Worst parents?

Lacrosse is still right up there and I’ll explain why. It’s a chirpy sport by nature like baseball so the kids are constantly talking to each other. You have a stick in your hand aka a weapon and Midwest refs don’t know the game well enough so slashes are usually allowed while good physical body play is penalized. Big kids regularly pummel small kids in space which then draws the ire of the parents who chose lacrosse because it was “safer” than football. Finally no one attends these games so they seat the fans on the same side opposite the players benches and you can hear every little comment. Still the only sport where I witnessed a mom try to push another mom down the bleachers after a loss. Yikes.
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As someone who has coached many levels of sports, I think it varies by sports and club/school

Elementary (under 12)
travel: wrestling (it isn't coach)
school: football

Middle school (12-15)
travel: wrestling, boys lax
School: boys basketball

HIghschool (15+)
travel: baseball, 7v7 football
School: girls soccer, girls basketball, girls lacrosse
I feel like in my experience a lot of the worst parents are those who never played a varsity sport at the high school level. Actually, a couple that come to mind I grew up with didn't even play a sport past about 6th grade.
This is so true. I’ve had this theory for wrestling parents. Anyone who didn’t have athletic success makes the worst wrestling parent. Too much pressure, can’t control themselves, screaming at refs, coaches and their kid of course
No matter the gender, no matter the sport, it starts on the field...

spreads to the stands...

and filters down to the parents and kids.

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