New Stadiums/ Renovations

I believe Fenton in Bensenville is undergoing some sort of renovation with the installation if field turf etc. They started last fall.I also thought I heard that the football field at West Leyden in Northlake where the Leyden Eagles play their football games was going to have field turf installed. They created a field turf surface at East Leyden in Franklin Park for soccer which looks really nice. .
Leyden will be undergoing a complete renovation of its football stadium at its West campus in Northlake, but for the '25-'26 school year. Included is the installation of field turf (finally), new bleachers, press box and scoreboard. The scoreboard will not allow for video as it against Board policy to run advertising, which would have been necessary to justify the cost. Last year the stadium received a new track & concessions/locker room building on the north end of the stadium.
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Leyden will be undergoing a complete renovation of its football stadium at its West campus in Northlake, but for the '25-'26 school year. Included is the installation of field turf (finally), new bleachers, press box and scoreboard. The scoreboard will not allow for video as it against Board policy to run advertising, which would have been necessary to justify the cost. Last year the stadium received a new track & concessions/locker room building on the north end of the stadium.
Awesome! I know they installed field turf at the East Leyden campus where the old football field was but it's used for soccer. Once the renovations are completed at West Leyden all of the WSC Gold schools will have field turf fields for football ..
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I have no info on when all this was done ... it could have been done in previous years.
The past two days, travels have required me to drive north on Route 94 passing Old Orchard shopping mall and, more to the point, the adjacent Niles North High School.
I was stunned the first time I passed the school's football/soccer/baseball/softball athletic complex, and was totally rubber-necking as I passed it the second time.
Obviously, I couldn't stop on the expressway to take pictures, but hopefully one of Edgy's big supporters has access to the third floor of Niles North High School and can take pictures of the outdoor athletic complex.
It is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Stunningly amazing.
So impressive --- all artificial turf instead of regular grass on every field, including two football fields --- that I had to look up Niles North athletic history to see if the school is a powerhouse in some of the "minor" sports. I know they are an also-ran in football, but I had to find out for myself that they are not super-special in other outdoor team sports.
Anyway, whoever designed this athletic complex, that person should be working on the Bears' lakefront and/or Arlington Hts. plans.
It's that impressive.
Anyon driving north on Route 94 passing Niles North High to your right, relax a bit on the gas pedal and check it out for yourself. It's as impressive as I've seen and I've seen many in many many years of following high school sports in Illinois.
Gotta give the Niles North people credit for this effort.
Was at Sterling Friday it was a great stadium. Did a great job with the layout except visitors look into sun.