MC over SR 6-2....nm

uhhh totally not understanding Chilltoppers post - or this self destructive phase SR is stuck in. WTH, Mustangs? WTH???
yeah, gia, that one was tough to get. a bit confusing.

I was trying to convey that even when Dean does not leave a message, just reports a score, i can sense a sinister motive.
This post was edited on 5/15 9:38 PM by JCHILLTOPPERS
well it seems like MC hasnt beaten Rita in anything for a while...this could have been the freshman "B" game and i would have posted it lol
SR team struggling

Players were told before MC game by the head coach - no batting practice - no pre-game - team meeting @ 10:30.

All of this happened and they still went down. MC warmed up while SR continued a "pep talk" (that went 45 minutes).

How about this quote after the BR game - St. Rita coach Mike Zunica was none too pleased with his team's performance or its lack of passion.

"We don't hate to lose. That's the problem," said Zunica, whose Mustangs fell to 23-6, 12-4. "We either score three runs and go flat or don't score any runs and go flat. It's a shame because there is 100 years of St. Rita baseball tradition to be upheld. These kids act like they just don't care."

They must care to be 22 and 8.

Both teams' fourth game should be against each other, that's IF the seeds play out.

Next couple of games against non-conference opponents is what Rita needs right now. Hopefully with this, SR can clear their heads and start fresh. In playoffs, first two games will be against CPS schools with a possible Friar/Meteor matchup in Round Three. And if SR gets by one of those teams, it looks like a SR vs Oak Park/MC victor for the right to play a Larry/Brother/Sandburg winner?
Re: SR team struggling

On Saturday, May 22, the Church will celebrate the feast day of St. Rita of Cascia, who the late John Paul II called an “expert in suffering.”

I think the team is taking this a bit too literally.
Re: SR team struggling

with baseball i never bought into the whole pep talk,yelling and screaming thing. its baseball not football ya know. if anything with baseball being such a mental game, u now actually put MORE undue stress on your team.