IHSA Statement on COVID forfeit ordeal....

Why is this so hard to understand.....if a team forfeits for any reason fine. The point many (including myself) are trying to get across is shouldn't we try to encourage schools to keep playing and not just take a forfeit and sit out a week? Competition? Instead of discouraging teams from not seeking another opponent, why not try to at least encourage it instead? Allow teams to have the forfeit win AND allow them to play a game that week WITHOUT penalizing them win or lose? Isn't the job of the IHSA to help support and encourage and help promote high school athletics? That's all it is from my standpoint...
Why is this so hard to understand..... the IHSA is run by a bunch of buffoons. Mic drop!!
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At the end of the day - we are living through a scenario in time that has no playbook. Schools had no playbook for covid. Business's had no playbook. Parents had no playbook. The government had no playbook. ETC....

The IHSA, in my opinion, is making decisions with the best intentions in mind. Sure they are going to make decisions they will look back and probably wish they did different...just as the entire world will.

But I have no problem with this decision. I don't think it's worth criticizing the IHSA for.

If you are of the belief that the the IHSA should promote playing a game for the kids...they aren't saying they can't play. YOU CAN PLAY. You just run the risk of getting an L. That's for the coach to decide for his team. I think that is more than fair. Every time you take the field on Friday night you run the risk of taking an L.
You just run the risk of getting an L. That's for the coach to decide for his team. I think that is more than fair. Every time you take the field on Friday night you run the risk of taking an L.
It's not just about running the risk of taking an L. In this particular case, it's about running the risk of a giving up a W that you have already been awarded and turning it into an L.
I only look at it one way- and it's the only way for me with kids now in regards to school, sport, social life, etc...and that is:

Is this what is best for the kids?

In this scenario (and almost everything that has happened to our youth the past 2 years), I don't think it is best for them. Everyone wants to play. Let them play and don't penalize them for playing just because an opponent could not.
Why is this so hard to understand..... the IHSA is run by a bunch of buffoons. Mic drop!!
Just curious. Do you really believe that the ten elected principals , who make up the IHSA Board of Director which is tasked with making policy, interpreting rules and employing an administrative staff, are buffoons?

Why does the discourse on this message board so often degenerate to name calling? I know I'm an old guy, but can't we just have a civil discussion?

Buffoons or not, I am in agreement with the IHSA position on forfeits.
BTW, it's exhibition, not exposition.
I had to chuckle about this. I was going to point it out but I figured ahh. It's just Corey being Corey. It's like the guy who uses the wrong words or butchers names. We all know what he means, although he doesn't say it or spell it correctly all the time. 😂 :p

And someone else here used the word expedition instead of exhibition too. ;)
It's not just about running the risk of taking an L. In this particular case, it's about running the risk of a giving up a W that you have already been awarded and turning it into an L.
And that's for the coach to decide. No one is putting a gun to his head and saying you must make this decision or else.
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Here's a point to consider: so lets say the IHSA allows you to take a forfeit win and play an "exhibition game" that means nothing. As a coach, you are now playing a game on Friday night that doesn't mean a thing and your best player breaks his leg and is out for the year.

You now have a kid who got hurt in an exhibition game that meant absolutely nothing and has drastically hurt your playoff chances.

Is playing the playoff game worth the risk?

This whole debate is up to a coach weighing the risks and making a decision for his program.
I had to chuckle about this. I was going to point it out but I figured ahh. It's just Corey being Corey. It's like the guy who uses the wrong words or butchers names. We all know what he means, although he doesn't say it or spell it correctly all the time. 😂 :p

And someone else here used the word expedition instead of exhibition too. ;)
Yup sometimes I forget to look my iPhone just takes over sometimes.
Here's a point to consider: so lets say the IHSA allows you to take a forfeit win and play an "exhibition game" that means nothing. As a coach, you are now playing a game on Friday night that doesn't mean a thing and your best player breaks his leg and is out for the year.

You now have a kid who got hurt in an exhibition game that meant absolutely nothing and has drastically hurt your playoff chances.

