CPL Pick Em Week 3


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2019
Week 3 is upon us!!!! Conference season is upon us!!!! This week, we will be highlighting the Blue Southeast and Red North-Central conferences.

Blue Southeast

CMABAFA Co-op Eagles vs. Fenger Titans, Thursday 4:15 at Gately

You have so many relationships in this life (met so many in the stands of CPL games), but only one or two will last (Go for TWO!!!). You go through all the pain and strife (CPL at its finest), then you turn your back and they're gone so fast (no more GATELY DOGS!!! Boo!!!)...Can you tell me who will still care (we all do!), can you tell me who will still care (we all do!), oh care....CO-OP, ba duba dop, ba du bop, ba duba dop, ba du bop, ba duba dop, ba du, oh yeah...CO-OP! ba duba dop, ba du bop, ba duba dop, ba du bop, ba duba dop, ba du, yeah...Listen to Hanson (wait a minute, when will we get a game at Hanson?????, talk about turning your back and they're gone so fast), and take the Co-Op!!!!

Washington Patriots vs. Dusable Panthers, Thursday 7:15 at Gately
Think of all the animals you've ever heard about, like rhinoceroses and tigers cats and mink (wait, the cats were last week's theme), there are lots of funny animals in all this world (now we need to see some at CPL games), but have you ever seen a panther that is pink!!! Take the Pink Panthers!!!!

Bowen Boilermakers vs. Harlan Falcons, Saturday 1:00 at Eckersall
Used to spend my nights out at a barroom (after some great overtime CPL games), CPL football was the only I've known...But CPL rescued me from reachin' for the bottom, and brought me back from being too far gone (good lord I have to park way in the back???), CPL is as smooth as a Tennessee Whiskey(just like the grass at Eckersall), CPL is as sweet as a strawberry wine(concession stand is closed at Eckersall), CPL is warm as a glass of brandy(again, the concession stand is closed), and honey I stay stoned on your games all the time. A Boilermaker has whiskey, take the Boilermakers!!

Red North-Central

Schurz Bulldogs vs. Senn Bulldogs, Friday 7:15 at Lane

You'll find the spot (get a good parking spot), and I'll find the money (we have to pay to get in???), you'll be the pretty (CPL football is always pretty) and I'll be the funny (the announcers are telling jokes), you'll plant the flowers (weeds on the field? that is only at Rockne), I'll plant the kisses (no time to kiss, can't miss any action), baby let's get right down to business (no messing around, just pick the game) name the kids, and I'll name the DAWGZ! If you are a regular, you'll know who I picked.

Sullivan Tigers vs. Lake View Wildcats, Saturday 4:00 at Winnemac
I want to ride....ride the Tiger! Well, Jefferson Starship made their pick in the first line, so I guess I have to as well. Take the Tigers!

Amundsen Vikings vs. Steinmetz Silver Streaks, Friday 4:15 at Steinmetz
Listen to your heart, when he's calling for you (maybe the announcer should not be worried about calling me during the game!), listen to your heart, there's nothing else you can do (how about watching the game!), I don't know where you're going (maybe the end zone is a good idea), and I don't know why (because you want to score more than the other team), but listen to your heart before you tell him goodbye. Roxette is from Sweden, Roald Amundsen was from Norway...close enough, take the Vikings!

Von Steuben Panthers vs. Mather Rangers, Friday 4:15 at Winnemac
See above, take the Pink Panthers!
Thursday in the city means one thing! CPL Football Baby! Directional Conference time! Give me some green north northeast or some yellow south southwest any day of the week. On to the picks!

CMABAFA Co-op Eagles vs. Fenger Titans, Thursday 4:15 at Gately
I'm pretty sure the Fenger Fingers forfeited the first game this year. They lost big last week, so this one seems easy, right? Go with DUENGDKERSDFES. No question...right? WRONG! IT'S THURSDAY! IT'S A 4:15 START. THIS IS WHERE FENGER COMES ALIVE BABY!!! GIVE ME THE FINGERS TO ROLL!

Washington Patriots vs. Dusable Panthers, Thursday 7:15 at Gately
Hopefully, the scoreboard is still working for this one after Fenger lights it up in the first one tonight. I don't know about the scoreboard, but I do know that you can count on the Gately security to be surly, and the announcer to be angry. Man I miss those dudes with the grills in the north end zone....

Bowen Boilermakers vs. Harlan Falcons, Saturday 1:00 at Eckersall
You can bet I'm hitting up The Next Level Restaurant before this one for some pre game smothered pork chops and fried okra. of course, if I want to eat it at the stadium I have to park in the end zone and eat it there...Eckersall is all about "no carry in food" and then have a closed concession stand. CPL! CPL! CPL!

Red North-Central

Schurz Bulldogs vs. Senn Bulldogs, Friday 7:15 at Lane

Classic Big Shoulders matchup here. Give me a Walsh coached Taft team to win it all and turn down the promotion to the Illini Confernce!

Sullivan Tigers vs. Lake View Wildcats, Saturday 4:00 at Winnemac
If the weather is nice on Saturday as expected. I can promise you there will be at least one mom with a running stroller that wanders onto the field after failing to secure the Starbucks moca lattte, half sweet, oat milk, some froth, as she tries to post Insta Selfies with kids playing in the background. "Another Saturday in the City with the girls!!!!!"

Amundsen Vikings vs. Steinmetz Silver Streaks, Friday 4:15 at Steinmetz
Listen. When talking Silver Streaks, the only one I'm talking about is the 70's movie with Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder. Nothing says buddy comedy like the hilarity that ensues after someone is murdered on a cross country train.

Von Steuben Panthers vs. Mather Rangers, Friday 4:15 at Winnemac
Even if ROOOOOOODDDDD!!! comes back to Von to coach this one, it won't MATHER! Give me the Ranger Bears Boo Boo!
My apologies for being late to the thread, was so hung over from Labor Day I just woke up. Shout out to Coach's wife at the Har Hig, those drinks were strong and bottomless! And since we're still looking for scores from last night on these first two games I'll include them anyways.

CMABAFA Co-op Eagles vs. Fenger Titans, Thursday 4:15 at Gately
The fingers are struggling to get things right early this season. CMABAFA is not because when you fish in alphabet soup you can always find a W.

Washington Patriots vs. Dusable Panthers, Thursday 7:15 at Gately
Oh Washington, wrong futbol. DuSable rolls

Bowen Boilermakers vs. Harlan Falcons, Saturday 1:00 at Eckersall
Only thing I know about the Boilermakers is that they love punting, their dlinemen, and 7 on 7. Not sure how any of that goes together give me Harlan, the boilermakers are a mess.

Red North-Central

Schurz Bulldogs vs. Senn Bulldogs, Friday 7:15 at Lane

Dawgz versus Dawgz the same week the famous Coastal Carolina video turns 11! More DAWGZ, too many cats!

Sullivan Tigers vs. Lake View Wildcats, Saturday 4:00 at Winnemac
Speaking of cats, pass....

Amundsen Vikings vs. Steinmetz Silver Streaks, Friday 4:15 at Steinmetz
Should be passing the Metz little before 4 today I'll make sure to report back on the buzz around the campus for this big tilt. Pretty sure the Vikings will have no problems pillaging the streaks though.

Von Steuben Panthers vs. Mather Rangers, Friday 4:15 at Winnemac
The Rock returned to introduce the Rams last night, it didn't go the same way as the Super Bowl though. Love bringing up the Rock in these spots, because, you guessed it, IT DOESNT MATHER what you think.