Active Shooter at OSU

Same old anti intellectual dumb clown shit youve been known for for 2 decades now. Now change your name again and come back smarter.
Wikipedia post, so I deleted the majority of it. More proof this clown has never had an original thought in his life...are any intellectual thought for that matter. Bottom line, we won, you lost. Now grow up, put your big boy pants on and deal with it instead of whining. You lost. Explain what you mean by this. Two decades ago I had no idea who the hell Edgytim was.
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To bad
Cry me a river. Why didn't Hillary get 3rd party votes?
Well she is winning the vote by nearly 3 million. Yes, we know thats not how the presidency is won. But it still flies in the face of what youre saying. Frankly, the rural vote is over represented in the electoral college.

The obvious solution to any region being over or under represented is to make every vote the same. Novel idea, no?
Very well said ... I always thought he might be porters, too.
You can tell because he posts the same mindless drivel and is butt budies with Brin. Now him denying it sounds and looks like Trump denying his Putin and white nationalist ties.
Well she is winning the vote by nearly 3 million. Yes, we know thats not how the presidency is won. But it still flies in the face of what youre saying. Frankly, the rural vote is over represented in the electoral college.

The obvious solution to any region being over or under represented is to make every vote the same. Novel idea, no?
Blah, blah, blah. This reminds me of the old Charlie Brown cartoons when he would speak to his teacher and the teacher would reply; " Wah, wah, waaaah, wah wah wah."

The middle of the country isn't being over represented. Population and representation is taken into consideration. That is why California has 55 electoral votes and North Dakota has 3. Something else to consider. While illegal immigrants are not allowed to vote (laugh here) they are counted in a state's population which does affect the number of electoral votes. So, you can say, in effect, that illegals do affect the vote. Maybe not in huge, huge numbers but they are counted.
You can tell because he posts the same mindless drivel and is butt budies with Brin. Now him denying it sounds and looks like Trump denying his Putin and white nationalist ties.
Again, I have no idea what you are talking about. So, does this mean you are butt buddies with MC63? Shit, I just got a visual, ahhhh. That visual was John Candy and Steve Martin in bed together in "Planes, Trains & Automobiles.!!" Hahaha! Two guys, two snobs. Next time use two d's in buddies. If it's your phone you're using, the spell correction needs to be fixed.
You can tell because he posts the same mindless drivel and is butt budies with Brin. Now him denying it sounds and looks like Trump denying his Putin and white nationalist ties.
I hope for your sake you are not on your employer's time while making these posts. Tons of folks messing around on the internet when they should be working. Naughty, naughty boy.
Again, we with it. Both of you clowns.
Yes this is the stuff you expect from mirakle/porters

It's not that people are elitist, you're just not too bright. It's the bottom line. Like I said, go ahead and celebrate electing a twitter troll to the presidency. It suits you.
Again, I have no idea what you are talking about. So, does this mean you are butt buddies with MC63? Shit, I just got a visual, ahhhh. That visual was John Candy and Steve Martin in bed together in "Planes, Trains & Automobiles.!!" Hahaha! Two guys, two snobs. Next time use two d's in buddies. If it's your phone you're using, the spell correction needs to be fixed.
Every state gets so many electoral votes based on population (I believe it's number of representatives), and one additional vote. That additional vote is the same for California and North Dakota. That's fair?

Yes, the criminal/ molester/ traitor gets credit for a victory, but it's a technicality. He got 46% of the total votes cast. A tiny fraction of a percentage point below Dudkakis. Period. He can thank for Russians and Comey.

Now, he's claiming a landslide

Talk about big boy pants .. if the exact opposite had happened, you deplorables promised to take up arms.

You didn't get the memo: calling everyone you disagree with a racist doesn't work anymore.

Please point out where I said that. You've used this stupid line before. But. like miracle, you believe you can say anything and get away with it.

Llike him, you're unjustifiably smug and intellectually corrupt
What are you talking about?
Porters 77 was a narrow minded bully know-it-all who was suspicious of just about everything. He held drastic political views that you had to agree with, or he'd blast you with a long string of cliches.
He believed that the end justified the means in all cases. No matter how hateful a candidate might be, he's support him if he was Republican. He ignored tough questions. He would summarize someone's points into meaningless jibberish to suit his position. He suddenly left the board about the time you came on.

I'm sure he voted for Trump, but couldn't explain how he could justify it to his daughter.

Every state gets so many electoral votes based on population (I believe it's number of representatives), and one additional vote. That additional vote is the same for California and North Dakota. That's fair?

Yes, the criminal/ molester/ traitor gets credit for a victory, but it's a technicality. He got 46% of the total votes cast. A tiny fraction of a percentage point below Dudkakis. Period. He can thank for Russians and Comey.

Now, he's claiming a landslide

Talk about big boy pants .. if the exact opposite had happened, you deplorables promised to take up arms.

It is not a technicality, it is reality. You win by getting to 270 not by winning the popular vote. Campaigns would be run differently if you won by getting the popular vote. You may not like the system but that is what is in place. Lets remember it is not a direct democracy it is a representative democracy.
Your boy Trumpy is in cahoots with the Russians up to his ears. Have you read the stories on Aleppo? Children being set on fire. Guess who's supporting the brutal govt troops - the Russians. That good friend of Donald and his Exxon CEO buddy Vladimir.


As respectfully as I can be, I must disagree with your assertion Trump and Russian President Putin are involved in some unholy alliance.

Imagine the upheaval in the Pentagon or White House had the Russians had placed combat troops in Canada or Mexico and had negotiated economic agreements with Canada and Mexico and these pacts excluded the United States.

What Trump is proposing is an entirely different approach with the Kremlin: After 25 years of ignoring the steady drumbeat of Russian warnings against NATO and the EU expansion growing ever closer to the Russian frontier, the Kremlin finally re-acted.

Do some research into the American chicanery which drove Viktor Yanukovych into exile in 2014 over Yanukovych's desire to strengthen ties to Moscow as opposed to turning to the West. The American meddling caused Yanukovych's flight to Moscow and the West paved the way for a new government in Kiev, backed by the Americans, some of whom are neo-fascists.

It was this last move, driving a democratically-elected leader, Yanukovych, from office which inspired the Kremlin to seize Crimea. Certain NATO and the EU were prepared to offer Ukraine a cushy spot in NATO, the Kremlin swallowed Crimea whole to prevent Ukraine from accepting NATO's bid for membership and allowing the U.S. Navy to park its fleet at Crimean naval facilities.

Anyone think the Kremlin would stand by and watch helplessly as NATO warships blocked Russian access to the Black Sea and to the Mediterranean?

