CPL Week 3!


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
Can you believe we are already into Week 3 of the CPL season? How time flies! Week 3 is significant in the CPL since the kids that came out when school started a couple of weeks ago now have enough practices in to be eligible! Forfeits go down and the excitement goes up! This week we go from Hot Thursday CPL Action to Saturday morning! All of these games start at or before noon! On to the picks!

Kelly vs Fenger
They say Saturdays are for the boys, but Saturday Mornings are for the Fenger Fingers!!
Fenger gives Kelly the Finger this week.

Hyde Park vs Amundsen
The first fall weather type Saturday of the year in Winnemac Park! Get there early for the Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Stay for the Lulu Lemon wearing stroller pushers and dog walkers!
Hyde Park!

Lincoln Park vs Phillips
Is this game at Mandrake Park? I hope so. It is the craziest place to watch a football game in the entire city. Look it up on Google Maps. It's like a football field was placed in a giant traffic circle between Cottage Grove, Pershing, and Oakwood Blvd. No stands, just a berm around the field covered in trees. I saw a night game there once and there were more fans on the sidelines with the teams than at a pee wee football game. Random dudes sitting on the bench behind the teams eating takeout. Get there early and hit up best chicken and waffle joint in the area at Oakwood and MLK Drive. The game? This isn't the Phillips of a few years back, but that doesn't matter vs LP.

Morgan Park vs Westinghouse
Remember when NFL Thursday night football was all Color Rush matchups? A few years back, Taft went all blue vs Westinghouse wearing the all yellow. I can't remember who won, but I do remember how crazy that looked. I do remember that it was at Lane, and I hammered a White Castle Crave Case in the parking lot before going into the game. Props to the last working toilet at Lane Stadium.....
Give me the House!
Amundsen will beat HP - might be close, but vikings win.

Not sure how you came up with that last pick - MP gonna roll WH.
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Amundsen will beat HP - might be close, but vikings win.

Not sure how you came up with that last pick - MP gonna roll WH.
Welcome to the thread where much like the hit show Who's Line Is It Anyways? Logic and Common sense need not apply. Why, you ask? Well obviously, because...


Week 3 sees the removal of Rosengard as the head of CPL Athletics, might need to start to gather some number on favorites to replace him, but that's for another post. On to this weekend's picks!

Kelly vs Fenger
Was really worried where this one was heading but then able to take a great sigh of relief. I know a fella that has a crazy set of rules for picking games, one of these said rules is to never pick a school named for a woman. Led to many late discussions, low and behold discussing our weekend picks at the Hig and buddy drops a Kelly pick on us. The whole place went record scratch and shot him a look, dude drops, a "What? they're named after the color!" Place goes up from grabs. Give me the Greens!

Hyde Park vs Amundsen
Here's a little DYK for you this fine afternoon... Did you know that Hyde Park was founded by John Cornell based off of advice from Stephen Douglas to invest in property on the South Side? Sounds like a bold move. Another bold move is exploring the arctic like Mr. Roald Amundsen, in the heroic age of exploration. Leading to the boldest of moves, me taking the DAWGZ! Go Senn

Lincoln Park vs Phillips
Lincoln Park hasn't been decent since Terrence Shannon was there. Phillips has been in steady decline since Troy left. I'll take NBA over Sandburg everyday. In the end, give me Linkin Park

Morgan Park vs Westinghouse
Oh boy this one will get ugly early, give me Ag Science
Can you believe we are already into Week 3 of the CPL season? How time flies! Week 3 is significant in the CPL since the kids that came out when school started a couple of weeks ago now have enough practices in to be eligible! Forfeits go down and the excitement goes up! This week we go from Hot Thursday CPL Action to Saturday morning! All of these games start at or before noon! On to the picks!

Kelly vs Fenger
They say Saturdays are for the boys, but Saturday Mornings are for the Fenger Fingers!!
Fenger gives Kelly the Finger this week.

Hyde Park vs Amundsen
The first fall weather type Saturday of the year in Winnemac Park! Get there early for the Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Stay for the Lulu Lemon wearing stroller pushers and dog walkers!
Hyde Park!

Lincoln Park vs Phillips
Is this game at Mandrake Park? I hope so. It is the craziest place to watch a football game in the entire city. Look it up on Google Maps. It's like a football field was placed in a giant traffic circle between Cottage Grove, Pershing, and Oakwood Blvd. No stands, just a berm around the field covered in trees. I saw a night game there once and there were more fans on the sidelines with the teams than at a pee wee football game. Random dudes sitting on the bench behind the teams eating takeout. Get there early and hit up best chicken and waffle joint in the area at Oakwood and MLK Drive. The game? This isn't the Phillips of a few years back, but that doesn't matter vs LP.

Morgan Park vs Westinghouse
Remember when NFL Thursday night football was all Color Rush matchups? A few years back, Taft went all blue vs Westinghouse wearing the all yellow. I can't remember who won, but I do remember how crazy that looked. I do remember that it was at Lane, and I hammered a White Castle Crave Case in the parking lot before going into the game. Props to the last working toilet at Lane Stadium.....
Give me the House!
I looked up Mandrake Park. That is a crazy configuration. I see they have two Pickleball courts now too fyi

Uplift vs Little Village

@thecpsblog referenced, you never know what is going to happen in the CPL! A few years ago, Uplift was a pretty good program. Then they didn't have football. Then they were back, but forfeited a bunch of games. Then they were gone. Now they are back and playing a schedule. Little Village never cancelled a season, but they have always been good for a forfeit or two per season.... Not sure who is going to win, but I am pretty sure the final score will be officially recorded as 1-0.

NO ONE wins in the CPL FF Bowl!
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Uplift vs Little Village

@thecpsblog referenced, you never know what is going to happen in the CPL! A few years ago, Uplift was a pretty good program. Then they didn't have football. Then they were back, but forfeited a bunch of games. Then they were gone. Now they are back and playing a schedule. Little Village never cancelled a season, but they have always been good for a forfeit or two per season.... Not sure who is going to win, but I am pretty sure the final score will be officially recorded as 1-0.

NO ONE wins in the CPL FF Bowl!
Here is the church, here is the steeple, open it up and there wins the Little Village People!
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