
Talked to a zebra at my son's freshman game about this, one of the guys was on that crew. When a knee is declared, the refs tell both sides to back off. He said the SF QB took the snap and stood there for a few seconds before kneeling. While the delay did occur during the play, they consider it a dead ball foul, because otherwise, it would just help the offending team run the clock out. Theoretically, an offense could keep doing that, and it would always be 1st down, and keep running game time off the clock.
He took two steps back, paused for a second and then took a knee. It wouldn’t have changed the fact that SF without doing that could have still run out the clock. It’s an official inserting himself and influencing the outcome of a game that was otherwise already decided on the field. SIU stated it perfectly above - like pulling someone over for doing 31 in a 30.

Did you also talk to them at all about the fact they called a dropped pass the game winning TD? I’m not one to normally rag on the officiating but they were fairly awful for both sides all night.
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He took two steps back, paused for a second and then took a knee. It wouldn’t have changed the fact that SF without doing that could have still run out the clock. It’s an official inserting himself and influencing the outcome of a game that was otherwise already decided on the field. SIU stated it perfectly above - like pulling someone over for doing 31 in a 30.

Did you also talk to them at all about the fact they called a dropped pass the game winning TD? I’m not one to normally rag on the officiating but they were fairly awful for both sides all night.
Sounds to me like they were trying to avoid a punt. If they wanted to do that, they could have run a play. The refs will absolutely not allow a team to eat a few ticks off the clock, while telling the defense to stand down.
They actually did SF a favor by not calling it unsportsmanlike. Same result with a down used and a stopped clock, but only got walked off 5 instead of 15.

Sounds to me like they were trying to avoid a punt. If they wanted to do that, they could have run a play. The refs will absolutely not allow a team to eat a few ticks off the clock, while telling the defense to stand down.
So call an infraction that doesn’t exist in HS football? That’s my rub, they didn’t know that penalty doesn’t exist in HS. They should have called unsportsmanlike since it was egregious…

Anyways….it’s over now.
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So call an infraction that doesn’t exist in HS football? That’s my rub, they didn’t know that penalty doesn’t exist in HS. They should have called unsportsmanlike since it was egregious…

Anyways….it’s over now.
Agree. It’s over now. If you’re SF you gotta stop burying yourself early in games like you have in the last two, try and win 3 out of the last 4 to get a decent seed for playoffs and learn from this game.
Terrible way to lose a game. It certainly appears that SF got the shaft on both the victory formation issue and the “td” pass.
May have saved Provi season with the win.
Has there ever been a game in Illinois reversed the following days after the game is over?
If the film was still up, you'd see that the QB took 2 steps back and kneeled, he didn't stop for a few seconds. We always tell the QB to take a step back from the line and kneel and then back pedal.

Just because the defense is told to stand down does not mean they listen. So you should expose your QB to a potential injury if someone decides to go hard?

The biggest problem with the officiating is that they didn't explain the penalty. A Delay of Game is a pre-snap dead ball foul. That means the play never happened. They did not do SF a "favor" by not calling unsportsmanlike because if they did, there would have been an understanding that it was a post play dead ball penalty.

By not explaining what happened until after "2nd Down", the SF coaches did not know that they could no longer run the clock out. If properly explained, the coaches would not have kneeled on "2nd Down" and would have run a play.
Maybe you haven't seen the officials talking to both sides about shutting it down for kneel downs this year. If they fire out, it's a 15 yarder. It's been clearly communicated to both lines, at every level this year, before each snap. Stop with the excuse to take two steps back. Mind you, I have no horse in the race. The extra step back was to eat more clock, not to "prevent injury." I saw the same thing called against my team a few years ago.
The lack of communication, sure, that's an issue. But don't act like it takes 4 seconds to kneel down.