As far as Syria, American policy in the Middle East is partly responsible for the immeasurable suffering endured by the Syrian population. You reference stories seeping out about alleged atrocities committed by Syrian troops which may be true, but American support for Syrian opposition groups is on the same plane. I am not sure if you saw CNN's Kate Bouldan's teary-eyed presentation about Omran, but it was moving. In it, Bouldan describes the story of Omran as a victim of Russian aggression, and while her oration on behalf of Omran tugged at the heartstrings, Omran's suffering was no different than the Syrian boy beheaded by Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki in July.

The difference? Well, Omran was the unintended victim of the Russian aerial campaign over the skies of Aleppo and Russia is a convenient foil.

Alternatively, the unnamed Syrian boy executed by the Syrian opposition group Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki is BACKED BY THE CIA.

Tears were shed for Omran, but not a word about the youth butchered, beheaded by the way, by an American-backed rebel group which is every bit as responsible for the bloodletting in Syria.

This is where our friendly-neighborhood-community-organizer-turned president comes into the picture. A man of STAGGERING incompetence, Obama has stood by and allowed carnage to prevail all over the Middle East, preferring to kick the can down the road and let Trump sort out the mess. For beginners, his premature withdrawal from the region helped create a power vacuum in which Sunni group, ISIS, first drew blood.

Second, his feeble "red line," in which he demanded Syria turn over or destroy chemical weapon stockpiles, which he reversed, opened the door for Russian intervention. Tired of American inaction, Putin sided with Russia's old ally, Bashar al-Assad, and has brought the dictator back to his feet.

Last, his refusal to cooperate with the Russians to destroy militant groups and ISIS has influenced Damascus and Moscow's "zero-sum" anti-terror plan in Syria. Since Putin could not obtain any form of cooperation from the U.S., Putin was left with little alternative than to destroy anything which moved on the ground in Aleppo.

Separate from the Syria debacle, the accusation the Russian government is somehow responsible for HRC's electoral loss is utter nonsense. The tantrums thrown by the left in the wake of her loss are so amusing and the attempts to encourage Electoral voters to cast their ballots for a candidate other than the winner are nothing more than the left wanting to claim a scalp.

An utterly deplorable human being and dreadful presidential candidate, HRC has only herself to blame for her electoral loss. When Trump spoke of ending U.S. involvement in multi-lateral trade agreements in favor of bi-lateral pacts, HRC was blabbing about making history as the first female president. When Trump spoke at length about lowering the corporate tax rate from 35% to 20% to draw business to America, HRC droned on endlessly about transgender bathrooms.

Quite frankly, other than peeping Toms, perverts and deviants, I don't think anyone gave a flying fu^k about urinals in female bathrooms.

It's difficult to draw crowds when you are attempting to court votes from people who are no better off than they were in 2008. Moreover, American voters are often sensible, but rarely wise. In the 2016 election these sensible voters distinguished one candidate's vision for the country and another candidate's vision for herself. Some noticed HRC didn't concede on Election Day. Well, I have long suspected she broke protocol and refused because the old termagant never planned on losing and, thus, made no contingency plan for a concession speech. Say goodbye to the so-called "Clinton Dynasty." For good measure, the Clinton's 25-year shadow over Washington lasted longer than the 12 years of Hitler's 1,000-year Reich.

As far as the community organizer, he wasn't prepared to be president when elected in 2008 and he learned little on the job. I won't miss his 55-minute finger wags at the SOTU, the 27,000 jobs created per month, nor will I miss his incessant intellectual and moral superiority act. A legacy built on a mound of sand, Obama's term will be largely forgotten to the exception of a handful of intrepid leftist historians willing to risk their reputations burnishing Obama's image.

Regarding our new president, I greet him with immense skepticism, but if he chooses a different tack and plans outreach instead of creating an enemy of Mr. Putin, I'm fine with this. Perhaps extending a hand in friendship and trying to get along with foreign leaders will be to our benefit.
"Barry" is an Obama putdown used by conservative elitists to belittle Obam'frican heritage. .

I wonder if the producers of the new movie "Barry" know that they are belittling the President with the title of their film.

Even though the CNN reporter considers it to be "respectful," you probably shouldn't watch it. You certainly wouldn't want to be mistaken for a conservative elitist.
"Barry" depends upon the context. Calling him, "boy," however, doesn't give you much wiggle room.

Again, I referred to him as "your boy Barry" because you referred to Trump as "your boy Trumpy." Is that not allowed in your world?
Again, I referred to him as "your boy Barry" because you referred to Trump as "your boy Trumpy." Is that not allowed in your world?
I've explained this to you once, that should be enough. However, on this board, things don't sink in as well you might hope.

First, Obama is a respected leader while Trump is an egomaniac buffoon who bullies his way to his goals. Obama is a loving husband and father, while Trump is a molester who has twice been divorced for adultery. Trump doesn't deserve any respect.

Further, "boy" has a very specific meaning when applied to an adult male African American. Again, you're well aware of that.

Are you auditioning to become one of miracle's minions?
I've explained this to you once, that should be enough. However, on this board, things don't sink in as well you might hope.

First, Obama is a respected leader while Trump is an egomaniac buffoon who bullies his way to his goals. Obama is a loving husband and father, while Trump is a molester who has twice been divorced for adultery. Trump doesn't deserve any respect.

Further, "boy" has a very specific meaning when applied to an adult male African American. Again, you're well aware of that.

Are you auditioning to become one of miracle's minions?

So it's okay for you to call someone you dislike "boy," but it's not okay for me to call someone who you like by the same moniker.


This is a big contributor to the reason racism is still alive an well in America in 2016. Some people(Black or White irrelevant) do NOT strive for equality, they strive for supremacy. Do you desire to be equal to all others or superior? Me, I just want to be considered an equal that has a right to his/her opinion. I feel my opinion is correct, you feel your's is. I am happy to recognize your opinion even if i don't agree with it. Can you recognize mine? Im not saying you have to agree with it, but can you at least agree that we have to make ones skin color irrelevant before we move past racism and into a brighter world for everyone?

I've explained this to you once, that should be enough. However, on this board, things don't sink in as well you might hope.

First, Obama is a respected leader while Trump is an egomaniac buffoon who bullies his way to his goals. Obama is a loving husband and father, while Trump is a molester who has twice been divorced for adultery. Trump doesn't deserve any respect.

Further, "boy" has a very specific meaning when applied to an adult male African American. Again, you're well aware of that.

