Loyola v East Side

I'm sure there were stipulations. No way a 5A size public school could ever beat the predominant 8A private school.
Not a snowballs chance in hell but here we are on a Labor Day weekend witnessing the impossible. Let’s all count ourselves lucky to witness the impossible. Oh wait, we couldn’t witness or watch it because NFHS let us all down again.
Not a snowballs chance in hell but here we are on a Labor Day weekend witnessing the impossible. Let’s all count ourselves lucky to witness the impossible. Oh wait, we couldn’t witness or watch it because NFHS let us all down again.
Not a snowballs chance in hell but here we are on a Labor Day weekend witnessing the impossible. Let’s all count ourselves lucky to witness the impossible. Oh wait, we couldn’t witness or watch it because NFHS let us all down again.
If you paid for NFHS, that's on you
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I wouldn't have believed this outcome, if I had not seen it with my own eyes.
Wait a minute, I didn't get to see it or even listen to it.
I only got to pay for seeing it.
That means it didn't really happen. No proof.

None of this is true, unless one of the ESL OL/DL weighs the same as a large duck. Then maybe they are a Witch, and this outcome was actually real.
LA will regroup and be fine in 8A.. They are not the team of years past on D or up front on O but the staff will get them better throughout the season. LWE, Maine South, York etc. don’t have anywhere close to the size and speed of ESL. ESL is special and we all saw that tonight.
I would love a post tomorrow from any of our resident Loyola guys w/ their perspective on the game. This thread has 90 posts but seems to be radio silence from them. Not a knock.
I didn't see the game, so my perspective is limited. I read a few articles that point to Loyola being smaller and slower than the Flyers. Loyola obviously lost big to a far better team. If you're gonna lose, better to do that against a superior team than an inferior one.

You might note that I was not one who claimed in a pregame post that Loyola would win that game. Neither did I think they would lose. What I did think was that it would be a close game that either team could win. That didn't happen, and it is the only thing that surprised me.

Glenbard West next up for the Ramblers. Win or lose, I think that game will be more indicative of how Loyola will fare for the rest of the year.
I didn't see the game, so my perspective is limited. I read a few articles that point to Loyola being smaller and slower than the Flyers. Loyola obviously lost big to a far better team. If you're gonna lose, better to do that against a superior team than an inferior one.

You might note that I was not one who claimed in a pregame post that Loyola would win that game. Neither did I think they would lose. What I did think was that it would be a close game that either team could win. That didn't happen, and it is the only thing that surprised me.

Glenbard West next up for the Ramblers. Win or lose, I think that game will be more indicative of how Loyola will fare for the rest of the year.
Glenbard West isn’t the team we have become accustomed to seeing. This isn’t a game to determine how LA will fair in the playoffs. LWE is licking their chops at pay back. This isn’t the LWE team of years past this team is fast with a QB that can sling it all over the field. Congrats to ESL. The score was a surprise and it sounds like the Flyers are going to be a tough out. That said the Flyers have a tough schedule ahead. I am not sure why Cary Grove keeps getting brought up because every year is a different team. Let’s see who can rise again to the top to make the playoffs then we can pound our chests. 😂
I would make the argument that ESL schedule had that team beat up coke the end of the season

Pops seemed to not want to be there against CG

Mentally they seemed checked out before that game even started.

With that said… I am excited to see how this flyer team matched up against these national travel teams.
- I am speaking out of both sides of my mouth with this post