CPL Pick 'EM Biggest Game of the Weekend Edition! CPL CHAMPIONSHIP!


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
Well, we have finally reached the pinnacle of the football season, the CPL Championship. Now, some will say that it isn't really a championship because Morgan Park won 2 games in the state playoffs... blah, blah, blah.... Those people hate fun. Period. And we are all about fun here at CPL Pick 'EM! You drink your Haterade while those of us that love football are hunkered down at a neighborhood watering hole drinking Old Style. On to the pick!

Kenwood vs Whitney Young
Why did the dolphin blush?
It saw the ocean's bottom!

Why did the dolphin cross the road?
To get to the other tide!

Why was the dolphin grouchy?
He ate too many crabs!

What did the bronco say when he fell down?
I've fallen and I can't get up!

Why do most bronco's look so fit?
Because they are on a stable diet!

We love fun!!!

Pick Fun!!