Are you auditioning to become one of miracle's minions?
Every state gets so many electoral votes based on population (I believe it's number of representatives), and one additional vote. That additional vote is the same for California and North Dakota. That's fair?

Yes, the criminal/ molester/ traitor gets credit for a victory, but it's a technicality. He got 46% of the total votes cast.

Winning the popular vote is nice, but that's not what gets you elected. It's nothing more than icing on the cake. Hillary TRIED and FAILED to win the electoral vote.

You can blame the Russians, Comey, etc.. but the bottom line is that whatever strategy she employed to win the electoral vote FAILED miserably.

She had a sitting president hustling votes for her. Her campaign spent TONS more money than her opponent. She had the most despicable and least electable Republican opponent that ANY other democratic candidate would have chewed up and spit out. The Republican establishment and down ticket Republican candidates were actively distancing themselves from the Republican Presidential candidate. And she still FAILED to seal the deal! She lost counties and states and demographic groups that Obama owned in the previous two elections.

You think that Russians and Comey mean anything to most folks in rural America or to the basket of deplorables that voted for Trump in droves? Gimme a break.

You want to take solace in the fact that she won the popular vote? Knock yourself out.
Winning the popular vote is nice, but that's not what gets you elected. It's nothing more than icing on the cake. Hillary TRIED and FAILED to win the electoral vote.

You can blame the Russians, Comey, etc.. but the bottom line is that whatever strategy she employed to win the electoral vote FAILED miserably.

She had a sitting president hustling votes for her. Her campaign spent TONS more money than her opponent. She had the most despicable and least electable Republican opponent that ANY other democratic candidate would have chewed up and spit out. The Republican establishment and down ticket Republican candidates were actively distancing themselves from the Republican Presidential candidate. And she still FAILED to seal the deal! She lost counties and states and demographic groups that Obama owned in the previous two elections.

You think that Russians and Comey mean anything to most folks in rural America or to the basket of deplorables that voted for Trump in droves? Gimme a break.

You want to take solace in the fact that she won the popular vote? Knock yourself out.

You want to take solace in the fact that a criminal won the electoral vote? Knock yourself out.
So it's okay for you to call someone you dislike "boy," but it's not okay for me to call someone who you like by the same moniker.

In reference to your buddy Donald, "boy" was used in a different and acceptable context. I hope this was simple enough for you.

This is a big contributor to the reason racism is still alive an well in America in 2016. Some people(Black or White irrelevant) do NOT strive for equality, they strive for supremacy. Do you desire to be equal to all others or superior? Me, I just want to be considered an equal that has a right to his/her opinion. I feel my opinion is correct, you feel your's is. I am happy to recognize your opinion even if i don't agree with it. Can you recognize mine? Im not saying you have to agree with it, but can you at least agree that we have to make ones skin color irrelevant before we move past racism and into a brighter world for everyone?

jwar - I wish skin color and cultural differences did not matter -- but they do. Republicans treatment of Obama would never have happened if he were white. They still would be nasty, but not as terrible. I accept that your statement was made in good faith, but I feel it's going to be a long, long time before it's reality.

As respectfully as I can be, I must disagree with your assertion Trump and Russian President Putin are involved in some unholy alliance.

Imagine the upheaval in the Pentagon or White House had the Russians had placed combat troops in Canada or Mexico and had negotiated economic agreements with Canada and Mexico and these pacts excluded the United States.

What Trump is proposing is an entirely different approach with the Kremlin: After 25 years of ignoring the steady drumbeat of Russian warnings against NATO and the EU expansion growing ever closer to the Russian frontier, the Kremlin finally re-acted.

Do some research into the American chicanery which drove Viktor Yanukovych into exile in 2014 over Yanukovych's desire to strengthen ties to Moscow as opposed to turning to the West. The American meddling caused Yanukovych's flight to Moscow and the West paved the way for a new government in Kiev, backed by the Americans, some of whom are neo-fascists.

It was this last move, driving a democratically-elected leader, Yanukovych, from office which inspired the Kremlin to seize Crimea. Certain NATO and the EU were prepared to offer Ukraine a cushy spot in NATO, the Kremlin swallowed Crimea whole to prevent Ukraine from accepting NATO's bid for membership and allowing the U.S. Navy to park its fleet at Crimean naval facilities.

Anyone think the Kremlin would stand by and watch helplessly as NATO warships blocked Russian access to the Black Sea and to the Mediterranean?

As far as Syria, American policy in the Middle East is partly responsible for the immeasurable suffering endured by the Syrian population. You reference stories seeping out about alleged atrocities committed by Syrian troops which may be true, but American support for Syrian opposition groups is on the same plane. I am not sure if you saw CNN's Kate Bouldan's teary-eyed presentation about Omran, but it was moving. In it, Bouldan describes the story of Omran as a victim of Russian aggression, and while her oration on behalf of Omran tugged at the heartstrings, Omran's suffering was no different than the Syrian boy beheaded by Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki in July.

The difference? Well, Omran was the unintended victim of the Russian aerial campaign over the skies of Aleppo and Russia is a convenient foil.

Alternatively, the unnamed Syrian boy executed by the Syrian opposition group Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki is BACKED BY THE CIA.

Tears were shed for Omran, but not a word about the youth butchered, beheaded by the way, by an American-backed rebel group which is every bit as responsible for the bloodletting in Syria.

This is where our friendly-neighborhood-community-organizer-turned president comes into the picture. A man of STAGGERING incompetence, Obama has stood by and allowed carnage to prevail all over the Middle East, preferring to kick the can down the road and let Trump sort out the mess. For beginners, his premature withdrawal from the region helped create a power vacuum in which Sunni group, ISIS, first drew blood.

Second, his feeble "red line," in which he demanded Syria turn over or destroy chemical weapon stockpiles, which he reversed, opened the door for Russian intervention. Tired of American inaction, Putin sided with Russia's old ally, Bashar al-Assad, and has brought the dictator back to his feet.

Last, his refusal to cooperate with the Russians to destroy militant groups and ISIS has influenced Damascus and Moscow's "zero-sum" anti-terror plan in Syria. Since Putin could not obtain any form of cooperation from the U.S., Putin was left with little alternative than to destroy anything which moved on the ground in Aleppo.

Separate from the Syria debacle, the accusation the Russian government is somehow responsible for HRC's electoral loss is utter nonsense. The tantrums thrown by the left in the wake of her loss are so amusing and the attempts to encourage Electoral voters to cast their ballots for a candidate other than the winner are nothing more than the left wanting to claim a scalp.

