Dear IHSA & IDPH - Let's the kids play Football!!

No vaccine has successfully eradicated a corona virus.
There is a common asthma drug being used to treat people with the symptoms of the virus. The drug works because the virus is an inflammatory virus that attacks the lungs, and this drug is an anti-inflammatory. It's not getting talked about because it is a cheap drug and there is no money to be made.

If you want a different view on what works and what doesn't, look up Dr. Scott Atlas at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University. He has written articles and done at least one podcast. He talks about the affect of the virus on children, and he talks about re-opening schools. He talks about the impact of lockdowns on people. I believe he was educated at the University of Illinois and the University of Chicago.

He's worth a listen no matter what your political leanings.
Counter point, look hard enough and you will almost always have a doctor that believes something different from the rest. Just listen to dental commercials! Also, not saying he's wrong. As a matter of fact, I hope he is right
No vaccine has successfully eradicated a corona virus.
There is a common asthma drug being used to treat people with the symptoms of the virus. The drug works because the virus is an inflammatory virus that attacks the lungs, and this drug is an anti-inflammatory. It's not getting talked about because it is a cheap drug and there is no money to be made.

If you want a different view on what works and what doesn't, look up Dr. Scott Atlas at the Hoover Institute at Stanford University. He has written articles and done at least one podcast. He talks about the affect of the virus on children, and he talks about re-opening schools. He talks about the impact of lockdowns on people. I believe he was educated at the University of Illinois and the University of Chicago.

He's worth a listen no matter what your political leanings.
Yes, I know all this and agree

Let's assume (just looking at Illinios)
1. We have a treatment (not a cure) - evidenced by the falling hospitalization numbers people are not in the hospital as long or not being admitted. Anyway they are falling.
2. There will never be a vaccine.
3. The virus is never going to die out (1968 pandemic is still with us, with a vaccine)

I want to hear from the people against playing this fall at this time.

What do you want to see and say it is okay to play sports? Or do we just end extracurricular activities base on the above assumptions.

I really want to know. I won't hold it against you, I just want to know what it will take for you think it is okay to starting moving forward, knowing there are still risks. Feel free to ask others in your own circles of the people that are against schools opening or playing sports.
Yes, I know all this and agree

Let's assume (just looking at Illinios)
1. We have a treatment (not a cure) - evidenced by the falling hospitalization numbers people are not in the hospital as long or not being admitted. Anyway they are falling.
2. There will never be a vaccine.
3. The virus is never going to die out (1968 pandemic is still with us, with a vaccine)

I want to hear from the people against playing this fall at this time.

What do you want to see and say it is okay to play sports? Or do we just end extracurricular activities base on the above assumptions.

I really want to know. I won't hold it against you, I just want to know what it will take for you think it is okay to starting moving forward, knowing there are still risks. Feel free to ask others in your own circles of the people that are against schools opening or playing sports.
The consensus of doctors and scientists saying it's okay.

I wish there weren’t half truths everywhere.

At first, it was don’t wear a mask. And then. Everyone has to wear a mask. The surgeon general said today. That he was just following CDC guidelines. then, wear a mask. On CNN today he was challenged about why he changed his mind. And then really challenged on was it because there was a shortage and that they wanted to make sure that the first responders got their masks first.
his answer. Well. The CDC came out with new guidelines. He said it may have had a little to do with the fact that PPE was stretched thin.
Yeah. Thanks.
Wasn't it okay to go to a polling place in April to vote? Now they want everyone to vote by mail. That should work out real good for all the dead people voting in Chicago! LoL
The consensus of doctors and scientists saying it's okay.
Ok that’s a tough one, since they are not agreeing now and is it just the US doctors and scientists you want to believe or specific ones because it appears to me there is a huge debate going on between these people too. Consensus will never happen, what level of containment do we need? Zero is never going to happen so not sure how to handle this one. 3 percent positive test rate is obviously not low enough which is where Illinois is, is it 1 percent is it 0.1%. Waiting for a consensus means we just have to shut everything down for who knows how long.
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So what happens if Team A has two positive cases reported on Thursday, is Team B really going to be ok playing them on Friday??? Of course not..

