East Side v Geneva 48-28 GAME & TITLE

All these penalties against East Side are a bit of surprise. This team hasn't seemed to be as penalty prone as in past years. It was something this group seemed to want to clean up -- and that seemed to be the case until today. At least the games I have watched.
They have all Summer to work on that. Let them keep committing them for the time being.

Private Schools 7 - Public Schools 1. That’s a wrap!

1. Go back to football enrollment, maybe drop highest and lowest opponent for average

2. Eliminate the waiver or do not allow privates do drop below the classes they traditionally compete in.

Both are easy and simple solutions that both sides probably agree with. 3/4 winners tomorrow know they don't belong in the class they are in. CC is probably the exception.
Can you explain #1? Curious what you mean by football enrollment.

The old private/public debate! jeez. still. EASY FIX.

if someone could provide a cancelled check or a tuition statement showing that a student has received financial assistance for athletic scholarships that would allow the continuation of the private/public debate! until then- why keep complaining!

until then- remember- recruiting is not illegal! it's done to keep the doors open! Don't be mad ya took a beating! Don't be mad they didn't recruit your kid! Just remember everyone has to work within the rules of the IHSA.

recruiting does not mean kids are receiving financial assistance to play for the school of their choice!

anything else is speculation like aliens, flat earth, and Elvis still being alive!

Somebody’s big mad in Antioch…and it’s only Friday

can anyone provide a paper trail showing tuitions paid for athletes to play?

nothing wrong with recruiting as long as they don't pay for kids to play.

UNTIL evidence is provided that this has happened you have nothing to complain about.

i am sure people will say that it happens but is the best kept secrets... right up there with aliens and flat earth!
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