An utterly deplorable human being and dreadful presidential candidate, HRC has only herself to blame for her electoral loss. When Trump spoke of ending U.S. involvement in multi-lateral trade agreements in favor of bi-lateral pacts, HRC was blabbing about making history as the first female president. When Trump spoke at length about lowering the corporate tax rate from 35% to 20% to draw business to America, HRC droned on endlessly about transgender bathrooms.

Quite frankly, other than peeping Toms, perverts and deviants, I don't think anyone gave a flying fu^k about urinals in female bathrooms.

It's difficult to draw crowds when you are attempting to court votes from people who are no better off than they were in 2008. Moreover, American voters are often sensible, but rarely wise. In the 2016 election these sensible voters distinguished one candidate's vision for the country and another candidate's vision for herself. Some noticed HRC didn't concede on Election Day. Well, I have long suspected she broke protocol and refused because the old termagant never planned on losing and, thus, made no contingency plan for a concession speech. Say goodbye to the so-called "Clinton Dynasty." For good measure, the Clinton's 25-year shadow over Washington lasted longer than the 12 years of Hitler's 1,000-year Reich.

As far as the community organizer, he wasn't prepared to be president when elected in 2008 and he learned little on the job. I won't miss his 55-minute finger wags at the SOTU, the 27,000 jobs created per month, nor will I miss his incessant intellectual and moral superiority act. A legacy built on a mound of sand, Obama's term will be largely forgotten to the exception of a handful of intrepid leftist historians willing to risk their reputations burnishing Obama's image.

Regarding our new president, I greet him with immense skepticism, but if he chooses a different tack and plans outreach instead of creating an enemy of Mr. Putin, I'm fine with this. Perhaps extending a hand in friendship and trying to get along with foreign leaders will be to our benefit.
MW - While I disagree with some of your conclusions, I do appreciate you're making your case respectfully. That's very refreshing. I know that you went to a lot of trouble, here. I won't pick at your analysis. I trust you.

Regarding this long, long thread that began last week ... none of Trump's guys has explained anything significant about their support of Trump - it's all been anti-Hillary. They cite Bill's policies and life style as their prime excuse. I honestly believe that most of them are intimidated by a strong woman. Neither has anyone discussed Trump's plans and goals. He promised to drain the swamp, but all he's done is to appoint some very dangerous characters to his cabinet. This is our only inkling of his "vision" and it is truly scary.

He did say during the campaign, "We'll get rid of Obamacare ... (pause) ... and replace it ... (longer pause and nervous gasps) ... with something terrific. That's the only "plan" I heard during the campaign, and I watch network news every night. (news that was extremely favorable to him.)

He admitted on his "thank you tour" that this "lock her up" was all bluster, but this comes long after several chants broadcast across the country each evening. He even turned the crowd against the young woman reporter from NBC, despite that network putting Chuck Todd on television every Sunday morning -- giving Trump people unchallenged opportunities to spread his nonsense.

I know you dislike the Clintons very much, and I can't disagree with you on every count. However, if she had won the election with only 46% of the vote, what would be the reaction of Trump supporters? We can't be sure, but they promised a "second amendment solution."

Regarding Obama, I believe that historians will be far kinder to him than you expect; however, I'll be pushing up daisies by the time those books are written. Consider please that the GOP house and senate thwarted him at every turn. They wouldn't even give a hearing to his supreme court nominee. I know that he began with a majority in the senate, but several of those people (Manchkin, Nelson and others) had their own agenda and would side with the republicans at the drop of a hat.

To be honest, I was disappointed that you used the expression, "neighborhood organizer" -- especially considering Trump's shameful past and George W and his "mission accomplished" that never was. . I expect Trump to be more crooked than Harding, Grant and Nixon combined.

I hope to see you at a game next Fall.

I asked you two direct questions, you answered neither. Can I get your answer to them? I really want to understand what kind of person you are. I am not a fan of any politicians, but I could care less what skin tone you are I will give you my opinion and also call you out if your an elitist. Finally, why are you so determined to continue to drive an agenda of racial divide?

jwar - I wish skin color and cultural differences did not matter -- but they do. Republicans treatment of Obama would never have happened if he were white. They still would be nasty, but not as terrible. I accept that your statement was made in good faith, but I feel it's going to be a long, long time before it's reality.
In reference to your buddy Donald, "boy" was used in a different and acceptable context. I hope this was simple enough for you.
Yeah, golly gee wiz Ramblin, he meant "boy" in only the most complementary of ways.
You know, kind'a like Andy calling Opie "boy" on the Andy Griffith show.
i didn't like any of the candidates so I am not a Trump guy nor a HRC person. What I do know is that there has been a very very nice tailwind in the financial markets since the election. Much more so than the historical norms. Therefore it seems there are lot of smart money folks that seem to be placing bets that Trump will be turbocharging the economy as part of his "plan/vision" etc. Our GDP growth has been moribund... top line growth can help solve a lot of problems (investments in education and infrastructure, paying down Debt, bailing out social safety nets etc).
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I asked you two direct questions, you answered neither. Can I get your answer to them? I really want to understand what kind of person you are. I am not a fan of any politicians, but I could care less what skin tone you are I will give you my opinion and also call you out if your an elitist. Finally, why are you so determined to continue to drive an agenda of racial divide?

If I've figured out your two questions correctly, let me respond that I do not seek racial superiority for anybody ... quite the opposite. I thought that we had been making great strides, especially with the Obama election. But that event, strangely, brought out the worst in people, and made it ok to be publicly racist. Media types (Limbaugh, Fox people, et al) openly taunted him without fear of significant reprisal. Politicians, too. Can you name a president who was treated do contemptuously by Congress? So, while I was initially heartened by his election, it didn't last long. Yes, we do need to make skin color irrelevant, but it will take a few more generations of kids growing up, playing with each other, and carrying an open mind through adulthood. I truly wasn't trying to duck anything. i thought I had addressed your concerns earlier. I'm so passionate against Trump because I believe his office term will make things worse. I base this on the people he's selected as advisers and cabinet officials.

I honestly believe that most of them are intimidated by a strong woman.

Eh...........I don't share your pessimistic outlook on the responses. A good majority of the men who post here are married and I suspect they are quite respectful of their mothers, sisters, wives and daughters, to say nothing of the fact they extend courtesies to female acquaintances. I don't think I have ever seen a posts on this forum which degraded females unless it was taken out of context, deliberately.

He promised to drain the swamp, but all he's done is to appoint some very dangerous characters to his cabinet.

