Well, you can forget about your last sentence. All of my kids are adults now 33 and older. They played outside a lot more than inside when they were kids. We encouraged it. And they did have friends who they played with too. But it seems like most kids today have to be dragged outside to play. Whereas when we were kids and our kids had to be dragged back in the house even for dinner. If a parent wants a kid to go outside they need to understand the kids might not have much to do because pretty much no other kids are outside. I drive by parks in spring, summer and fall and if they aren't empty there are very few people there.
Maybe it is because some of the kids are playing travel sports and aren't around. But again, when we were kids some of us played organized sports. But the kids who didn't, were still outside playing with us or doing something else. Very, very few kids stayed inside back then. And we thought the ones who rarely went outside were weird. There are schools that don't have an outside recess now. I couldn't even imagine that as a kid. Some have cut back on gym classes. And some people wonder why there are so many overweight and obese kids. It isn't just the poor food choices. Kids simply aren't as active and don't seem to be as creative. I don't mean all kids...but I do mean too many kids. They don't have to be great athletes to go run and play outside. I blame the adults for that. That, however, is my perspective.
As for the first sentence of your second paragraph. Parents like that shouldn't even have kids. Or shouldn't have them in travel sports. But it cuts to exactly to what the major problem in travel sports is. It's not for the parents. It truly is for the kids. So many parents live vicariously through their kids in sports that it's pathetic. The worst were always the ones who were frustrated athletes in their day. Or never really played in their day. My wifey and I had our chance. We always told the kids they could play travel sports if they wanted to but didn't have to. They could play in house non competitive or play competitive sports and we would find the teams and places for them.
Not very long ago my wife and I were discussing when the kids played travel sports. There is no question in all those years...nearly 20...we spent six figures in fees travel, etc. But we didn't regret it. We didn't spend it in hopes of them getting athletic money, although two did. We laugh and say it kept them out of trouble. Maybe it did. Kids will find something to do when they are idle and a lot of it might not be good. So, whatever price it was, was well worth it.
I am not virtue signaling and I don't want to come off saying "in MY day." I don't expect the world to go back to a Currier and Ives painting. If it ever was one. I think kids are still kids. Maybe it's the adults who have changed. Sorry for the long post.