Yup, I've personally never had a problem with folks from the nether regions of Adams County. Many who reside in those rural areas have ties or commute to work in Quincy. Plus, growing up quite rural, you respect the farmers for the livelihood they choose to live. It isn't for everyone. But you're right man, I would bet not a single business was open during that game. They live for that..The school was literally in the middle of a farm field. It was after harvest on a beautiful fall afternoon. The entire effing town was there - just a TERRIFIC atmosphere and a gorgeous vista. In the middle of it, the hometown boys beat the snot out of the big-city athletes.
I do remember a chain guy getting removed from his duties during that game though. I believe my memory is correct on that one... and the narrative explaining why wasn't a very nice one. But, luckily, most folks don't think that way and in the end, they just knew you were city boys, and a private school. That's all the fuel they needed right there.