Sure he has appointed a few insiders and elected officials, but again, I am skeptical of the apocalyptic visions expressed by the left over Trump's appointments. Quite frankly, all I see if a bunch of lefties whining because the polls lied to them and they were cock sure they would deliver the first female to the White House. After tirelessly posturing HRC as eminently "qualified" for the White House, she revealed herself through appearances on the campaign trail and in her "message" to be only slightly less incompetent than Obama and embroiled in scandal. Like me, many voters saw HRC as conniving, dishonest and manipulative; she also came off as willing to tilt in any direction to get elected. Moreover, dodging the press for over 300 days didn't help her situation much. Stick a microphone under her lips and she falls off script instantly.

I know you dislike the Clintons very much, and I can't disagree with you on every count. However, if she had won the election with only 46% of the vote, what would be the reaction of Trump supporters? We can't be sure, but they promised a "second amendment solution."

I do, I do and I do........................I think both the Clintons are two thoroughly despicable, corrupt, dishonest and selfish people. The two set forth on getting HRC elected by setting up a sham charity, which was eventually exposed to be nothing more than a clearinghouse for foreign influence peddling. While the Clintons said they were aiding humanity, foreign donors, some from the most despotic regimes on the planet, were buying influence and they knew it.

As far as her election total, her rapist husband, Bill, won in 1992 with 42.7 percent of the vote and there were no cries of foul play by the right.

Bottom line: HRC had the tracks greased for her from the day she arrived in D.C. in 1993 with Bill in tow. She won a Senate seat in NY, a liberal mecca, by a narrow margin from a state known to crave vibrant personalities, but mustered only 54 percent of the vote.

The only reason she was nominated was because the leadership at the DNC was carving a path for her and obstructing a barely-reconstructed Marxist from Vermont. In defeating the Marxist frontman, she lost 23 states. Once the sham-of-a-nomination formula was exposed, the three top officials resigned in disgrace for rigging the nomination for her. In contrast, the GOP did EVERYTHING it could to thwart Trump, but he won fair and square because the GOP refused to engage in machinations or change the rules.

They wouldn't even give a hearing to his supreme court nominee. I know that he began with a majority in the senate, but several of those people (Manchkin, Nelson and others) had their own agenda and would side with the republicans at the drop of a hat.

I agreed with the GOP strategy to stonewall on the Garland nomination. Critics of the GOP on this issue conveniently forget in 2011 then-Majority Leader Harry Reid completely shut down the upper chamber of Congress for four years, squelched debate and refused to bring House legislation for votes on the Senate floor to protect Obama from having to veto bills which may have alleviated the economic dislocation we are still experiencing today. Not only did the feckless Reid shut down the Senate, he turned and lambasted the House as "obstructionist" and smeared Mitt Romney at every turn in the 2012 election. While the media remained silent on Reid, media motormouths eviscerated the GOP over stonewalling on the Garland nomination. I smell the foul stench of hypocrisy here.............

To be honest, I was disappointed that you used the expression, "neighborhood organizer" -- especially considering Trump's shameful past and George W and his "mission accomplished" that never was. . I expect Trump to be more crooked than Harding, Grant and Nixon combined.

Well, it was his chosen profession. Obama refused to accept an offer of a full-time associate professorship at U of C Law School because he preferred to remain clipboard in hand and pounding on doors to "get out the vote." Unless you see shame in being a community organizer, there is no need to be offended with my labeling him exactly as his profession calls. By all accounts, he was an effective organizer when rallying the masses on the south side. If this is the case, and I suspect it is, he probably should have remained on the south side clipboard in hand and banging on doors, because he has never demonstrated the leadership skills needed to be an effective leader and has consistently been overmatched by events since the day he entered the White House.

Of Obama's dismal performance in the White House, two issues stand out: First, from the moment he entered office, he targeted inner-city police departments with the Justice Dept. Investigations of Denver, Ferguson, Detroit, Cleveland, Baltimore and Chicago (pending), produced reports which read identically. In each case they found some problems, but never the kind of issues which Obama suggested were systemic and so detrimental it inhibited effective policing. The Justice Department was badly misused by Obama and he transformed the law-enforcement office into nothing more than an intellectual competitor to big-city police departments.

Second, Obama is a coward: For the last eight years he has consistently rejected encountering difficult decisions and difficult questions. I find it troubling to understand why the most powerful man in the world would refuse to hold regular press conferences, but found it fulfilling to regularly sit for "interviews" with comedians who double as reporters. Bill Maher, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Meyers, Jon Stewart and the appalling Samantha Bee are not reporters. On the contrary, they are pop cultural figures whose purpose is to entertain and not inform. Where is the bravery in sitting with comedians who lob softballs to garner a laugh? And Obama criticized Trump for hosting a reality show? The likes of Maher and Stewart are particularly laughable because they ran shows on cable. Neither got their own shows on network stations because they would fail. Instead, they took generous pay to fill 250 seats on cable and directed their rage at conservatives.

Once on the campaign trail in 2008, Obama was packaged by supporters as the secular reincarnation of the Lord.

He never reached mediocre.
I don't think I have ever seen a posts on this forum which degraded females unless it was taken out of context, deliberately.
It's not a matter of being disrespectful to women, but rather, unwilling to be in a subordinate role to a woman, especially one who is assertive. Most men, at least most of every single man I've ever met, have a hang-up when it comes to playing a subservient role to a woman -- especially those men with a conservative bent.

Sure he has appointed a few insiders and elected officials, but again, I am skeptical of the apocalyptic visions expressed by the left over Trump's appointments.

A few insiders? Two guys from Goldman Sachs? How 'bout Rick Perry and Ben Carson -- two incredible incompetents. Carson even admitted he shouldn't get a cabinet role. Plus, a climate change denier and a guy who doesn't believe that contraception should be legal? A slap in the face to America. The labor designee runs a company that's been hit with numerous charges from the dept he'll be running. He doesn't believe that everyday people should get overtime. They should work for free.

I smell the foul stench of hypocrisy here.............

It is impossible to out-hypocrite the Republicans. The party of war starters is run by draft dodgers. Cheney, Romney and Trump. C'mon. (I know that Bill dodged the draft, but he opposed the war, rather than supporting it like the other three.)

he has never demonstrated the leadership skills needed to be an effective leader and has consistently been overmatched by events since the day he entered the White House.[/QUOTE

]We'll just have to disagree, here. This is totally an opinion. on your part that is not shared by the public at large. If Obama could have run for a third term, he would have swept his way back into the White House. You disagree? Fine..

