If Brady wins his 4th

I am more of a believer in it being Belichick, not Brady, but he's the best QB in NFL history if he wins it. Prolific numbers PLUS four rings?! Sorry Joe...
I would have to say Brady is the best all time right now. He is headed for his 6th Super Bowl which no other QB can say. But the larger point is that he has produced and won time and time again without the very best backs in the league. He has made the people around him better moreso than any other QB in my opinion. The Patriots have interchanged a lot of parts over the years and Brady continues to thrive. Maybe the system does deserve some credit but I feel like the bulk of it is Brady. We really won't know whether it was the system or more of him until he retires.

Nothing against Joe Montana, I think he is a close second, but he did have Rice, Taylor, Clark, Craig and others. Brady didn't have that kind of talent around him. If you look at the top 10 receivers all time for the 49ers, five of them played with Montana. Did Montana help, yes. But the players I named would have been great anywhere. I can't say that's true with some Brady have worked with.
Brady may be the best or one of the best of all-time. But it is extremely difficult if not impossible to objectively compare Brady's numbers/stats in today's current era of NFL football to any era 10, 20, 30, 40, 50.....etc years ago. The rules within the game today as compared to the rules within the past eras have changed substantially and dramatically which has resulted in the game changing as such in both play and strategy. And those changes....and an endless number of them....have just about all been in the favor of the offense...the QB's....the receivers.....the play and strategy for QB's...the pass-blocking and protection for QB's....the game clock and management of the clock for the QB/offense....receivers running routes...receivers catching passes....and all the rules against the defense to hamper them in defending the pass.

But Brady may indeed be the all-timer.....or one of super bowl appearances, performances and wins when he calls it quits.
Tom Brady?
Peyton Manning?
Joe Montana?
John Elway?

Michelle Pfeiffer?
Marilyn Monroe?
Angelina Jolie?
Grace Kelly?

I mean, when you surpass a certain level, rankings get kind of silly, no?
Originally posted by DeanOfSelection:

one drive who do u want?
To me, in this order.

1. Tom Brady
2. Joe Montana
3. John Elway

Any of these three could get it done when it was nut cutting time.
Originally posted by Dr. Mirakle:
Originally posted by DeanOfSelection:

one drive who do u want?
To me, in this order.

1. Tom Brady
2. Joe Montana
3. John Elway

Any of these three could get it done when it was nut cutting time.
Agree with you here.
Originally posted by DeanOfSelection:

one drive who do u want?
How long is the drive going to be, 200 miles, 500 miles, cross country?
Will we be in a motor home with a driver or a regular car? A convertible might be nice.
I'm trying to decide and these are things I need to know before making this kind of decision.
Right now I'm leaning toward Michelle Pfeiffer or Marilyn Monroe, but, would I be able to bring along Cindy Crawford and/or Heather Locklear in the back seat?

If you're going on a long drive you really wouldn't get much of a conversation from Marilyn Monroe.
With all of the rules changes put in place since I first began following the NFL, along with the relentless pace of expansion/dilution, is this a meaningful question?
Originally posted by corey90:
Dr. I agree with you.
1. Brady
2. Montana
3. P. Manning 1 SB
4. No Way Elway
5. Bradshaw to many SB to overlook.

I almost included Bradshaw but the fact is, he had a lot of HOF ers on his team. I like Brady because he has done it with so many changes of personnel. I would definitely take Elway over Manning to answer that question of who you would want on that last drive.

Manning's playoff record is nowhere near Elway's either. But honestly, you could certainly do worse than either of these guys. There have been a lot of bad QBs in the league over the years. I am sure you know of at least one.

This post was edited on 1/24 10:41 AM by Dr. Mirakle