
I have no idea what happened.

So SF gets the ball back and Prov has two timeouts with 45 seconds left. Everyone celebrating as if the game is over. Francis QB goes to kneel the ball, takes a few steps back before kneeling and the ref throws a flag. Delay of game. There’s some discussion that goes on and it goes from 1st to 3rd down…now all of a sudden Providence can get the ball back. Kudos to them hell of a drive 3 plays like 65 yards with 40 seconds left…

But if a ref on here can explain that to me. Had the additional down not gotten taken away SF would have kneeled the ball and went home.
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Game over, Provi scored on 30ish yard hail Mary as time hit zero.
More importantly why the loss of down? SF was in victory formation…maybe rusty on the rules but I’ve never heard of a 5 yard penalty and additional loss of down for a delay of game penalty on a kneel to end the game.

The Hail Mary should have never been a possibility. Still confused.
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Was the ref crew the same one that did Naz vs Simeon and/or was there a naz das dresses as a ref on the sideline? You may be on to something
Was the ref crew the same one that did Naz vs Simeon and/or was there a naz das dresses as a ref on the sideline? You may be on to something
Checking to see if a ref with the name “Tuccs” was calling the game.

On a serious note that was the strangest ending to a football game at any level I have ever witnessed. Would appreciate an explanation from any of the refs on this site.
I have no idea what happened.

So SF gets the ball back and Prov has two timeouts with 45 seconds left. Everyone celebrating as if the game is over. Francis QB goes to kneel the ball, takes a few steps back before kneeling and the ref throws a flag. Delay of game. There’s some discussion that goes on and it goes from 1st to 3rd down…now all of a sudden Providence can get the ball back. Kudos to them hell of a drive 3 plays like 65 yards with 40 seconds left…

But if a ref on here can explain that to me. Had the additional down not gotten taken away SF would have kneeled the ball and went home.

The still shots of the ball on the ground are horrific. Those refs should never officiate another game in their lives. The ball is on the turf not even a hand under it..... absolute robbery
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Is there a way to post photos? This is horrible... if the kid caught it then good for him, but this ball is literally laying on the turf next to the kid and he rolls over on top of it
@DMurph11 I'm still not seeing it. Delay of game on first knee, so should have been 1st down again. Then another knee, then a running play, then a punt.
Without seeing or knowing anything about this game in particular, did Provi have the chance to decline the delay of game? Which would have accepted the play on the kneel down making it 2nd down.
Without seeing or knowing anything about this game in particular, did Provi have the chance to decline the delay of game? Which would have accepted the play on the kneel down making it 2nd down.

After the penalty the ball was exactly 5 yards behind the sticks for the next play, so it didn't look like it. But I suppose it possible that happened and they just screwed up the spot. Going to stop guessing at this point and wait for the refs among us to chime in 😂
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I’ve watched the replay and the Providence receiver didn’t catch the ball in the end zone to boot.

Awful all the way around. To the point the official Providence Twitter had the game as a 25-21 loss before deleting it and changing it almost a half hour later.
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@DMurph11 I'm still not seeing it. Delay of game on first knee, so should have been 1st down again. Then another knee, then a running play, then a punt.
A delay should mean dead ball foul, thus 1st and 15 (offended team can always refuse the yardage), but the box read 2 (second down) for the subsequent snap. Didn't help that the scoreboard was never updated during the series. Errors in "downs" can be corrected, as in this instance.
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Not an official here but one thing that comes to mind is that delay of game is not necessarily only for letting the play clock expire. At least in the NFL, spiking the ball after the play is called a delay of game. In fact, Jalen Hurts was just called for that infraction in a recent game. Perhaps there is a rule that if a quarterback does not immediately go down on a kneel, it is delay of game as well?
The flag is clearly after the play and that doesn’t align with the idea that they were penalized for the play clock running out. It also seems in the discussion between the Francis Coach and officials, the coach mimics a kneeling motion to show what he thinks happened.
Nah we still need them. If Providence declines the delay of game the clock shouldn’t stop after 1st down (it did). If they accepted it, it shouldn’t be a loss of down and the clock should stop. But it was both a 5 yard penalty and loss of down - which I haven’t seen before. Curious as to thoughts from the stripes here.
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Nah we still need them. I’m sure it’s been fleshed out but if they decline the delay of game the clock shouldn’t stop after 1st down (it did). If they accepted it, it shouldn’t be a loss of down and the clock should stop. But it was both a yard penalty and loss of down - which I haven’t seen before. Curious as to thoughts.
I’ll call them back.

@stripes13 @Chief321 @Zebra @William Foster
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The still shots of the ball on the ground are horrific. Those refs should never officiate another game in their lives. The ball is on the turf not even a hand under it..... absolute robbery
between that and the fiasco when SF was in victory formation it was officiating malpractice.
Not an official here but one thing that comes to mind is that delay of game is not necessarily only for letting the play clock expire. At least in the NFL, spiking the ball after the play is called a delay of game. In fact, Jalen Hurts was just called for that infraction in a recent game. Perhaps there is a rule that if a quarterback does not immediately go down on a kneel, it is delay of game as well?
The flag is clearly after the play and that doesn’t align with the idea that they were penalized for the play clock running out. It also seems in the discussion between the Francis Coach and officials, the coach mimics a kneeling motion to show what he thinks happened.
Just checked NFHS rule book there is no such rule regarding delay of game for immediate kneel down. My guess is this is a college crew and they confused the rules which is more common than you think.
Only 3 penalties in high school incur loss of down 1) illegal touching 2) illegal forward pass 3) intentional grounding