Is playing the playoff game worth the risk?

This whole debate is up to a coach weighing the risks and making a decision for his program.
I had a similar post written, but didnt hit post yet.
maybe we should just do away with the post season and just have 14 exhibition games for everyone. It'll be like the spring. Why punish teams who can't get to 5 wins?
Here's a point to consider: so lets say the IHSA allows you to take a forfeit win and play an "exhibition game" that means nothing. As a coach, you are now playing a game on Friday night that doesn't mean a thing and your best player breaks his leg and is out for the year.

You now have a kid who got hurt in an exhibition game that meant absolutely nothing and has drastically hurt your playoff chances.

Is playing the playoff game worth the risk?

This whole debate is up to a coach weighing the risks and making a decision for his program.
Or, he could break his leg the next game in one that counts. Does it matter which game or the meaning of a record based on an injury? Kids can get hurt in any game. Hell, they could get hurt in PE or driving to school.

The question should be, especially after a shortened/lost season for many: do they want to play? How can we make sure they get an opportunity to play if they do? What, as the adults in the situation, can we do with common sense to provide opportunities while not taking anything more away from them?
Here is an idea.
So if a game is cancelled do to covid maybe we let the team keep the forfeit win. If the school schedules a replacement game in its place win or lose that stays on their record. Essentially they would have an extra game on their record for the forfeit win or loss.
Or, he could break his leg the next game in one that counts. Does it matter which game or the meaning of a record based on an injury? Kids can get hurt in any game. Hell, they could get hurt in PE or driving to school.

The question should be, especially after a shortened/lost season for many: do they want to play? How can we make sure they get an opportunity to play if they do? What, as the adults in the situation, can we do with common sense to provide opportunities while not taking anything more away from them?
I get your point but disagree somewhat. I understand the point you're making in that a player can get hurt in any game, exhibition or not. But, if a player gets hurt in a meaningless game a lot of second-guessing goes on and it starts with the coach himself.

I was at a game at JCA early in the season, years ago. They had a big lead late in the 4th quarter. They were kicking off and, if I remember correctly, one of the guys on the kickoff team couldn't get on the field for some reason. So, one of the defensive starters asked or maybe begged the coach to let him on the field for that play. Again, if memory serves, he started suffered an season-ending injury. I believe he was a senior too.

There was no reason for him to be on the field and if he didn't get hurt no one would have paid attention to it. But he did. I can imagine how that coach felt. It may not be the same thing, but there is a point to it.

Of course you want to play. But at this point in the season, if I am coaching, I don't want to play a game that is meaningless. I might be more inclined to take the W and rest guys who might have some issues going on. Kind of like a bye. JMO.
Here is an idea.
So if a game is cancelled do to covid maybe we let the team keep the forfeit win. If the school schedules a replacement game in its place win or lose that stays on their record. Essentially they would have an extra game on their record for the forfeit win or loss.
Um No. Now you can get 6 win in potentially 3 weeks and make playoffs?
Or, he could break his leg the next game in one that counts. Does it matter which game or the meaning of a record based on an injury? Kids can get hurt in any game. Hell, they could get hurt in PE or driving to school.

The question should be, especially after a shortened/lost season for many: do they want to play? How can we make sure they get an opportunity to play if they do? What, as the adults in the situation, can we do with common sense to provide opportunities while not taking anything more away from them?
Agree with most of this - kids can get hurt doing a variety of things.

My only point is - the IHSA is not hindering the teams from giving kids the opportunity to play. It's up to the coach to make the decision for his program based on all the possible risks.
This just seems like a big "nothin' going on here" type of thing. Every teams situation is going to be their unique situation. If your priority is to make the playoffs and your W/L record and remaining schedule appear as such that in order to make playoffs you need take a forfeit W, then take the forfeit W. If your priority is playing as many games as possible, taking on anyone you can, then play the game and the playoff situation will be what it will be.

Frankly, I would want to play games. I would turn over every rock and play anyone who would play and let the playoff chips fall where they may.