I find it troubling to understand why the most powerful man in the world would refuse to hold regular press conferences,

When's the last time Trump held a press conference? July? At least Obama answers questions. Trump just bellows and threatens. His press secretary is as loon, as well.

the appalling Samantha Bee

You must be kidding. What objective complaint can you possible have? Please, be specific. Does she disagree with you on some women's matter -- like keeping your nose out of women's issues? When she blisters hateful conservatives, she cites her sources. When's the last time you saw O'Reilly or that sycophant Hannity do that? Again, an assertive woman,

The likes of Maher and Stewart are particularly laughable because they ran shows on cable. Neither got their own shows on network stations because they would fail.

Maher got run off of ABC because sponsors complained about his politics. Would the comedians on Fox, the network where women staffers get the full Trump treatment, survive on network TV? Unlikely. Please note that Maher always (always) has at least one, if not two, conservatives on his three person pane. That includes the odious Ann Coulter, who has been on several times.
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Slow your roll here a bit my friend. Some of the worst wars we've been involved in all had their starts with your democratic friends. Woodrow Wilson(WWI), Lyndon B. Johnson(Vietnam), FDR(WWII, which he had actionable intelligence about a pending Pearl Harbor attack, but did nothing to stop it and used it to justify entering the war), and Harry Truman(Korean war, and the only world leader to actually use an Atomic Bomb which left burn shadows of civilians). War is wrong regardless of who starts it or ends it, but to cast these broad strokes thinking your party is free from the same war mongering is tacitly false.

It is impossible to out-hypocrite the Republicans. The party of war starters is run by draft dodgers. Cheney, Romney and Trump. C'mon. (I know that Bill dodged the draft, but he opposed the war, rather than supporting it like the other three.)

Slow your roll here a bit my friend. Some of the worst wars we've been involved in all had their starts with your democratic friends. Woodrow Wilson(WWI), Lyndon B. Johnson(Vietnam), FDR(WWII, which he had actionable intelligence about a pending Pearl Harbor attack, but did nothing to stop it and used it to justify entering the war), and Harry Truman(Korean war, and the only world leader to actually use an Atomic Bomb which left burn shadows of civilians). War is wrong regardless of who starts it or ends it, but to cast these broad strokes thinking your party is free from the same war mongering is tacitly false.

I'm as anti-war as you can get, but some wars are legitimate.

I don't know if your claims about FDR are true or not. Re Truman - the Japanese wouldn't stop fighting although their cause was lost. Young Americans and Japanese were dying needlessly. Re the first bomb,Truman made a tough choice that I agree with. I would have held off for several more days before dropping bomb #2.

I don't know what to tell you about WW I.

However the invasion of Iraq was a stupid a unnecessary action. There was no proof that Hussein had any weapons of mass destruction. The was simply a political move intended to position W as tough on terrorism. Close to 5000 young Americans died to make him look like a leader. Thousands more are crippled, blind or mentally affected, as well.

Iraq was stupid no argument from me, but you neglected to address both Korea and Vietnam which were by an order of magnitude worse. Did you just omit them from the list because you prefer to ignore it as if it never happened?

I'm as anti-war as you can get, but some wars are legitimate.

I don't know if your claims about FDR are true or not. Re Truman - the Japanese wouldn't stop fighting although their cause was lost. Young Americans and Japanese were dying needlessly. Re the first bomb,Truman made a tough choice that I agree with. I would have held off for several more days before dropping bomb #2.

I don't know what to tell you about WW I.

However the invasion of Iraq was a stupid a unnecessary action. There was no proof that Hussein had any weapons of mass destruction. The was simply a political move intended to position W as tough on terrorism. Close to 5000 young Americans died to make him look like a leader. Thousands more are crippled, blind or mentally affected, as well.
It's not a matter of being disrespectful to women, but rather, unwilling to be in a subordinate role to a woman, especially one who is assertive. Most men, at least most of every single man I've ever met, have a hang-up when it comes to playing a subservient role to a woman -- especially those men with a conservative bent.


I'n not sure what people on your side of the aisle are looking for anymore. I really don't. For over five decades sexism has gradually receded to a point where women run Fortune 500 firms, hold positions in state and federal government and dominate the enrollments in college. What precisely is the left looking for? My deepest suspicion is the issue is now weaponized to hurl the reckless charge we persist in a sexist society despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. We do not live in a sexist society any longer. It is undeniable we live among sexists, but we do not live in a sexist society.

I can not pass the opportunity to direct ire at Clinton with your passage here. Much has been made of Clinton's "lifelong" commitment to "women and children" and much has been made of her "experience" as a "stateswoman" and attorney. While she is a licensed attorney, Marilyn Quayle, wife of former VP Dan Quayle, was an accomplished attorney involved in corporate law for two decades prior to the emergence of HRC on the national scene. Because of the uninterrupted campaign against conservative women in this country, often portraying them as Victorian old women restricted to the maternity ward and kitchen, her laudable accomplishments in the business world were ignored in favor of vilifying her husband as an incompetent.

A few insiders? Two guys from Goldman Sachs? How 'bout Rick Perry and Ben Carson -- two incredible incompetents. Carson even admitted he shouldn't get a cabinet role. Plus, a climate change denier and a guy who doesn't believe that contraception should be legal? A slap in the face to America. The labor designee runs a company that's been hit with numerous charges from the dept he'll be running. He doesn't believe that everyday people should get overtime. They should work for free.

Goldman Sachs has been sending executives to work in government roles for decades and now the left is complaining about two men with ties to Goldman Sachs.

Like you, I am appalled by the excesses of Wall Street. Herbert Hoover, a vastly underrated president, said it best: "The problem with capitalism is capitalists: They are too greedy." Unfortunately, his wisdom has been ignored. Instead of punishing those who manipulate markets, we regulate the entire system.

For example: If I am caught guzzling brandy from a snifter on my front stoop, I can be arrested, charged with a crime and fined. If using marijuana on my front stop, I face a felony charge and my previously-unblemished record is stained with a criminal offense which technically could prevent me from obtaining a job.

In contrast, if I were a broker working with a Wall Street investment firm busily engaging myself in the manipulation of derivatives to the detriment of investors, and I get caught, the federal government under Obama simply fined the firm, but I get off Scot free. Wall Street thugs laughed at any potential "reform" under this administration.

I know you see the inverted morality here, but Obama did nothing. I would have used the threat of prosecution instead of regulation of markets as leverage to get Wall Street to reform itself. Want to see Wall Street behave legally, ethically and morally? Pass laws which will position the threat of prosecution like a cloud over downtown NYC and Wall Street executives will reverse their "anything goes" business model in an instant.

