one way; it’s a FACT!!! Prove me wrong. Nothing would humble me more.

I’ve watched the broadcast. I’ve watched recorded videos. It’s all available. Listen to the commentators on every occurrence that I mentioned yesterday, and include this one of subject to it. On the 4th and 2 conversion, you’ll hear them say that “he didn’t get it.” You’ll here them discuss the poor spotting of the ball.

The touchdown call back on CG was based one a CG player, literally tackling a defender in the path of the punt returner. Listen to the commentators on that one as well.

When it happens to ESL (historically, we’ve had many a touchdown called back), when it’s legit, I own it.

You guys are stuck on pushing a narrative that just isn’t true.
I’m not talking about the calls themselves but rather about who made the calls and references to them. I won’t go into detail because this thread will now get flushed. You know what you said.
I’m not talking about the calls themselves but rather about who made the calls and references to them. I won’t go into detail because this thread will now get flushed. You know what you said.
Yes, I mentioned disproportionate representation.

Is it not true? Why is there the notion that this isn’t a thing? So much so that it’s offensive to even make mention of it.

I’m referred to as a coward and clown because of it. I’m not the only one who questioned the series of calls at the time that they happened. I am, however, the only one who has openly drawn the conclusion as to why the calls could have been made.

I could be completely wrong in terms of there being a motive, but I could also be completely right.
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I guess you forgot the rest of what you said.
To be fair he did a lot of emotional spewing after a tough loss so it could be tough to remember. I know what you’re talking about and it was the reason I stopped reading the thread. A lot of good discussion about the game and heck even good questions about calls but then it made a left turn. The same left turn this thread is the trying to take again and I hope it stays on course.
To be fair he did a lot of emotional spewing after a tough loss so it could be tough to remember. I know what you’re talking about and it was the reason I stopped reading the thread. A lot of good discussion about the game and heck even good questions about calls but then it made a left turn. The same left turn this thread is the trying to take again and I hope it stays on course.
I’m gonna go out on a limb and consider the possibility that I may not have been the poster who made whatever statement you guys are referring to.

But if I did post something that crossed the line, and you guys are certain that it was me,
I apologize for my actions. I love all kids and respect all reasonable people.
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I’m gonna go out on a limb and consider the possibility that I may not have been the poster who made whatever statement you guys are referring to.
I don’t believe it was you either I think there is another Tiger like name that made the comments. All I saw was that some irrational emotional spewing was taking place and in that spewing was weaved a narrative that turned the whole thing ugly. I just wanted to point out that it was starting to feel like the same thing was going to happen here and wanted to make people aware so we don’t get another one flushed.
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I’m gonna go out on a limb and consider the possibility that I may not have been the poster who made whatever statement you guys are referring to.
I’m not going to press and derail this thing and would rather put it behind us. As @tuccs said, there were a ton of emotions being thrown around that day on both sides. Just as you and your fans hurt for your kids, I was equally hurt hearing that our kids didn’t win by their efforts but rather by assistance of the refs. Both sides played their asses off and should equally be proud of their efforts. Let’s not take that away from them. Perhaps we meet again next year.
I’m not going to press and derail this thing and would rather put it behind us. As @tuccs said, there were a ton of emotions being thrown around that day on both sides. Just as you and your fans hurt for your kids, I was equally hurt hearing that our kids didn’t win by their efforts but rather by assistance of the refs. Both sides played their asses off and should equally be proud of their efforts. Let’s not take that away from them. Perhaps we meet again next year.
I hope you understand that no one is suggesting that CG kids did anything but play their hearts out. No one has suggested anything different. There is a CG poster who is suggesting a blow out which I think is silly but it is what it is.
On the other hand, ESL kids played their hearts out as well and did what they were supposed to do. CG has a three yard and cloud of dust offense so spotting of the ball and several calls can definitely extend the drive. Similar to pass interende and facemask could also extend an ESL drive when essentially being stopped.

The reality is changing those calls don’t garauntee a reversal of outcome. It only allow things to play out as they should. It was 7 min and 6 min left when ESL seemingly made their stops on defense. With a Freshman QB there wasn’t a garauntee that a turnover wouldn’t have happened sooner.

It’s just frustrating to be on the receiving on bias actions all the time. Last week was much worse and the same comments were made however no one brought it to this board. It was all over social media.

If we are really being honest I think everyone will agree that there are several things that can be done to ensure a diverse scenario instead of one side versus the other. I believe JWar was able to provide a different perspective even when a certain person called him out to help support his childless statements and name calling.

It was a great season and great game just as I expected. Although ESL has lost twice, I hope there is a rematch next year. That will be the fifth championship in a row and I will feel very blessed to be there.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again til I’m blue, old or dead. Of so many have issues with officials, become one. If you think you can do better, put up or shut up.

It’s easy to look at still photo hundreds of times and say, “yep, they missed it.” Whereas in the field you get one second or less to make a decision based on what you see.

