To all Br. Rice fans


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2007
You're welcome!!

Seriously, great win when you really needed one. I hope we don't see you in week 1, but I have a feeling we might.
You're welcome!!

Seriously, great win when you really needed one. I hope we don't see you in week 1, but I have a feeling we might.
We won’t, even if we lose tomorrow. We win we will get like Argo, if we lose we may get the 29th or 28th seed. Rice and Rita will be around 25 Seed wirh their high points
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Reactions: Mtc1890 and feeto
Thanks MC and Feeto - good luck tomorrow on the Varsity level - I think you lay the hammer down on Saturday (plus Dean of Selection will be at the game after a bourbon breakfast at Meier's across the street. However gotta root for the LA Sophs - one it helps Rice Sophs tie for Blue and two I live in up in North Shore and some of my daughters friends have brothers on LA Sophs).