As far as Carson, a man of extraordinary scientific gifts, at least he has the humility to admit his shortcomings as a bureaucrat, but this should not prevent him from a role in government. At the very least, he would demonstrate more competence than the band of inept social workers dominating the current administration. I mean, Wendy Sherman, Obama's go-to gal on the Iran negotiations for JCPOA, an atrocious deal which imperils one of our greatest allies in Israel, is a former social worker, but not a word is uttered over her lack of experience.

It is impossible to out-hypocrite the Republicans. The party of war starters is run by draft dodgers. Cheney, Romney and Trump. C'mon. (I know that Bill dodged the draft, but he opposed the war, rather than supporting it like the other three.)

Well, perhaps we are even in the simpleton sweepstakes. Romney didn't dodge the draft; Cheney had a legitimate deferment over a heart condition; and I am unaware of Trump's draft status.

If you are looking for a legitimate draft dodger, look at Reagan's first budget director, David Stockman. Stockman took a deferment for divinity school.

As respectfully as I can be, I must disagree with your assertion Trump and Russian President Putin are involved in some unholy alliance.

Imagine the upheaval in the Pentagon or White House had the Russians had placed combat troops in Canada or Mexico and had negotiated economic agreements with Canada and Mexico and these pacts excluded the United States.

What Trump is proposing is an entirely different approach with the Kremlin: After 25 years of ignoring the steady drumbeat of Russian warnings against NATO and the EU expansion growing ever closer to the Russian frontier, the Kremlin finally re-acted.

Do some research into the American chicanery which drove Viktor Yanukovych into exile in 2014 over Yanukovych's desire to strengthen ties to Moscow as opposed to turning to the West. The American meddling caused Yanukovych's flight to Moscow and the West paved the way for a new government in Kiev, backed by the Americans, some of whom are neo-fascists.

It was this last move, driving a democratically-elected leader, Yanukovych, from office which inspired the Kremlin to seize Crimea. Certain NATO and the EU were prepared to offer Ukraine a cushy spot in NATO, the Kremlin swallowed Crimea whole to prevent Ukraine from accepting NATO's bid for membership and allowing the U.S. Navy to park its fleet at Crimean naval facilities.

Anyone think the Kremlin would stand by and watch helplessly as NATO warships blocked Russian access to the Black Sea and to the Mediterranean?

As far as Syria, American policy in the Middle East is partly responsible for the immeasurable suffering endured by the Syrian population. You reference stories seeping out about alleged atrocities committed by Syrian troops which may be true, but American support for Syrian opposition groups is on the same plane. I am not sure if you saw CNN's Kate Bouldan's teary-eyed presentation about Omran, but it was moving. In it, Bouldan describes the story of Omran as a victim of Russian aggression, and while her oration on behalf of Omran tugged at the heartstrings, Omran's suffering was no different than the Syrian boy beheaded by Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki in July.

The difference? Well, Omran was the unintended victim of the Russian aerial campaign over the skies of Aleppo and Russia is a convenient foil.

Alternatively, the unnamed Syrian boy executed by the Syrian opposition group Harakat Nour al-Din al-Zenki is BACKED BY THE CIA.

Tears were shed for Omran, but not a word about the youth butchered, beheaded by the way, by an American-backed rebel group which is every bit as responsible for the bloodletting in Syria.

This is where our friendly-neighborhood-community-organizer-turned president comes into the picture. A man of STAGGERING incompetence, Obama has stood by and allowed carnage to prevail all over the Middle East, preferring to kick the can down the road and let Trump sort out the mess. For beginners, his premature withdrawal from the region helped create a power vacuum in which Sunni group, ISIS, first drew blood.

Second, his feeble "red line," in which he demanded Syria turn over or destroy chemical weapon stockpiles, which he reversed, opened the door for Russian intervention. Tired of American inaction, Putin sided with Russia's old ally, Bashar al-Assad, and has brought the dictator back to his feet.

Last, his refusal to cooperate with the Russians to destroy militant groups and ISIS has influenced Damascus and Moscow's "zero-sum" anti-terror plan in Syria. Since Putin could not obtain any form of cooperation from the U.S., Putin was left with little alternative than to destroy anything which moved on the ground in Aleppo.

Separate from the Syria debacle, the accusation the Russian government is somehow responsible for HRC's electoral loss is utter nonsense. The tantrums thrown by the left in the wake of her loss are so amusing and the attempts to encourage Electoral voters to cast their ballots for a candidate other than the winner are nothing more than the left wanting to claim a scalp.

An utterly deplorable human being and dreadful presidential candidate, HRC has only herself to blame for her electoral loss. When Trump spoke of ending U.S. involvement in multi-lateral trade agreements in favor of bi-lateral pacts, HRC was blabbing about making history as the first female president. When Trump spoke at length about lowering the corporate tax rate from 35% to 20% to draw business to America, HRC droned on endlessly about transgender bathrooms.

Quite frankly, other than peeping Toms, perverts and deviants, I don't think anyone gave a flying fu^k about urinals in female bathrooms.

It's difficult to draw crowds when you are attempting to court votes from people who are no better off than they were in 2008. Moreover, American voters are often sensible, but rarely wise. In the 2016 election these sensible voters distinguished one candidate's vision for the country and another candidate's vision for herself. Some noticed HRC didn't concede on Election Day. Well, I have long suspected she broke protocol and refused because the old termagant never planned on losing and, thus, made no contingency plan for a concession speech. Say goodbye to the so-called "Clinton Dynasty." For good measure, the Clinton's 25-year shadow over Washington lasted longer than the 12 years of Hitler's 1,000-year Reich.

As far as the community organizer, he wasn't prepared to be president when elected in 2008 and he learned little on the job. I won't miss his 55-minute finger wags at the SOTU, the 27,000 jobs created per month, nor will I miss his incessant intellectual and moral superiority act. A legacy built on a mound of sand, Obama's term will be largely forgotten to the exception of a handful of intrepid leftist historians willing to risk their reputations burnishing Obama's image.

Regarding our new president, I greet him with immense skepticism, but if he chooses a different tack and plans outreach instead of creating an enemy of Mr. Putin, I'm fine with this. Perhaps extending a hand in friendship and trying to get along with foreign leaders will be to our benefit.

While I disagree with your characterization of Obama as a community organizer as opposed to State and Federal senator I do find common ground in a lot of what you say here outside of President Obama.

1. Our foreign policy has always been terrible. Always. Our interventions have been disastrous almost every time. I am not opposed to mending relationships with any country whether it be Russia, Iran, or Cuba. I think often times (most times) we act without considering the real world consequences or we don't care because who could really oppose our military? Well, groups like Al Qaeda found a way to fight back. This leads into the Syrian conflict, while I don't think the President should have drawn the line, the bigger mistake would have been to go in for a multitude of reasons. Furthermore, while drawing the line and not acting looks bad, it doesn't look as bad as playing "RISK" all over the globe spreading the empire or getting bogged down in a war fighting half a dozen different factions and not ever having an exit plan all the while strengthening the sentiments that give groups like ISIS power to recruit.