Seems pretty simple right?

Some have suggested a 7-man crew for title games. All for it. Having moved to a 7-man crew in Virginia it helps a lot. But guess what? We still make mistakes.

So if anyone here has a remedy for human error, I’d love to hear it.

I challenge everyone here to take a course or do a clinic on being an official. Even if you don’t get patched, take the course. Your eyes will open wider than ever before.
I would think it could possibly add difficulty if they all of a sudden went to 7 man crews for the finals if everyone is used to 5 man mechanics and the crews get selected as a crew.

My old Wilmington classmate who now lives (and officiates) in Texas was surprised there were no 7 man crews at any level, but I guess even though I’ve heard there is an official shortage everywhere, it must be worse in Illinois.
Understand please that we,ESL, have played games where the other team had zero penalties. So the hyper sensitive and eye for bs is there. If you go back and watch this game and say there's no bias in the calls YOU are part of our issue.
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7 man crew? We barely have enough officials for games on Friday and now we want to add more officials?

How about we just accept that people are human and will make mistakes especially on fast plays like the one mentioned above. It sucks for the kid/team that loses but it's a harsh reality, not everything in life goes your way.

If the officials were perfect they would have ruled this a catch but they also could have called a hold 2 or 3 plays earlier which would negate this play from ever happening. I am not saying there was a hold earlier but I am sure the refs missed a call here or there or held their flag to let the kids play.
The way ESL was going off on white officials I guess they want all black officials for their games. Then when they lose they will still complain
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again til I’m blue, old or dead. Of so many have issues with officials, become one. If you think you can do better, put up or shut up.

It’s easy to look at still photo hundreds of times and say, “yep, they missed it.” Whereas in the field you get one second or less to make a decision based on what you see.

Seems pretty simple right?

Some have suggested a 7-man crew for title games. All for it. Having moved to a 7-man crew in Virginia it helps a lot. But guess what? We still make mistakes.

So if anyone here has a remedy for human error, I’d love to hear it.

I challenge everyone here to take a course or do a clinic on being an official. Even if you don’t get patched, take the course. Your eyes will open wider than ever before.

I have taken a course and will become one at some point. Right now is not the time for me but I will put up or shut up. That being said, Officials are human and perception is reality. Because people are human, the other thread went left. Highlighting facts tend to stir the pot. This is not the place for that.
On the other hand, just saying do nothing and accept it says a lot more than you may realize. I appreciate you feedback.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again til I’m blue, old or dead. Of so many have issues with officials, become one. If you think you can do better, put up or shut up.

It’s easy to look at still photo hundreds of times and say, “yep, they missed it.” Whereas in the field you get one second or less to make a decision based on what you see.

Seems pretty simple right?

Some have suggested a 7-man crew for title games. All for it. Having moved to a 7-man crew in Virginia it helps a lot. But guess what? We still make mistakes.

So if anyone here has a remedy for human error, I’d love to hear it.

I challenge everyone here to take a course or do a clinic on being an official. Even if you don’t get patched, take the course. Your eyes will open wider than ever before.
You’re making the gross assumptions that not one of us is an official or is directly connected to one, who is providing an OPINION completely different than the one that you have provided multiple times now.

In ONE game, it’s darn near impossible to get it WRONG each time.
The way ESL was going off on white officials I guess they want all black officials for their games. Then when they lose they will still complain
In 2008 ESL had an all black crew and received the record for penalties in a title game. Your narrative is untrue. An all black crew is the same as an all white crew. If anything, there should be some diversity. Do you not agree?
You’re making the gross assumptions that not one of us is an official or is directly connected to one, who is providing an OPINION completely different than the one that you have provided multiple times now.

In ONE game, it’s darn near impossible to get it WRONG each time.
How many games at the varsity HS level have you personally officiated? If you have? What positions?

For this play in particular? In a 5-man mechanic, whose ball is this? How about in a 7-man?
How many games at the varsity HS level have you personally officiated? If you have? What positions?

For this play in particular? In a 5-man mechanic, whose ball is this? How about in a 7-man?
Now, you’re being general. I’m staying on the topic of this particular game.

Speak on the calls mentioned. All of the “questionable” calls appeared one-sided.

ESL and CG were both penalized, albeit ESL had more, but that’s okay.

It’s the questionable calls that are the issue.
In 2008 ESL had an all black crew and received the record for penalties in a title game. Your narrative is untrue. An all black crew is the same as an all white crew. If anything, there should be some diversity. Do you not agree?
Remember the Friday Night Lights scene when the question was asked about how many black stripes a zebra has?

It has no basis here, but it just came to mind.

Carry on.
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I’m in my eighth year. And this guy wants to singularly call out one random call in a game.

Ok I’ll bite - yep, they missed it. There, does that pacify you?

What are you going to do about it other than bitch and moan? How are you going to help the tremendous shortfall in officials in Illinois? Nothing right? Because it’s easier to whine and moan then get off your ass and become one.
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I’m in my eighth year. And this guy wants to singularly call out one random call in a game.

