We're on a message board about high school athletics, and none of us are in high school. Nothing about this is nuanced and literally no one has unique thoughts about the same tired subjects that get discussed every single year. This includes you, Barney Stinson.
Are you suggesting this has been you bullying me? I'm confused... I'm certainly not someone who cowers to someone who claims to be more intelligent, and you very well could be. But aren't you admitting some level of ignorance by continuously engaging with someone you often claim is unintelligent or beneath you? I would think anyone of the caliber you claim to be would be both far too busy to even exist in this space and most certainly capable of restraining from engaging, repeatedly, with scum like myself.
Yet you seem to need the last word in each thread you venture into in order to feel superior. That's a sign of weakness in itself, is it not? Do you drive a big truck to compensate for your little buddy too? You probably call him Billy and some girl laughed at him once in high school so you've chosen to take it out on the easiest target you could think of... using an anonymous username because you think your life is worth protecting from anyone on here?
You remain a joke to most here, and in your personal life I'd presume. You don't bother me, I just figure if we're going to be forced to read the high preaching's of someone of your status, you may as well have a critic to keep you at your best.
I'm a father now, my daughter is 3. She's my life. I hope someday you have something or someone as important to you as she is to me. Then you'll understand why those like me don't find you cute, or amusing, or worth anything more than some message board nonsense. Maybe then you'll realize you're just lonely, and a loser. Bc anyone who claims what you have, and displays the level of arrogance you have, has nothing of substance to cling to in their life. It doesn't take Jesus, or a genius, to know that. Even the idiots like me know you're nothing more than a lonely keyboard warrior looking for relevance in a world of amateur athletics. How pitiful.