St Rita streaming update?


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Lake County
I don[t want any of my Cascia friends taking offense, but does anyone know if the streaming problems from last Friday have been resolved?

If not, is there an X site or some othe spot that would have an ongoing update on the game this Friday?

Again, no offense intended.
None is taken at all. I appreciate them trying to make this happen, and the mission will be incurring some "bumps and bruises," as evident this past Friday. (Actually, it was a knockout, but I digress.)

Let's hope this week things will drastically improve.
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I don[t want any of my Cascia friends taking offense, but does anyone know if the streaming problems from last Friday have been resolved?

If not, is there an X site or some othe spot that would have an ongoing update on the game this Friday?

Again, no offense intended.
Start the thread and I will update the score.
Start the thread and I will update the score.
Jenny - thank you. I'm still hoping for a good streamed picture, but your added insight would be invaluable regardless. Post away -- I'll make sure a thread has been started.
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I’m all for @Jenny27 to do the updates. You never know with me. I could be asked to hold two pieces of tin foil together for the broadcast stream. Or face down in the northwest corner of the parking lot by the 2nd Qtr. I trust J27.
You're likely at Fat Johnies having a dog or two.
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I got good news and bad news.

The good news is that they are continuously testing. Isolated a problem. Corrected the problem. And they are confident but still testing heading into Friday night.

The bad news is I heard the word ‘committed’ twice. Once was ok. Twice scared me.
Jenny could fix it.
Funny you should mention that. This is the second week of the JennyBowl at 77th and Western Ave. Wk 1 Sandburg at St. Rita last week and obviously this week vs the Caravan. So if she’s doing the scheduling, heck, maybe she can help out with the stream😂
When I’m on a case near 77 and Western I will always give them a courtesy security check around the lot. I noticed a guts for a new Jumbotron was up but the screen wasn’t in. Work in progress?
Yes. Maybe later this season. Probably beginning of next season. The LED type lights also I am hearing. But let’s just concentrate on a solid, reliable, publicly available stream before we get fancy.

And thank you for the courtesy security check.
Yes. Maybe later this season. Probably beginning of next season. The LED type lights also I am hearing. But let’s just concentrate on a solid, reliable, publicly available stream before we get fancy.

And thank you for the courtesy security check.
Mc "connor stalions" Caravan is secretly doing security detail for Rita--only for this week, though. LOL!

I know, I know: MC doesn't need any extra help.
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NFHS has it listed as an upcoming event. Which may mean you can pay for it, but still can't watch it.
Rocky - any insights, here?
I would assume with with the poster’s handle, could be trolling. Audio wasn’t the problem relayed to me. If @PhilsBurner is correct though, as long as the scoreboard is in the bottom left of the screen, then you will be able to follow down and distance and time, quarter and score and having no audio would not be the biggest problem. But there will be a stream and @McCaravan ’s link is correct. And I have not heard Phil’s information he may have received regarding the stream. All systems go from my conversations.
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Rocky - any insights, here?
Just Do It Running GIF by Rocky
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It’s such a toxic relationship we all have with NFHS yet, myself included, keep going back to it even if it’s for a one night stand!
A few years back, you could call and speak with them 0-- not anymore. You get a list of articles to read and hopefully solve your problem. Yeah, right.
Calling @MS4EVER calling MS4EVER

Have you and the daughter been representing the red and blue up in the Ridge this week and especially Friday night wearing the Mustang gear under your respective Hawk gear?
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Calling @MS4EVER calling MS4EVER

Have you and the daughter been representing the red and blue up in the Ridge this week and especially Friday night wearing the Mustang gear under your respective Hawk gear?
Thought about it last week and didn't wear it! You know the result! It will be on underneath tonight!
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The chat says touchdown Mt. Carmel. The chat gives a live update that is worth watching.
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Rita fans are melting down, carping at the school, the coach, and the technical failure.

MC up 14-0
Does anyone know the actual issue with the streams? Does Rita not have a club for kids to run point on games? Is it equipment? For Rita parents who can’t make the game, this has to be very frustrating