CPL Pick 'Em... Rivalry Week Edition!!


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
How time flies! Can you believe we are already in Week 7? Seems like just yesterday that we were gearing up for Hot Thursday CPL Action, and now we in CPL Rivalry week! Yeah, I know there are a ton of them this week, but. like at the apple orchard this fall...I'm only picking the cream of the crop! On to the picks!!

Sullivan vs Senn
It's a north side slobber knocker! 1.2 miles apart. Sully riding high at 6-0. The Dawgs rolling in at 4-2. A rivalry so huge they'd play this one in the median of Clark Street if they could. Of course, Senn would still show up late and deliver a pounding.

Amundsen vs Whitney Young
This one is always interesting. Whitney Young is a selective enrollment school that can get kids from anywhere in the city, so there is no real regional rival. In an effort to build one, they tried Clark, but lose. They tried Payton, but lose. They tried Lane, usually lose. They tried Northside, no football team, but they most likely would usually lose. Amundsen is in the same boat. Sullivan? Usually lose. Senn? Usually lose. Mather? Come, on... Makes sense that these two would try to establish a rivalry... Of course if this game is at Winnemac on Saturday, you can bet the smell of pumpkin spice will be in the air as the lululemon baby stroller crowd hits the park on a beautiful fall afternoon in the city. Home field advantage baby!!!
Pumpkin spice...with TWO Pumps!

Simeon vs Kenwood
Not a traditional football rival. Simeon has dominated this series over the years. This one is spicy because the new coach at Simeon bolted from Kenwood to take over when Dante Culbreath retired from coaching. Get to Gately early. Not just to get through that security line, but I hear there is a fresh batch of Gately Dogs being rolled out for this one!
Relish and Extra Onions!

Lane vs Taft
Story time. For years, kids grew up on the NW side of Chicago and made the choice to go to Lane. In fact, many elementary teachers in the area would advise kids to go to Lane and not Taft. After a stellar run in the 70's, most of the best football players would go to Lane. The crazy thing was, most Taft people accepted it. It was a rivalry because kids from both schools lived next door to each other, not because the teams were matched up well on the field. Lane dominated. That changed about 10 years ago when a new principal took over at Taft and hired a new coach that had grown up across the Kennedy from Taft. Dude put together a staff of angry misfits, dressed them in Ditka sweaters, and lead them around carrying a skull. No lie. Dude would coach with a skull in his hand. Not sure if it was a real skull, but it was certainly museum quality if it wasn't. Anyway, I'm not sure what kind of magic that dude worked, but instead of getting rolled by Schurz, Taft became a CPL contender, playing for city championships and actually winning one. Also, a huge bonus that Taft is right down the street from the HarHig where old Taft coaches hang out and complain about how tough they had it in their day....not exactly the best conversation, but they are loose with the $$, and times are tight!
Free Beer!