Bottom line for most (not all - there are definitely exceptions), if you need a forfeit victory to get in playoffs, you likely weren't going to do much damage in playoffs anyway.
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West Aurora is probably a good example this week. they are 2-1 now and appear to have a Covid Cancellation in Joliet West this week. That was probably a WA win (3-1). Do they accept the forfeit or look for a game? The rest of their schedule, there are no guaranties.
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I see your point but disagree with it.

Your rationale says if you are going to play a game make it count win or lose. Seems reasonable except when you consider the circumstance of risking an accrued (note I didn't say earned) win to play a replacement game. The IHSA rationale is that if you aren't going to play a game because the other team forfeits, it's okay to count it as a win, but if you are in this for the kids and succeed in finding an opponent, you risk the bird in the hand. The IHSA is effectively encouraging schools to accept a W they didn't earn over taking a risk that they should be taking.

BTW, it's exhibition, not exposition.
I get it and sorry for my phone taking over. I don’t mind if they play an “exhibition” game but tell the kids the game doesn’t count! We don’t keep score. It’s just for fun. You can’t play a football game and it doesn’t count. To much on the line. Kids risk injury every time they step on the field, try telling them the game doesn’t count. I am not saying my idea is the right one it’s an idea. You come up with a better idea that makes sense. I am fine with the IHSA policy unless you someone has something better?
Yes. This exhibition game talk is absurd to me. You play a game, you win or lose. This everyone gets a trophy stuff is out of hand.
I think Rochester has done more than enough to win trophies. Starting their run as a smaller to mid- 4A school, "playing up" all season since they joined the CS8, and culminating with what could have been "putting a clock" on the over confident St. Rita team in the 2019 5A Championship. All the while playing in a town of 5,000 and being a public school. Not a single player from 2010 to present does not have a championship ring in their possession. The interviews from both sides of the Loyola/Rochester matchup were about getting the teams on the field because no one would play either team. Put the "everyone gets a trophy" talk away. And had you listened to rather than just heard the interview, coach Leonard was very forthright in his expectations regarding the game and the superior need of the kids to play and not take a week off. Judging by their win over SHG the following week, the current playoff outlook, and the present AP rankings, Rochester is not worried about going into the payoffs 8-1 no matter if they're in 4A or 5A. Hopefully the adults at IHSA and the childish administration of the CPS don't mess up the system in November as they did in 2019.
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I think Rochester has done more than enough to win trophies. Starting their run as a smaller to mid- 4A school, "playing up" all season since they joined the CS8, and culminating with what could have been "putting a clock" on the over confident St. Rita team in the 2019 5A Championship. All the while playing in a town of 5,000 and being a public school. Not a single player from 2010 to present does not have a championship ring in their possession. The interviews from both sides of the Loyola/Rochester matchup were about getting the teams on the field because no one would play either team. Put the "everyone gets a trophy" talk away.
I am aware of Rochester. None of what you said makes whining about not getting a forfeit win when one chose to play a game NOT everyone gets a trophy mentality. It almost came across as entitled. Let's be clear, forfeit wins are not earned wins, they're a technicality. I would feel silly arguing that I deserve one, especially after a complete beating.

Also, I tire of this "no one would play either team" narrative. It's patently false. We'll leave it at that, for now.
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It’s just for fun. You can’t play a football game and it doesn’t count. Kids risk injury every time they step on the field
I get what you're saying. But, the idea of "kids risk injury every time they step on the field" misses the point and isn't a valid argument here. The point is, you are running "unnecessary" risk in playing a game that doesn't count. I would be extremely pissed if it was my son who got hurt in a frickin' game that didn't count or mean anything during the season. I wouldn't be happy if my son got hurt in a game that counted either. But at least you know it's a game on the schedule and it means something.

I hope these coaches are ready to explain themselves if a kid does get hurt in a meaningless game. And don't pass it off to the kids. Of course they want to play. But many teenage kids do have a habit of making bad choices in life, yes?
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