2. HRC ran a lackluster campaign. That much is clear. Part of that was due to the media frenzy around the 6 foot carrot toned carnival barker, part due to poor planning. However, Trump's was no better. As MC63 has pointed out, there was hardly any plans presented at all. Other than sound bites that were easily chanted ie "Build that wall" "lock her up" "Make America Great Again" there really was nothing notable about the campaign except all the free coverage. Even with that the clown has gone back on nearly everything he promised already like "draining the swamp" and opposing wall street.

Truth of the matter is I likely will be fine over this upcoming failure of a presidency. I work in an industry that will likely flourish even more so while the "hard working Americans" watch more and more jobs be sent over seas by Trump and his ilk, while other jobs are automated, and no new industries emerge to replace the fleeing jobs. I'll be fine long as none of these newly brave deplorables try it then it will be a worse day for them. But where this will benefit me most is I'll be able to look at that voting block's worsening poverty with a lack of empathy that I previously had.
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Every state gets so many electoral votes based on population (I believe it's number of representatives), and one additional vote. That additional vote is the same for California and North Dakota. That's fair?

Yes, the criminal/ molester/ traitor gets credit for a victory, but it's a technicality. He got 46% of the total votes cast. A tiny fraction of a percentage point below Dudkakis. Period. He can thank for Russians and Comey.

Now, he's claiming a landslide

Talk about big boy pants .. if the exact opposite had happened, you deplorables promised to take up arms.


[QUOTE="corey90, post: 120930, member

These comments might be dumbest ever on this site. Tell us all when Trump our next president has ever been convicted of any of your claims?
You have your own opinions and they are all fictional. You need help! Sycophantic ward may be your best bet.[/QUOTE]
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Slow your roll here a bit my friend. Some of the worst wars we've been involved in all had their starts with your democratic friends. Woodrow Wilson(WWI), Lyndon B. Johnson(Vietnam), FDR(WWII, which he had actionable intelligence about a pending Pearl Harbor attack, but did nothing to stop it and used it to justify entering the war), and Harry Truman(Korean war, and the only world leader to actually use an Atomic Bomb which left burn shadows of civilians). War is wrong regardless of who starts it or ends it, but to cast these broad strokes thinking your party is free from the same war mongering is tacitly false.
You're going in a whole new direction I'm against war, and was especially against the Vietnam war -- which killed three of my classmates. I didn't realize that you wanted a review of all our conflicts. I'm not getting into that.
I'm as anti-war as you can get, but some wars are legitimate.

I don't know if your claims about FDR are true or not. Re Truman - the Japanese wouldn't stop fighting although their cause was lost. Young Americans and Japanese were dying needlessly. Re the first bomb,Truman made a tough choice that I agree with. I would have held off for several more days before dropping bomb #2.

I don't know what to tell you about WW I.

However the invasion of Iraq was a stupid a unnecessary action. There was no proof that Hussein had any weapons of mass destruction. The was simply a political move intended to position W as tough on terrorism. Close to 5000 young Americans died to make him look like a leader. Thousands more are crippled, blind or mentally affected, as well.

I'm with MC63 on this one.

I'm not buying into the xfiles conspiracy theory on FDR and Pearl Harbor. Cavalcade of errors starting with yes FDR and intelligence data and trickling down to the Pearl commanders, and including lining up the us fighter planes up in a row for tidy bombing and straffing runs for the Zeros under the guise of the planes easier to guard against sabotage and ending with the spotting the Japanese planes on radar coming from the direction of the open sea (and not from the us mainland) and calling it a flock of birds moving quickly.

Regardless - if the US doesn't enter the war (and quickly) then history would have played out with the USA being carved up into two pieces with everyone west of the Mississippi River speaking Japanese and everyone east of the Mississippi speaking German. Eventually Japan and Germany would have gone at it and both would probably have the atom bomb (Japan would have captured the uranium processing facilities in Hanford Washington and trinity sites etc. and would have continued to work on the project.

Truman - horrible decision to make. Probably the toughest decision any president had to make but he made the correct one in my view as his primary responsibility is to save as many lives of the citizens he serves (civilian and military) as he can and secondarily save as many civilian lives overall (including the enemy's) while winning/ending the war. I think he did all three
* estimates of an invasion of the Japanese Home Islands was 2 million American casualties.
* estimates were much more than that for Japanese casualties military and civilian.
* the war ended shortly after the 2nd bomb.

* Vietnam unnecessary and huge mistake
* Gulf War II unnecessary and huge mistake.
You're going in a whole new direction I'm against war, and was especially against the Vietnam war -- which killed three of my classmates. I didn't realize that you wanted a review of all our conflicts. I'm not getting into that.
You said that the Republicans were the party of "war starters", yet when given a list of numerous Democrat presidents that "started wars" you suddenly don't want to "get into that". Perhaps it was another false narrative on your part.
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Slow your roll here a bit my friend. Some of the worst wars we've been involved in all had their starts with your democratic friends. Woodrow Wilson(WWI), Lyndon B. Johnson(Vietnam), FDR(WWII, which he had actionable intelligence about a pending Pearl Harbor attack, but did nothing to stop it and used it to justify entering the war), and Harry Truman(Korean war, and the only world leader to actually use an Atomic Bomb which left burn shadows of civilians).

I already addressed the FDR xfiles theory in my reply to MC63, and frankly even if your xfiles theory is true (which I do not believe) and it was an intentional act of omission to get the isolationist and passifist USA mobilized to enter the war (or even if Admiral Nagumo called up the White House and let them know his strike force was coming) while that is deplorable and a direct violation of the oath the president takes to defend the United States and if true he should have been impeached - it did eventually save the USA from being occupied by Japan in the west and Germany in the East which is what would have happened if the US continued to stand on the sidelines for the decade of the 1940's. If this xfiles thing is true - maybe FDR decided the greatest threat to the USA was non action in the war and justified his ursurping congressional war making powers by the heinous xfiles act? Almost every reputable historian agrees if the usa not in the war - a very very bad alternate history ensues.

but the part about Truman?... wow JWAR really? The toughest decision any president had to make ever and you want to play peanut gallery second guesser and dramatize it with vaporizing people shadows? Your better than that. Forget the label Democratic and Republican and just look at the man and that time in history.
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