
This is going badly. So bad. Flus gets fired at the end of the year and they start the same crap all over again.
All three plays in the shotgun at the one-yard line. This is pathetic. Does anyone run the I-formation anymore when you have to get a foot?

Win or lose: Poles deserves to be questioned and pressured about his lack of inactivity with this O-line.

Waldron's not impressing me either.
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Not the right ones! This O-line sucks. Poles deserves criticism.
Would love to know how you evaluate OL to know they'll be successful before signing or drafting them.

Should he be critized for drafting Caleb too based on his performance through 2.5 games?
Can Caleb just tuck the ball in and run sometimes when he gets pressure?
Lol then why didn't they just keep Fields?

Fields runs too much, we need a real QB.

Why doesn't Caleb run more?

I don't think a QB could be created in a lab that would appease you people.
He had the ball in his hands? I didn't see the replay but thought the announcer said Rome was at fault.
Lol he absolutely did not say that. He said it was a poor decision to make that throw. Hit Rome's hands but defender in front tipped it and defender behind picked it.
Richardson pushed the entire Bears defense 5 yards into the end zone for a TD.

Pathetic and embarrassing to the 1985 Bears watching this!!
Would love to know how you evaluate OL to know they'll be successful before signing or drafting them.

Should he be critized for drafting Caleb too based on his performance through 2.5 games?
Who was happy with the OL signings? They screamed "meh." Jenkins has been the big disappointment, but the overrating of Jones at LT was the real backbreaker. Hopefully Amegadgie works out when he gets healthy