Ok I’ll bite - yep, they missed it. There, does that pacify you?

What are you going to do about it other than bitch and moan? How are you going to help the tremendous shortfall in officials in Illinois? Nothing right? Because it’s easier to whine and moan then get off your ass and become one.
Why are you so hostile? It isn’t just this particular call. There are others that have been mentioned as well.

Chill, Bro.
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Why are you so hostile?
Because you’re whining and moaning about one random call in a title game where you have no clue how to officiate a play like that. It’s a mistake, it happens but people like you can’t seem to wrap your head around the fact that human error is a part of officiating.

I’m so tired of people that whine and complain about officials but don’t have the stones to become one.
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Because you’re whining and moaning about one random call in a title game where you have no clue how to officiate a play like that. It’s a mistake, it happens but people like you can’t seem to wrap your head around the fact that human error is a part of officiating.

I’m so tired of people that whine and complain about officials but don’t have the stones to become one.
So, you’re charged by a larger issue at hand? I can relate, and totally understand.

You’re speaking on behalf of the officials (who are adults, I might add). We’re advocating on behalf of kids/children.

This thread started as a shared twitter from one of the kids who was DIRECTLY affected by the infraction. HS sports is a part of the educational system.

As an adult, what do you tell him? What lesson is this child to learn? Please be insightful as your advice just may help him “get over it”

I’ve heard it said before, “That if you’re tired of HEARING ABOUT it, imagine how tired they are of being IMPACTED by it”
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So, you’re charged by a larger issue at hand? I can relate, and totally understand.
What bothers me is this and I take it personally because I’ve worked very hard to become a better official.

There is a misconception that we as officials have to get every call perfect. It’s impossible.

There is a misconception that we as officials miss calls on purpose. Not true in this case or ever.

I’ve been around the game since I was on the sidelines at Hancock in 1974 for the ESL - GBN game. I’ve been in all aspects of the game except as a player - parent, coach, writer, fan, and now an official.

Being an official is hard. The players even at the HS level are incredibly skilled. Big, fast and talented.

I go into every game (I’m a back judge) with my keys in mind - knowing what to look at and for. And I miss things. I try and see it all, and my crew does the same.

So where my frustration lies is when people who get the benefit of watching a replay 3x want to point the finger at us.

We get one nano second to make a call. It’s based on experience and what we see at that very moment. I hate the word judgement but that’s truly what it is.

When I mention that everyone should sit through a clinic, they should. It would blow your mind how we watch film. How we break down rules and interpret them.

So yah, I get irritated by it and many items so too. It chases away guys that are really good at this because they simply don’t wanna put up with it any longer.

This year alone, I was followed out to my car after a game - had the hood of my umpires car pounded on. And that was by the fans of the team that won.

But I love doing this. I won’t stop until I’m physically unable to do it. You have to love it or you won’t survive
In 2008 ESL had an all black crew and received the record for penalties in a title game. Your narrative is untrue. An all black crew is the same as an all white crew. If anything, there should be some diversity. Do you not agree?
I 100% agree.

That’s not what the ESL fan was saying in the thread that got flushed. In fact he was saying 180 degrees differently.
I 100% agree.

That’s not what the ESL fan was saying in the thread that got flushed. In fact he was saying 180 degrees differently.
This is exactly what I “the ESL fan” was saying, that there should have been some diversity and always should be.
What bothers me is this and I take it personally because I’ve worked very hard to become a better official.

There is a misconception that we as officials have to get every call perfect. It’s impossible.

There is a misconception that we as officials miss calls on purpose. Not true in this case or ever.

I’ve been around the game since I was on the sidelines at Hancock in 1974 for the ESL - GBN game. I’ve been in all aspects of the game except as a player - parent, coach, writer, fan, and now an official.

Being an official is hard. The players even at the HS level are incredibly skilled. Big, fast and talented.

I go into every game (I’m a back judge) with my keys in mind - knowing what to look at and for. And I miss things. I try and see it all, and my crew does the same.

So where my frustration lies is when people who get the benefit of watching a replay 3x want to point the finger at us.

We get one nano second to make a call. It’s based on experience and what we see at that very moment. I hate the word judgement but that’s truly what it is.

When I mention that everyone should sit through a clinic, they should. It would blow your mind how we watch film. How we break down rules and interpret them.

So yah, I get irritated by it and many items so too. It chases away guys that are really good at this because they simply don’t wanna put up with it any longer.

This year alone, I was followed out to my car after a game - had the hood of my umpires car pounded on. And that was by the fans of the team that won.

But I love doing this. I won’t stop until I’m physically unable to do it. You have to love it or you won’t survive
Keep doing great work and striving for excellence. You don’t need me to say it, but regardless, your work makes a huge difference.

One could only wish that every official shared your passion and drive for the position.

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