Social distancing at the high school level will be a joke and will not work, we will see cases of schools having a high concentration of positive testings, which will force them to close the buildings for 2 weeks

And how many 1A and 2A schools will not have enough kids to compete this year because parents don't allow their kids to play?? It was a problem before March 13, its only going to worse now..
How many people did those kids infect? Stop watching OAN and Fox
Well, I do watch FOX News. I also watch, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and MSNBC. Daily I read our local paper, the Herald News, the Sun Times, Tribune and Wall Street Journal. I read the USA Today maybe once a week and the NY Times on Saturdays. I do use other sources when time permits or if the story is big.

Unlike most people and many here, I don't get my news from just one source and one opinion. The whole idea of "turning off" a source of news just because you may not agree with most of the content is the major reason people can't even have a civil conversation in this country. To purposely refuse to even listen to another source, and especially one you don't agree with, is also a reason so many people are so ignorant to the whole story in any news. They hear one thing they like and agree with and that is gospel to them. Must be the truth because they like and agree with it. I say, broaden your horizons and get the whole picture. And get it from the other sources. Don't get it from the source you like in a video they cut from the other side to make it look like something it isn't.

You want to know why things are as they are? Journalism in this country is dead. No one is reporting stories without a slant. No one. They give you a story and tell you how you should think about it. I am talking about hard news. Not opinion shows or articles. You read virtually any story and in the text you will get an editorial. If a hard news event is written about by a conservative writer at the WSJ, it will be presented differently than a writer from the New York Times. Very same story, but written and presented much differently. Happens all the time. This makes the truth harder to find. I don't trust any source fully because I understand the game.

Without getting political, the last two leaders in this country have told people not to listen to some news sources. The first one told people not to watch FOX News and the current one has told people not to watch CNN. They are both wrong and all they did and are doing, is to create further division. They both said in so many words, "listen to me and no one else." That's wrong. Unfortunately, the ignorant in our society have listened to them and them alone.

But, if you want news with less slant, I have found the business channels do a better job of it. Not perfect, by any means. But better. Check yourself next time you tell someone to turn off any news source, especially one they don't like or agree with. Sorry for the long post.

To me, this whole conversation isn't really just about playing football. It is about the mental health of kids as well as their physical health. Kids do need to return to school. In talking to a teacher yesterday, he feels like they may do a combination of in person attendance coupled with eLearning. This seems like a logical approach at this time.

But, playing football, or any sport, isn't really about just playing the game. It's all the other things surrounding the experience. I am sure most of you guys here played organized sports. For those who have, how many scores can you really remember? I am specifically talking to guys who stopped playing at least 25 years ago. As time goes on you will remember fewer scores. But there are some things you will never forget. You are never going to forget the camaraderie or friends you made during that experience. And the only way you could have had those experiences was through the sport you played.

I got my college degree nearly 40 years ago. To this day, I still talk to many of the guys I played college baseball with and they are still my best friends. I have a list of addresses and cell numbers. About 7-10 of us get together nearly every year. And we have a big reunion of maybe 30 or so every 4 or 5 years. Guys come from as far away as 2,000 miles to attend and it's a weekend of fun I never miss. And when our coach is able to attend the number swells to over 100 of his past players. The stories get better. The plays we made seem to get more spectacular and the balls we hit went further in the story telling.

I don't doubt my story sounds like some of yours. I couldn't have had this experience and friends if it wasn't for playing baseball. The only time I miss the game is for about 2 weeks during spring training. But, I think about the guys and the fun we had more often. I would love to be able to stand up there again and face some dude throwing in the 90s with a nasty slider. But, I don't think I could hit it now. After all, I'm 61.

This is what these kids are going to miss if they can't play and we should do everything we can to get them in school and on the field, court or ice. Sports have given me friends for life that I wouldn't have made otherwise. I want today's kids to have that same opportunity.
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